Are you circumcised?


Full time employment: Posting here.
Dec 19, 2006
Catchy title, eh?

Our daughter is turning 1 year old next week and she has been such a joy in our lives that we are planning out our next child. The subject of circumcision came up when we were discussing aspects of raising a boy, were we to have one next.

Here in Europe, this procedure is not commonly performed. Usually only certain religious groups have it done. But in the U.S. this is still much more common.

I was born in 1971, which according to Wikipedia, was the high point of circumcisions in the U.S. with a rate of around 90% of all males born. Everyone I new growing up was as well. When I was a kid and saw those naked African kids on National Geographic, I assumed they had some kind of deformed penis, but alas, they were just uncircumcised. Turns out perhaps I was the deformed one.

I've read about the medical reasons for and against on the internet and that most medical groups these days don't recommend it as routine.

Still though, I wouldn't mind hearing a little first hand information from some people who have had to make this decision themselves, either recently or in the past. What did you choose and why? Also, I'd like to ask the doctors on the forum what trends they may be aware of in the real world. Are doctors refusing this at all or staying relatively neutral on the matter?
My grandson was circumcised recently. But I didn't question the parents; that's their decision. One good thing I learned. The pediatrican uses a local anesthetic. Can you believe that this is relatively new? You poor guys must be deeply traumatized. More than you know:rolleyes:
Both my sons were. The pediatrician said that studies show it is healthier than not doing it. However, they did not allow the parents to be in the room when they did it, too traumatic for mom and dad..........:(
Still though, I wouldn't mind hearing a little first hand information from some people who have had to make this decision themselves, either recently or in the past. What did you choose and why?
The changes that parenting brings to one's life...

Anyway, we pondered this particular question almost 21 years ago and the advice we liked the best was "match whatever Dad has".
I thought this procedure was on the foreskin of technology..........^-^
Not a doctor or a mom, but my advice as a female partner of men would be not to do it, if you can avoid it. I think intact guys have more sensitivity and I experience more pleasure, too; some men have reportedly even gone to the extent of getting a re-constructed foreskin. I tend to think anything natural is made that way for a reason.. think of when you have a band-aid on your finger for a while, and how that area of skin feels when the band-aid comes off.
I am not. I was delivered by a female doctor in the 50's. It is barbaric and the child should be able to make the decision at the age of 18! I didn't even know I wasn't until I was 16 or so. Who's doing all the peter checks to figure out who's "normal" or not? I attended public schools and showered at gym and no one ever pointed it out to me. I believe I read it reduces a half inch or so. It is abuse!
One word you don't want to hear during a Bris: ooops.
I don't agree. My husband is circumcised, as is my son and grandson - not for religious reasons. It is much easier to keep the male's genitals clean and I understand that statistically it is healthier for their wife. I believe sexual satisfaction is the result of technique and emotional connection, not foreskin.

This procedure should be done by a health care professional. It does not impact the length of the penis.
I don't agree.

This procedure should be done by a health care professional.

When you grow a penis you get a vote or I'll start voting against women being able to deal with their own body issues.

Agree that a health care professional should do the procedure AT the request of the "proceduree?" Eaiser to clean. Are we that lazy that we're willing to give up NERVE ENDINGS?

How bout female circumcison?
When you grow a penis you get a vote or I'll start voting against women being able to deal with their own body issues.

Agree that a health care professional should do the procedure AT the request of the "proceduree?" Eaiser to clean. Are we that lazy that we're willing to give up NERVE ENDINGS?

How bout female circumcison?

Obviously you feel strongly about this, but female circumcision is something completely different and is a misnomer.
Yeah, right. But the same stupidity is expressed to validate both.
Notmuchlonger................ Ouch, is that the final result:confused:?
I'm very grateful that my parents did not have me circumcised. I would not have the procedure done on my children (if I had any children). There is conflicting evidence on any medical benefit. While growing up in the 60's/70's, I faced no "gym class" comments from peers. If I did, I would have said "what are you doing looking at my penis?" As far as keeping the penis clean, that takes all but 2 seconds in the shower. You can agree with the practice or not, but it is genital mutilation.
My ex and I differed radically on this topic. When I was pregnant with my daughter, we discussed what we would do if the baby turned out to be a boy (back in those days, few knew in advance).

My ex felt as strongly in favor of circumcision, as a health measure, as I did against it, as a barbaric and unspeakably cruel act. Actually, we never did resolve our differences on this but also never had a son, so it didn't matter that much.
All these years and I just realized I was genitally mutilated.


Damn what a great pickup line. Hey baby want to see my genital mutilation..

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