what did you do today? (2008-2015) (closed)

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Over the weekend attended an EVOC (emergency vehicle operators course). It was well worth it, especially at the 1/2 price with retired rates.

According to the instructor it was the smallest class he ever had. Only eight people. It was a fun class for me. Not so much for the young whippersnapper fire fighters and ambulance driver wannabees. For them it is a required course, must pass.

Actually learned a lot. Like what emergency vehicle drivers must and cannot do. All the legal liabilities if not operating exactly within the confines of the laws.

Lots of good info on vehicle dynamics, coefficient of friction of road surfaces.

Mostly took the course for the fun of it. The driving qualification course was a blast.
if it hurts to move your eyes you should go see a Dr. as that is one of the symptoms of inflamation to the meninges and you would want to rule out meningitis.

bbbamI, here's another vote to see your doctor. I hope you aren't getting swine flu.
bbbamI...ahem...please get thee to a doc or :bat:
Do we have to 'sic' RichInTampa and Meadbh on ya?

Seriously, worsening symptoms should not be ignored. :flowers:
I went through a depression cycle last month because of pain and pain-killers.

I am feeling much better and have started cooking up batches of soup (with summer and autumn vegetables).
I just watched an amazing live broadcast of fiber-optically transmitted images from the outside and interior of the Titanic, delivered by two remotely controlled cameras of an deep ocean submersible.
They were able to see articles that were amazingly preserved and intact despite the force of the ocean floor impact and the salt water corrosion.
No skeletons TG. :(

Science Channel rules! :D
If that is Banana Cream or Coconut Cream pie

Coconut Cream -- my new favorite.

Took everything out of the drawers, cabinets, and closet at my office, and sorted through it all.

That reminds me of the last few days of school each year in elementary school. We would clean up the classroom, take things home, etc. It was always so exciting that summer vacation was only a few days away.
Just got back from a minor surgical procedure. I'm still recovering from the anesthesia, so if this doesn't make entirely good sense, then blame it on the good drugs. (And boy are they good. Whoo hoo!)

The hospital staff was outstanding, pleasant and incredibly well organized. Every staff member I encountered asked me my name, birthday, my doctor, and why I was there. These folks aren't about to mix up their patients. Both the surgeon and the anesthesiologist spent quality time with me.

Being an aging geek, I was pleased to see that hospitals have finally adopted computer record keeping. Each nurse's cart had a laptop with wireless access, and it seemed that everything was recorded there. Super.

Will I offend anybody if I said that the only thing that would have made me feel more secure is if their system had been Macs instead of PCs? a42.gif
Yesterday took the motorcycle to the shop for some driveability and hard-starting issues, will be done under warranty. Probably a too-lean fuel mixture. Also an oil/filter change since that is nearly due. Normally I'd do it myself but since it was there anyway might as well have them do it.

Took DW to the Dr. for a week-long sore throat and upset tummy but she's on the mend now.

She mentioned something about going out to dinner but I said that if I spend $30-$40 on her dinner I expect her to keep it down. Is that being insensitive?:)
Took DW to the Dr. for a week-long sore throat and upset tummy but she's on the mend now.

She mentioned something about going out to dinner but I said that if I spend $30-$40 on her dinner I expect her to keep it down. Is that being insensitive?:)
Well...I....errrrr.....nahhhhhhhhhh..... Heh.
She mentioned something about going out to dinner but I said that if I spend $30-$40 on her dinner I expect her to keep it down. Is that being insensitive?:)

After which you offered to take her to her choice of nice restaurants for around $20 each, or to cook the dinner of her choice for her at home while she rests in the recliner watching TV, or to order take-out?

And then you went out and got her prescriptions or over-the-counter medications to help with the problem? And did the laundry, dishes, and vacuuming, and straightened up the house so that she could rest?

Nah, not insensitive.... :)

As for me, I went to my routine doctor's appointment yesterday and found that my BP had just crossed the line, and while I am not diabetic yet he is concerned about that too. So, I ended up with two new meds. :( After which I went to the gym and did my usual workout while feeling like I am 110 years old. No, 115. I see him again in 3 months and I am determined to lose 15 pounds by then.
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After which you offered to take her to her choice of nice restaurants for around $20 each, or to cook the dinner of her choice for her at home while she rests in the recliner watching TV, or to order take-out?

And then you went out and got her prescriptions or over-the-counter medications to help with the problem? And did the laundry, dishes, and vacuuming, and straightened up the house so that she could rest?

Nah, not insensitive.... :)
You forgot the bilateral 10 minute foot rub! :cool:

Today's lineup was laundry, a few dishes, surfing, transplanting Romaine lettuce seedlings into my indoor growing aquarium, calling about where the *%@! my new mattress is in the store delivery process, and marinating some beef strips for jerky.
I have one of those free Kindle novels awaiting me. It's a story about a teacher who gets stranded with 8 teenagers in a snowstorm at this remote lodge in the mountains, owned by a hunky guy with a leg injury. I left off with Chapter 11 last night, right after they groped at each other in the closed laundry room with the kids right in the next room. She had to leave after they cleared the roads, but he invited her back for a holiday weekend...and...
Junk food reading (with a little steam) can be a lot of fun sometimes. ;)
Met my new neighbors today. She is a nurse and he is a police officer for another city. :greetings10:

My "old' neighbor sold the house to them for $182k. I paid $97k for mine 15 years ago....

Anyway, the kids are installing new flooring in most of the house, granite in the bathrooms and new windows. Mucho dinero. The thing that gets me is they are in their mid 20s. My first thought was, 'how in the world can they afford this?' :eek:

Then I have to remember not all 20 somethings are as broke as I was back in the day. :blink:
Met my new neighbors today. She is a nurse and he is a police officer for another city. :greetings10:

Meeting neighbors is scary fun! I met a new couple in the next building through their pets. They put a huge cat tree in the bay window just a few feet from my window. This was my first sight of one of their three pets, did a double take because she looks so much like my "Fluffy." So I try to "keep up with the Joneses" by adding another level to my cat's window perch. Of course being LBYM, I just re-arranged the furniture, didn't buy anything new. An old friend below them has talked to them about putting a screen on their window but they haven't bothered yet; it's four stories up. Such are the problems on my block.


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Congrats on the LEO neighbor. Though watch out for strange happenings.

I had in Maryland a highly decorated homicide detective next door. One day he decided his above ground wood framed pool was too much hassle. So he rented a bobcat with a dozer blade. Pushed the whole contraption into a big pile, liner and all.

Then added 5 gallons of gasoline on top, pulling a 15 trail of gas away way from the pile. Then lit it off. Went up flames with a big whoooshh. Burned for days. The plastic liner burning sure stank up the neighborhood for many days.

Met my new neighbors today. She is a nurse and he is a police officer for another city. :greetings10:

My "old' neighbor sold the house to them for $182k. I paid $97k for mine 15 years ago....

Anyway, the kids are installing new flooring in most of the house, granite in the bathrooms and new windows. Mucho dinero. The thing that gets me is they are in their mid 20s. My first thought was, 'how in the world can they afford this?' :eek:

Then I have to remember not all 20 somethings are as broke as I was back in the day. :blink:

Edible Dirt, by Matt Rosemier
We drove 2 hours to my alma mater today for my first 3-2 Engineering Advisory Committee meeting. I was not the oldest alumnus, but did take 3rd place. :LOL: Actually, my Advisor was the Grand Greybeard of the Day. It was wonderful to see him. He was having trouble remembering me until I told him the story of me running up to him, in my cap and gown, on graduation day waving my required senior project paper at him. "I finished it! I finished it!"
He cracked up.
With so many students in his long teaching career, who knows if he really did remember me or not ?

I have to say, it has been a very long time since I sat in a room with a bunch of techno-geeks where nobody argued, fought over money, or said rude things to make themselves look good. How refreshing! :D
This is gonna be fun!
Oh, almost forgot, I got a really cool polished metal drink tumbler out of the deal. ;)
Getting ready to make a rootbeer float. Yeppers. Don't tell me I don't know how to live.... Woo Hoo...it's Saturday Night! :blush:
Hawt dang! If I had a special brownie with my rootbeer float and that video, I'd have it made! :D
Went to the Berlin (MD) Fiddler's Convention. Last night was the concert, today was the competition. Pretty much fun, ranged from kids doing recitals to some pretty decent players. It's not a big fancy deal, just a small town thing. Had some friends visting, and ran into another old friend that I haven't seen in a few years. Went to his house and visited for a while. A very nice day. Bought the T-shirt. :D
Went for a long walk at Seattle's Discovery Park, which was initially an Army installation called Fort Lawton. Now turned over to the city parks department: all 500+ acres overlooking Puget Sound.

-- Rita


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After which you offered to take her to her choice of nice restaurants for around $20 each, or to cook the dinner of her choice for her at home while she rests in the recliner watching TV, or to order take-out?

And then you went out and got her prescriptions or over-the-counter medications to help with the problem? And did the laundry, dishes, and vacuuming, and straightened up the house so that she could rest?

Actually, that's what I did do. She's learned to ignore what I say sometimes and focus on what I actually do.:smitten:

Last night we went to the annual reunion dinner for the alumni association for where I retired from (really a "survivors club") and in the raffle we won a 3-day 2-night stay at the Phonecian hotel in Scottsdale, AZ. Another retiree is director of security there. Excluded are Feb., March, April so we're making tentative plans to go in January. We've never been to AZ so this is as good an excuse as any, and we've never seen the Grand Canyon either so that'll be on our list of things to see.

Between the airfare, car rental, meals, etc. we'll end up spending more than the hotel stay would cost of course, but it's enough to push us over the edge and make the trip.
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