This weather is awful!! 2008-2021

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There was a warning today about the possibility of roofs collapsing. :(

This is a big worry to me. So much heavy snow already and we've already heard of roofs caving in around the area.
A little melting today. Supposed to get 8" more over Tuesday and some lake effect on Wednesday.
You must be used to our cold weather. I see people wandering around with sweaters and jackets.
As I posted before, I keep our boonies home thermostat at 45degF whether we are there or not. :cool:
What an immense snow storm, or storms, Washington D.C. and nearby regions are experiencing right now! Stay safe and warm, everyone.

The entire OPM website is down except for the notice about not having to work, due to the heavy traffic on that website. I have never known that to happen before.
There's a possibility of ice here on Thursday. Still unusually cool and wet -- Thursday could bring cold rain, freezing rain, sleet and maybe even some snow with a high in the upper 30s and lows in the upper 20s. Good day to hole up and stay inside. El Nino is really screwing with the weather everywhere, it seems.
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Icicles Everywhere

I thought this was pretty interesting - by far the most, and biggest, icicles we've ever had.

When I went into the backyard to shoot the photo, I sort of misjudged the depth of the snow where it had drifted. I sunk in well past my knees :LOL:

I thought this was pretty interesting - by far the most, and biggest, icicles we've ever had.

When I went into the backyard to shoot the photo, I sort of misjudged the depth of the snow where it had drifted. I sunk in well past my knees :LOL:

Pretty, but that is a nasty looking ice dam above the icicles. Watch for water leakage along that wall.
We've had below normal snowfall her in Michiland, so I was excited when we woke up to about 6 inches of the fluffy stuff. My favorite toy is a small 4WD Kubota tractor. I plowed out the driveways of a few older neighbors, then opened up the road for safe passage. Our largely Republican township is in the far corner of the largely Democratic county and by some strange coincidence, we always get dug out last. :LOL:


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I plowed out the driveways of a few older neighbors, then opened up the road for safe passage.

Awesome tractor! It's wonderful of you to help your older neighbors:)

Our largely Republican township is in the far corner of the largely Democratic county and by some strange coincidence, we always get dug out last. :LOL:

I'm thinkin' you should run for public office;)
We're getting hammered this time, a good six inches on top of the almost three feet already there. It is so bad that we have a bird seeking refuge in the garage and refusing to leave. He flew in when I opened the door to clear snow. I put some bread pieces in there, hopefully he will not reward the generosity by pooping on the car.

It is a sad day when the snow thrower takes over the motorcycle's parking space in the garage.:(


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Suffering from snowenfreude, giving my sisters and friends grief for living in places where precipitation isn't liquid. Still no rain yet.
It is so bad that we have a bird seeking refuge in the garage and refusing to leave.

Great picture! Since DH is considered "essential", he had to go into work this morning. The usual trip in traffic is an hour. He made it in 30 minutes and only saw a couple of snow plows out there.

He's home now napping on the couch. I worried him all the way in and back. I'm planning a nice steak dinner for him. He deserves it.

Snow House was taken on Tuesday, during Snowpocalypse's brief intermission.
The view from my den window was taken earlier today. The weird shapes belong to various hedges. The blizzard has covered up even those shapes. We are seriously worried about our roof.
Anyway, after all the winter show-and-tell, I thought some relief was in order - hence the Door into Summer, which is my current screen saver. The deck is now under 3 feet of snow.


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...It is so bad that we have a bird seeking refuge in the garage and refusing to leave. He flew in when I opened the door to clear snow. I put some bread pieces in there, hopefully he will not reward the generosity by pooping on the car.

It is a sad day when the snow thrower takes over the motorcycle's parking space in the garage.:(
Don't forget water for the little guy. Just a small dish will do. :D
Great pictures Amethyst....especially that last one!
Oh Amethyst...those pics are beautiful! But yeah, I sure is a lot of snow...
Great picture! Since DH is considered "essential", he had to go into work this morning. The usual trip in traffic is an hour. He made it in 30 minutes and only saw a couple of snow plows out there.

He's home now napping on the couch. I worried him all the way in and back. I'm planning a nice steak dinner for him. He deserves it.

Glad he made it in and back OK - obviously you are an effective worrier. ;) I remember when I used to be "essential" (Now called "emergency"). We didn't live at the end of a 700-foot driveway back then :whistle:They would have to send out a doggone half-track to get me to work now.

Beautiful photos, Amethyst, but I'd get that roof shovelled if I were you.

Yup, worried about my roof too. Both here and at the rental house. Thing is, the thought getting up on an icy/snowy roof with 50 mph wind gusts just doesn't seem real safe. There's no one to hire for the task - they're all making good cash money on much safer jobs.

DH actually thought about it and I freaked out. No way am I gonna lose the man I love to save insured property. Keeping all fingers and paws crossed hoping nothing caves in :eek:
Beautiful photos, Amethyst, but I'd get that roof shovelled if I were you.
H-E-Double hockey sticks, Meadie, we can't even get the driveway plowed till Saturday! (We tried shoveling it the first time around, and it is beyond our might).:(:mad::mad::nonono::nonono::nonono: (and the fuzzy cat, too!)

Maybe we will have to move to Florida, after all.

An inch or two of snow is one thing, but 3 feet with another foot on the way is just insane! :eek: Moderation in all things, as my dear departed mother used to recommend... but apparently Mother Nature isn't listening.

Since there isn't anything you can do about the roof, no sense in worrying. :(
An inch or two of snow is one thing, but 3 feet with another foot on the way is just insane! :eek: Moderation in all things, as my dear departed mother used to recommend... but apparently Mother Nature isn't listening.

Since there isn't anything you can do about the roof, no sense in worrying. :(

Love your new avi:D DH and I went to NO years ago for our anniversary. We stayed in a place called the Royal something or another right on Bourbon Street. It was our first and only time there. I remember checking in and going out on the balcony. We were blown away. The city is so beautiful. You live in a very special place W2R.

Yeah, we're worried about the roof. Every little creak is ominous. Just keepin' on. Very much like the folks in your city who also know a thing or two about Mother Nature.
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