iPod Nano


Give me a museum and I'll fill it. (Picasso) Give me a forum ...
Feb 1, 2004
Portland, Oregon
This seems to be the gadget the kids (under 40) can't do without so, believing that those of us well past 65 are fully capable of mastering anything, I bought one.

It's ingenious but not something to be mastered in 15 minutes. I am still puzzled about a white plastic thing that looks like a stand that doesn't fit the player. Does anyone know what it is for?

My other observation is that it is easy to miss-place, it is so tiny. I choose sliver because it is so elegant but I have discovered that silver doesn't shout "here I am". Maybe I need new glasses.
My other observation is that it is easy to miss-place, it is so tiny. I choose sliver because it is so elegant but I have discovered that silver doesn't shout "here I am". Maybe I need new glasses.

I had an iPOD nano a few years ago (it broke after 18 months and I got a regular iPOD) and I can't answer your specific question but agree that it is hard to mis-place.

In 2007 I had to go to India on business and was on my way back, in Mumbai airport late at night having the routine questioning from the security guy at the gate just before departure. He asked the usual questions including "are you carrying any electronic devices?" to which I replied, "laptop, shaver, and cell phone". "Is that all?", he asked, "Yes", says I. "then what is this ?" he says, pointing to an iPOD Nano hanging on a lanyard around my neck. Forgetting to engage brain before opening mouth I feigned surprise saying "WHOA, where did that come from?". As I spoke the words, I thought "you IDIOT!!, don't ever joke with airport security!!". I immediately apologized and the guard burst out laughing. ( this was typical of my whole stay there, most everyone I met and worked with had a great sense of humor).

Sorry for the diversion off-topic but your post brought back that happy memory :ROFLMAO: (the visit had started off badly 2 weeks earlier when, immediately before take-off in Newark before a 17 hour flight, the flight attendant had tripped and spilled a whole tray of glasses of champagne and orange juice all over me).
This seems to be the gadget the kids (under 40) can't do without so, believing that those of us well past 65 are fully capable of mastering anything, I bought one.

It's ingenious but not something to be mastered in 15 minutes. I am still puzzled about a white plastic thing that looks like a stand that doesn't fit the player. Does anyone know what it is for?

My other observation is that it is easy to miss-place, it is so tiny. I choose sliver because it is so elegant but I have discovered that silver doesn't shout "here I am". Maybe I need new glasses.

Hi Brat - - I sure can relate to your observations. A few months ago I decided to become more modern. I was going to get an iPod nano, but after reading about them I decided to get a Sandisk mp3 player because it was cheaper (and all I wanted to listen to was podcasts from places like Vanguard, while at the gym).

Anyway, it is tiny and easily lost (and I got red, but the red is almost brown and not as bright as I thought it would be). I have been keeping the mp3 player in a zipper pocket in my purse when I am not using it or downloading things to it. That way it doesn't get lost.

I still haven't figured out how to operate it without peering at it up close. No idea what the non-stand is.
It's ingenious but not something to be mastered in 15 minutes. I am still puzzled about a white plastic thing that looks like a stand that doesn't fit the player. Does anyone know what it is for?
I think I threw that away, but Apple sez:
iPod nano comes with a iPod nano Dock Adapter, which allows iPod nano to fit accessories made by third-party companies who are part of the Made for iPod program.
My other observation is that it is easy to miss-place, it is so tiny. I choose sliver because it is so elegant but I have discovered that silver doesn't shout "here I am". Maybe I need new glasses.
Mine is fire engine red and has been misplaced a few times (usually a pocket in the jeans or a jacket). It even took a ride in the washing machine once, which usually trashes them out (same thing happened to youngest son), but mine survived miraculously.

I was the archetypal anti-Apple-anything guy for years. Started using iTunes because the selection was fantastic compared (at the time) to any competitors. But I stubbornly transformed all the songs to MP3 so I could play them on whichever "not an iPod" player I had at the time (most of which were junk). Finally, while trying to make a Zune do what I wanted it to do, I threw up my hands in frustration and bought a Nano. I haven't bought a Mac (yet), but I've become a huge Apple fan since owning the Nano. There are 3 Nanos in the house, an iPhone, a couple of docks, a iPod capable stereo in my truck (TopPCStore.com - Car Audio or Theater - Clarion DXZ785USB CD/MP3/WMA/ACC Receiver with CeNET Control, Time Alignment, 3-Way Crossover, Rear USB Port, Satellite Radio Ready), and a not big enough chunk of Apple stock that has done quite nicely for me.
. . . all I wanted to listen to was podcasts from places like Vanguard, while at the gym

I have to say but this sounds like pure torture. Go exercise on boring tedious machines while listening to tedious financial information.

You are tougher than I am.

(I do like my lime green second generation nano).
I have to say but this sounds like pure torture. Go exercise on boring tedious machines while listening to tedious financial information.

You are tougher than I am.

(I do like my lime green second generation nano).

:2funny: That's what I like to do, for some reason. To me, music would be boring. There is already some very nice background music at my gym but I get bored pretty quickly. I also get podcasts from other financial websites, like Kiplingers. There are some about bonds that I like because I am hoping the information will soak in on a subconscious level while I am focusing on my workout, and that as a result, I might eventually have more of a "feel" for bonds.

I also found some free podcasts regarding the psychological adjustment to retirement, on iTunes and I listen to them sometimes too. They are very carefree and relaxed.
I bought a regular iPod a few years ago, and used it quite a bit...very handy when I was still working, I'd stick it in my pocket and listen to my tunes while I was doing my lab tests and stuff. I also have all my tunes and stuff synced on two of my computers so I can listen to them while surfin' the 'net or playing solitaire. And now, I have them all synced on my iPhone as well.....which has been great for day to day listening (in addition to Sirius satellite radio, as well as other radio stations), and I can grab new music from iTunes directly to the iPhone.....very handy!

And to think only a couple of months ago, I said I'd probably never get an iPhone because I had absolutely no use for such a thing! Boy, was I wrong!:LOL:
I feigned surprise saying "WHOA, where did that come from?"

That's a good story. You've got a great sense of humor.
the thing that looks like a stand...is in fact a stand. It is built to fit various sizes of Ipod which is why is looks as though the Nano is too small for it.
the thing that looks like a stand...is in fact a stand. It is built to fit various sizes of Ipod which is why is looks as though the Nano is too small for it.
No, it really is dock adapter. You use it when plugging a nano into something made to fit all iPod devices, like a iPod capable stereo. The slot is big enough to handle the larger iPods and the adapter makes it easier to insert the nano so it fits the slot without much problem. The connection is universal, but the other iPod bodies are larger, so there is a lot of open space when connecting a nano. You can connect a nano to things made to hold other iPods, but you have to be careful when inserting it to make sure you line up the connectors. The adapter is just supposed to make it easier to do.

I think I am the last person that a) doesn't have a HDTV flat screen & b) doesn't have an iPod. I guess I am a tough sell.
My other observation is that it is easy to miss-place, it is so tiny. I choose sliver because it is so elegant but I have discovered that silver doesn't shout "here I am". Maybe I need new glasses.
I looked all over for my iPod Touch last night; Fluffy the Cat was nearby and I assume she just knocked it to the floor toward her play area, out of jealousy; good thing it was in it’s padded case.

Excuse me now, I need to check the iTunes store for new applications.:greetings10:
I don't have HGTV, I am waiting for my current TVs to die.
I think I am the last person that a) doesn't have a HDTV flat screen & b) doesn't have an iPod. I guess I am a tough sell.

No, we don't have them either. We're waiting for them to show up at garage sales. It won't be long.
I think I am the last person that a) doesn't have a HDTV flat screen & b) doesn't have an iPod. I guess I am a tough sell.
We don't have flat screens either, let alone HDTVs, and we even have a spare 29" CRT sitting in the livingroom for when the 1990s incumbent goes to its great reward.

I keep meaning to get around to an iPod but somehow I never do.
We don't have flat screens either, let alone HDTVs, and we even have a spare 29" CRT sitting in the livingroom for when the 1990s incumbent goes to its great reward.

I keep meaning to get around to an iPod but somehow I never do.

I was going to ask what someone with your (IMO) substantial means intended to DO with all that money if you didn't even have a flat screen TV.

But then I remembered that you have been raising a teenaged daughter (these sometimes fit the description of "money sinks").... :D:flowers:
I was going to ask what someone with your (IMO) substantial means intended to DO with all that money if you didn't even have a flat screen TV.
Spouse doesn't see the point of upgrading her TV when a 29" CRT fits perfectly in her 1980s wall units (bought on sale when she was stationed in the Azores) that have accompanied her for a half-dozen PCS moves. But we have ditched all our VCRs for a couple of Series 2 TiVos.

Otherwise you gotta wonder why there aren't more military ERs. When I ER'd in 2002, spouse's parents were living in our "rental" home and weren't expected to move out anytime soon. It was sort of the "Everybody Loves Raymond" version of long-term care, and we budgeted accordingly.

So when they unexpectedly moved back to the Mainland in 2006 and we started renting the place out again, now that the backlogged renovations are behind us the cashflow has considerably improved.

But then I remembered that you have been raising a teenaged daughter (these sometimes fit the description of "money sinks").... :D:flowers:
Hey, she's the top W-2 wage earner in this household. Kumon tutoring pays a lot better than cleaning movie theaters or scooping fries.

After all those years of [-]sea duty[/-] frugal living our tastes run more to the lower side of the beach-bum lifestyle. But the two big-ticket expenses of the past two years have been stamped concrete and our 2006 Prius (bought used in 2008).

She did order a custom 7'9" epoxy surfboard as an early graduation present. But in another 173 days she'll probably need someone to keep an eye on it for her...
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DW and I took the Ipod touch plunge this Christmas and haven't looked back. They've come down in price so much, and not listening to commercials on the way to work is priceless. I would have got the Iphone but the monthly fees are WAY to much to justify with my work providing a free blackberry.
Waiting for i-pods to show up at garage sales is a good idea. Even better is to "inherit" one
from one of your children when they decide to upgrade.
I have the iPod Nano which I LOVE. It was a "free gift" for opening a checking account and making 3 required transactions. I had to pay tax on the value but it was still a great deal.

My husband got a hand me down iPod Mini from one of our sons who won a Nano.

As for the HDTV, we were going to hold off for as long as possible and then our main TV in the living room died (26" CRT type, probably 15 years old). We moved a 13" into it's spot in the cabinet in the LR but the text was so small that you couldn't read the TiVo. Our older son had a 32" HDTV in his room that he was using with an antenna and not getting great reception. He moved his TV down to the LR for last years Indianapolis 500 (May 2009) and he's never bothered to take it back.

We finally got rid of the old cabinet and bought a new TV stand for his 32" flat panel HDTV. If he wants his TV back we'll go buy one, maybe even the same one he has.
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