Can Do - Things You're Really Good At!

Problem-solving - in any environment I seem to be able to select a good direction
Song lyrics - I can recall 100% of the song lyrics from my early years
GPS - I seem to have one built-in that enables me to find my way around strange cities
Math - - got straight A's all the way through, and the highest grade in a class of 300 in advanced calculus plus I loved diff eq, linear algebra, etc.

Programming - - I'm better at programming than math. Actually, figuring out the algorithm is the part I am best at. Whether it's true or not, I think I can program anything (how's that for confidence? :2funny:). The language doesn't matter.

Taking standardized tests - - 'nuff said. Whether these tests are inherently fair or not, or whether they measure anything but test-taking skill I really can't say, but I am apparently good at taking them for what that's worth (very little, once one is done with school).

Being happy when left alone - - happiness is a default condition for me.

And then there is my outstanding napping ability, that I mentioned in a previous post. My best skill is simply goofing off. I'm great at that. :D
I like to take a morning walk, work in the garden, and then go make art. But, I am the quintessential napper.


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I like to take a morning walk, work in the garden, and then go make art. But, I am the quintessential napper.

Antmary, that is stunning! Please tell us more about your artwork.
WSR, KSR, Cuppa Joe,
Gee, I didn't expect any response! :blush:
Thank you for your kind and supportive words.
I've painted all my life. I am OK in math, but one of my favorite things to do is to daydream, preferably in nature. That's where inspiration comes from, at least for me.
Public speaking
Brewing beer
BBQing brisket and ribs w/homemade sauce
Event management
Building home electronics (amplifiers and such) from scratch
Coming up with ways to get things done with the materials on hand
Managing volunteers
What a beautiful painting, Antmary! I just came back from lunch and what a nice surprise. You are a very, very good painter.
I can play chess. No expert, but can hold my own.
Computer software
Thinking outside of the box (rarely appreciated at work)
Simplifying complicated issues (sometimes known as cutting to the chase...)
Cooking, especially baking
Making and repairing things - as long as they don't involve electric or plumbing...
I think I will be good at napping - about 10 weeks to ER so haven't had time to test the theory
1) I am really, really good at "intense single tasking". In fact, whenever I concentrate at my computer screen, my scratchpad, or my electronic workbench, people who walk into the room and speak up behind me never fail to startle me.

2) Nother thing I recently discover I am good at is that I give people ideas to start new threads. :cool:
I'm really good at eating homemade biscuits and gravy.:angel: :whistle: :greetings10:

PS. do I get a dryer sheet for this?
I do admire a man that knows what he is good at.....'ll need a dryer sheet or at least a napkin to dab your mouth. ;)

Don't you just love those old cast iron frying pans! I'll be right over!
I really do. I have two (one of which is in that pic) that used to belong to my great grandmother and I wouldn't take a farm in Georgia for them. :)

You are welcome to come over, but wait until tomorrow. Cooking and eating that food made me sleepy. :LOL:
I like to take a morning walk, work in the garden, and then go make art. But, I am the quintessential napper.
btw, I love your have a gentle, rhythmic touch. :)

That is something (well, one of the many things) I've never mastered.
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