Another answer to that age old question ... (?)


Give me a museum and I'll fill it. (Picasso) Give me a forum ...
May 28, 2006
west coast, hi there!
You know the questions like:
Are you retired?
What do you do?

I just thought I could whip out this card:


What do you think? Is it too weird? Other ideas for the wording?

P.S. One can order these cards from, 250 cards for $4. There is a huge selection of designs too.
At my former place of employment we made our own business cards using MS Word's application for that, and business card stock which is available anywhere in small amounts. We designed them ourselves. Mine were very standard in appearance with no graphics except the old-time agency logo, but some of my co-workers had cards with a more modern flair.

If you did that then you could make, say, half a dozen different cards saying different things, using your favorite designs, and pull out the one that appeals to you.

Personally, if I made a card it would be more specific and easier to understand. Maybe I'd list my occupation as "Retired Oceanographer", or "Professional Loafer" or something .... :D But in reality, I have no need for cards.
Hi W2R, one can download Avery software (DesignPro) and print to Avery card stock. DW does that for her art business cards.

I just thought about this last night after some friendly people we were dining with asked me if I was retired. To this I launched into a somewhat lighthearted attempt at defining my current purpose in life as satisfying my curiosity. Later I thought that having a business card might be kind of cute ... but maybe a little weird too. :confused::)

Here is a link to Scott Adams blog on the subject of curiosity: Scott Adams Blog: Curiosity 03/03/2010

Curiosity is one of the most underrated phenomena in the world. It's ironic that people aren't more curious about curiosity. It's a powerful thing.

For example, if you ever wondered if someone is attracted to you, the answer lies in curiosity. If someone asks personal questions about your past, your plans, your likes and dislikes, that is an unambiguous sign of attraction. If someone tries to steer you into the bedroom without some conspicuous data gathering, that is a sign of simple horniness.
Hi W2R, one can download Avery software (DesignPro) and print to Avery card stock. DW does that for her art business cards.

Yes, the Avery card stock is what I was referring to. At work, we were provided with MS Word with which we were to design and make our own business cards. It has a special add-on function for that, like the "make-your-own-calendar" function and other functions of MS Word. I'm sure Avery's software is probably identical.

So anyway, yes, that is what I was describing.

lsbcal said:
I just thought about this last night after some friendly people we were dining with asked me if I was retired. To this I launched into a somewhat lighthearted attempt at defining my current purpose in life as satisfying my curiosity. Later I thought that having a business card might be kind of cute ... but maybe a little weird too. :confused::)

Have you ever had a need or desire to present one? Prior to retirement I thought I would do this after retirement too, but somehow now that I am retired it just seems... well... as you put it, a little weird.

lsbcal said:
Here is a link to Scott Adams blog on the subject of curiosity: Scott Adams Blog: Curiosity 03/03/2010

Curiousity has been a prime driver in my life. Still, I think that putting it on a business card says a little more than I would want to say, myself, anyway. To me it implies that the person to whom you give the card has no curiousity, so possibly it could be viewed as a little off-putting IMO. Personally I'd choose "Unemployed Bum", "Professional Napper", or something like that, and use that to launch a more in-depth discussion of curiousity. But then, that's just me! :greetings10:
...Curiousity has been a prime driver in my life. Still, I think that putting it on a business card says a little more than I would want to say, myself, anyway. To me it implies that the person to whom you give the card has no curiousity, so possibly it could be viewed as a little off-putting IMO. Personally I'd choose "Unemployed Bum", "Professional Napper", or something like that, and use that to launch a more in-depth discussion of curiousity. But then, that's just me! :greetings10:
Nicely put. DW just gave me a strange look when I suggested it to her. Maybe she was being tactful? :facepalm:
lsbcal, your non-business card is very attractive, but why would you really need such a prop? I've never had the need for a business card at work, and don't expect to need or want any after retirement.

Most people couldn't care less what I do for a living and I expect they will not care what I do for retirement - unless, that is, they think it may affect their property values. Now, that is the one sure-fire way to make people sit up and take notice.

I don't think that one will work, here's why: There are a lot of flakey people out there who are in some kind of business, and have a company name like "Curiosity by Design." You ask them what they do, and it takes a while for them to explain it, and you never really understand. Like

"We coach open-minded old souls on how to use cerebrospinal manipulation to improve and satisfy the manifestation of their unfulfilled life curiosity, together with synergy from diversity and vitamin maximization."
I don't think that one will work, here's why: There are a lot of flakey people out there who are in some kind of business, and have a company name like "Curiosity by Design." You ask them what they do, and it takes a while for them to explain it, and you never really understand. Like

"We coach open-minded old souls on how to use cerebrospinal manipulation to improve and satisfy the manifestation of their unfulfilled life curiosity, together with synergy from diversity and vitamin maximization."

I'm not sure I'd want a "business"card if I were retired, but sometimes it's handy to have cards with your contact info. I run into this when I meet people at my volunteer group. Not that it's that hard to write down email or phone numbers or whatever, but a card makes it especially easy.

My parents, who are FIREd and full-time boaters, got cards for just this purpose. Apparently it's very common in that crowd.
But in reality, I have no need for cards.
There ya go.

I'm not sure I'd want a "business"card if I were retired, but sometimes it's handy to have cards with your contact info.
My parents, who are FIREd and full-time boaters, got cards for just this purpose. Apparently it's very common in that crowd.
There has to be an easier way than entering all those cards into e-mail and cell phone memories.

Like naming your website after your boat...
I'm not sure I'd want a "business"card if I were retired, but sometimes it's handy to have cards with your contact info. I run into this when I meet people at my volunteer group. Not that it's that hard to write down email or phone numbers or whatever, but a card makes it especially easy.

My parents, who are FIREd and full-time boaters, got cards for just this purpose. Apparently it's very common in that crowd.

I had some [-]business[/-] contact cards printed up by Vista Print after I retired, and carry a few in my wallet in case I run into someone that wants my contact info AND that I want them to have it! I've found that they do come in handy at times, and it saves the hassle of trying to find a pen & paper to scribble it down on....especially since I quit carrying a pen with me the day I retired! :cool:
I have my name and email address (only) on free cards from Vistaprint. I have found them to be very handy when I meet people traveling (but I'm not sure about them yet), or I take a photo of someone for them when they don't have a camera, and neither of us has anything to write with. I call them my non-business cards. It took me a few years to get used to just answering "I'm early retired" when people ask what I do. I used to be embarrassed, now I'm gleeful.
When I was suddenly out of work in 2008 I printed up some contact/business cards. Found them to be handy so I still keep a few around.

FWIW, if anyone asks what I do once I am FIREd I plan to tell them that I get along by the miracle of the loafs and the fishes. "I loafs and I fishes and its a miracle I make ends meet."
"We coach open-minded old souls on how to use cerebrospinal manipulation to improve and satisfy the manifestation of their unfulfilled life curiosity, together with synergy from diversity and [-]vitamin[/-] income maximization."

I'm going nuts. I've looked at this thread several times, logged in and not logged in, and I still can't see the image. What does the card say? Or is it blank, and that's the joke?
I don't think that one will work, here's why: There are a lot of flakey people out there who are in some kind of business, and have a company name like "Curiosity by Design." You ask them what they do, and it takes a while for them to explain it, and you never really understand. Like

"We coach open-minded old souls on how to use cerebrospinal manipulation to improve and satisfy the manifestation of their unfulfilled life curiosity, together with synergy from diversity and vitamin maximization."
In other words, "I am chick-trolling and I think this bull might help as I have very little else to recommend me. And who knows, some fool might even become a paying client."
I'm going nuts. I've looked at this thread several times, logged in and not logged in, and I still can't see the image. What does the card say? Or is it blank, and that's the joke?
There really is a card displayed. If you'd like me to email you an image just PM me with your email address.
In other words, "I am chick-trolling and I think this bull might help as I have very little else to recommend me. And who knows, some fool might even become a paying client."
Is that trolling for chicks or being a troll to chicks? Sorry, I've been out of the game so long I don't know the lingo anymore.
Instead of saying "retired", why not just say you are a "private investor"?
Instead of saying "retired", why not just say you are a "private investor"?
Actually that is very close to the truth in my case. For the past 1.5 yrs or so I've been doing some serious datamining and research. I think I've developed a reasonably nice long term methodology which has some features I've not seen discussed elsewhere. But maybe saying "private investor" or "running private investment accounts" would send the wrong message to some people -- like I'm Mr. Big-Bucks or maybe a bit egocentric?

Some nosy types (who I met on say a vacation) I would not really be concerned about, but some people (perhaps closer to home) who I might want to know better might be turned off a bit I suspect. I guess what I'm saying is that, at least in the U.S., discussions of money or references to it are socially taboo. I used to wonder why that was so, but now I just accept it.
I'm going nuts. I've looked at this thread several times, logged in and not logged in, and I still can't see the image. What does the card say? Or is it blank, and that's the joke?
Continue to go nuts: The card is not blank but has a splashy colorful background and lettering.
I remember a divorced guy in his late 40's (I'm guessing) in Houston who had cards made up like:

John Doe, Dispenser of Warm Fuzzies
and his phone number

Truly, this guy was one of the meanest, cruelest people I've ever known in my entire life. He was just plain mean, and everyone avoided him.
He married a friend of a friend of mine (poor sucker became wife #2) and, sadly, she bought his "warm" act for that first year. Then his real personality came out after a couple years and she was in a living hell and talking divorce.
I guess the moral of this is: you can't believe everything you read.:whistle:

But, personally, I LOVE getting cards with your name and phone number on it and something that will remind me of who you are (a book, a boat, something that jiggles the memory and reminds the person of who you are). I think it's a great idea myself....just don't put "Dispenser of Warm Fuzzies" on the card when you are the meanest person around...ha!
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