2023 workout thread

During the warmer months I was running about 3 miles a day 5-6 days a week. Most days I was doing it between 8.5 to 9 minute pace. Since November I've been swimming at the Y. Not a great swimmer but wanted something with a little cardio.
The swimming was good but not quite the workout running gave me so I started adding weights and some stationary bike.

So these days it's about 10-15 minutes of bike to start a sweat then three sets of weight exercises on the Matrix machines-3 leg and 5 or 6 upper body each.
Then I head to the pool for 10-15 laps. One lap = 50 yards.

I haven't been doing much on the tread mill because my knee has been bothering me. Interestingly, the knee pain started when I stopped running and started swimming. Go figure.
1 hour brisk walk in loose sand today. Plus going out for supper shortly, 4km round trip walk.
A noticeable increase in people at my gym the first two weeks of the year, my money is on things being back to normal by March.

- 1 hour brisk walk in loose sand, plus another 45 minutes walking doing various errands
Gym everyday in the early morning (~6:30am). Six days weights (4 days barbell exercises and 2 days machines); on Thursday's I only do cardio.
Just getting back into it after a way too long break 3/4x a week
30 minutes at 3mph , 3 degree incline on the treadmill
light weight high reps upper + lower body ( free weights)
10 minutes on a stationary bike

Hope to build up to longer durations but main goal is consistency
Too much walking over 2 days, sore meniscus today. Skipped the walking:

- 2 sets of 20 flights of stairs
- 4 sets of 20 pushups
- 4 sets of 20 seated rows

I'm still easing back into it after a few slack months. I'm using workout bands as we're in Mazatlán so I don't have access to my weights. But you can dial in any tension required with a small adjustment and I'm becoming a big fan of them.
It was sunny and almost 50 degrees this morning so I thought about going for a run but my knee is still a little sore so I did my gym workout and swim.

I hope this knee thing clears up soon but worried it just may be a product of ageing. I should probably stay away from the leg press at the gym. We'll see if that helps.
Ok, I’ll join for inspiration, too.

Back in October I started taking yoga and pickleball classes, each twice a week at our senior center.

Also in October I started exploring the Silver Sneakers online classes. I really like those live classes. There are lots of good instructors and I find plenty of variety.

In mid-November I got a new Fitbit, and that thing pretty much ensures I keep moving. It’s a wrist-mounted cattle prod for 250 steps an hour!

Since mid-November I haven’t missed more than a couple of days of some kind of Silver Sneakers class, some of which include arm weights work, recently supplemented by the treadmill at home to get a little trotting in to get my heart rate up.

It’s the longest I’ve ever stuck with anything.

I’m still not in a set routine except to aim for the 10k steps/day (except last week when I was feeling kinda puny) and some kind of SS class, even if it’s just a couple of the 15 minute express classes.

I’m starting back up with pickleball and senior yoga this week. And now that our big rains have stopped, I want to start walking around our hilly neighborhood and see what that does to my Fitbit.
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I’m still not in a set routine except to aim for the 10k steps/day (except last week when I was feeling kinda puny) and some kind of SS class, even if it’s just a couple of the 15 minute express classes.

10K steps a day seemed easier when I was working. On days when I don't hike or work in the yard, 8K is more typical.

I'm not short of exercise time on days I go to the gym, but elliptical and rowing don't do a lot for step count.
5 hours of Pickleball, 1 loss, 77 degrees. Doesn't get better.

- 2 x 20 flights of stairs
- 4 x 20 pushups
- 4 x 20 seated rows


- 3 x 20 flights of stairs
- 5 x 20 pushups
- 5 x 20 seated rows

Some light walking, keeping that minimal until my meniscus is a little better.
Just seeing this thread. On the treadmill right now having done a full body weight workout first. I want to do weights 2-3 times a week and walk/run a couple more days (as well as after the workouts).
My knee has been feeling better so I've been adding about 5 minutes on the treadmill at the end of my gym workout plus about 10 minutes on the stationary bike. Also did 12 laps freestyle in the pool. I'm a better runner than swimmer but the gym workouts are definitely helping my swimming. That and a few youtube videos on how to breath properly.
Currently I do:

10 minutes of stretching 6 days a week
15 minutes of yoga 6 days a week
free weights 3 days a week
swim quarter of a mile 3 days a week

that and a fair amount of walking that varies from day to day
This is for anyone that wants to post their day's workout. It might give you more incentive, it might give someone else some incentive. I'll start:

I've been lazy and had a couple injuries and am just getting back into it. We're currently in Mazatlán and I don't have weights but brought some workout bands. Today:

- about an hour total of walking
- 2 sets of 20 flights of stairs (320 steps) in our rental. That's in addition to the normal daily trips up and down the stairs
- 4 sets of 20 pushups
- 4 sets of 20 seated rows with workout bands
I do a varying circuit at the gym switching off between heavy weights or less weight more reps depending on what I worked hard the day before. So way too many exercises and reps to list here. But trying to go for 2 hours a day 4-5 days a week. Made great progress in the redistribution of fat to muscle weight and strength is much improved doing 2-3x what I started out with and adding in more cardio as time allows. Also going for Pilates classes and doing balance exercises. Figure this is my last chance to really get in shape, build muscle, lose fat and get healthy! Wife is thrilled I may stay with her longer on this side of the grass!
Jumping on board. Fell off the wagon and time to get back at it. Ran 3 miles. Lifted some weights, sit ups, push ups, pull ups. Jump Rope, Jumping Jacks and squats. Lots of stretching because I am out of shape lol.
I’m going for a minimum of 30 minutes of circuit training plus a couple of leg machines not in the circuit. Sometimes I do 15 minutes of the circuit machines and 20 minutes of elliptical. If it’s nice I walk about 2 miles.

I’ve been consistent since Jan 1. I have arthritis/spondylosis in the mid back and sometimes the pain from certain movements stops me cold. Also a pain in my foot, probably a Morton’s neuroma. I don’t want foot surgery. I’m hoping losing weight will ease the symptoms, which aren’t bad except for long walks.
Is there a reason nobody posts their age?
If you are 50 it is a lot different than if you are 70 or 75.
I restarted my bodyweight fitness routine in October. Been doing three workouts a week ever since. Slowly building reps and increasing resistance.

For cardio we added Pickleball around the same time but only once or twice a week. Otherwise we walk every day. According to my Health app I walked over 1,600 miles last year! Also regularly ride electric bike but only 1-2x / week so that's just a little extra cardio but nothing heavy.

I've been reading and listening to a few (hopefully) accurate doctors and health "experts" talk about the importance of zone 2 cardio, zone 5 cardio (a little), and strength training. Here's my back of the envelope:

Day 1: Upper body weights (3-4 sets of 8-12 for muscle growth and strength, every few months i do high rep low weight to throw my body a curveball, like 2 sets of 20-30)

Day 2: aerobics (30-50 minutes zone 2 (60-70% max heart rate)), then some abs, stretch, maybe some HIIT (zone 5). Example: Hill profile for 6-12 minutes on excercise bike

Day 3: Same as day 1 except legs.

Day 4: Same as day 2, though I try to mix it up

Day 5 becomes day 1 or if I'm not healed enough, I repeat day 4.

Wife and I do arduous walks in woods across from our house in winter once good snowpack.

  • I shoot for one hour for each of these "sessions"
  • I start each day with stretch, yoga type routine then meditate for 30 minutes (in addition to the hour workout later in the day)
  • I take 5-7 days a year off.
  • I'm 57. 6' 4" tall, 185 LBS
  • Gained 10 lbs fat, 5 lbs muscle since 2020 (yeah, 170 was a little ridiculous)
  • I play around with cold exposure (30 second cold shower...really want to work up to 12-15 minutes per week)
I do a varying circuit at the gym switching off between heavy weights or less weight more reps depending on what I worked hard the day before. So way too many exercises and reps to list here. But trying to go for 2 hours a day 4-5 days a week. Made great progress in the redistribution of fat to muscle weight and strength is much improved doing 2-3x what I started out with and adding in more cardio as time allows. Also going for Pilates classes and doing balance exercises. Figure this is my last chance to really get in shape, build muscle, lose fat and get healthy! Wife is thrilled I may stay with her longer on this side of the grass!

I am 66 years old newly retired and have a similar workout routine at the gym.

"Made great progress in the redistribution of fat to muscle weight and strength is much improved doing 2-3x what I started out with and adding in more cardio as time allows."
My PT advised I needed to take a break from pickleball for at least 3 months :( to let my very swollen knee and Achilles tendonosis time to heal. And I got 3 PRP (platelet rich plasma) shots in my swollen knee a couple of months ago. I used to play pickleball 3-4 times/week for 2 hours at a time. Would have played daily but my knee hurt so much.

In the meantime, I walk or bike the equivalent of 50,000 steps/week, do the Knees Over Toes Guy’s ‘knee ability zero’ program several times/week, do a bunch of maintenance exercises for my beat up shoulders (was an over zealous gym rat in my 30s and 40s) 2-3 times/week, do a core routine 2-3 times/week, do a stretching program daily, and do a bunch of exercises to strengthen my right lower body. I had a right hip replacement 8 years ago and did not have a great recovery for some reason, and that side of my lower body is still weaker than the left side. PT thinks that’s why my left knee is chronically swollen and painful. X-rays show no differences between the knees. Just some moderate arthritis in both.
I started running (very easy treadmill) after a 4 month layoff following a running related hip injury. The hip seems like it healed ok, but didn't feel too well in the 2 runs I tried last week. A little pain, and it seemed unstable. So I'm back to mixing treadmill walking with weights. Probably done with running forever.

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