72T from an IRA or Roth withdrawal?


Full time employment: Posting here.
Jul 7, 2007
I have question that I need your advice on. As you may know from previous posts I am following a Work Less Live More plan so I am early semi retired.

With some of our taxable savings income, rental income, and my part time business we currently get by just fine. My exhaustive spreadsheet that assumes mostly bad outcomes raises the possibility of my needing to tap retirement savings a few years before 59.5. If this scenario ever actually happens would a 72T from one of our IRAs be the way to go or would it be better to just continue rolling money from the IRAs to Roths on years that we can and then just take month from a Roth if needed?

Thank you for your input.
If you need money and it is all in an IRA or ROTH IRA it is the same to access it. You can do a 72T on either one. Or, break down one of the accounts to get just what you need.
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