A bit more about SS


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Dec 26, 2004
the City of Subdued Excitement
A little while ago I went to the local Social Security office for some clarification on some not-obvious-to-me points. I did not get 'clarification' (I should have expected that; after all, it IS a government office :D ).

However, today I found an article that explains two of the very points I needed to understand. See here:

how-work-impacts-social-security: Personal Finance News from Yahoo! Finance

(Still, I wonder about the accuracy of an article with spelling errors. SO, can others here confirm the accuracy of the article? Thanks.)

This one was also interesting:

10 Things You Didn't Know About Social Security - US News and World Report

It seems that the Feds are going paperless soon.

Ah, one day...;)
Pretty good articles, thanks.

Don't bother with the comments though. Yuck. Makes me glad I hang around here.
A little while ago I went to the local Social Security office for some clarification on some not-obvious-to-me points. I did not get 'clarification' (I should have expected that; after all, it IS a government office :D ).

When DW and I went in to sign her up for SS benefits, we had several questions. The guy we talked to seemed very polite, professional and knowledgeable. I say "seemed" because he could only answer questions in SS jargon. I asked 2 or 3 times in different ways, trying to elicit an answer I could understand, but got the same answer back each time. He WAS very patient with me. I finally gave up and decided I could figure it out on my own (with the help of this forum as well as other sources).
I read this one yesterday or day before. I did not pay attention to the aspects concerning married couples so I can't comment on that, but the rest seems to be 100% accurate to me.

The various options for married folks are also correct.

BTW, the split claim (I file against DW at my FRA to delay my SS till age 70 to maximize my benefit - for the benefit of me while I'm alive, but more importantly for DW assuming I pass first) option is documented correctly.
Ed, what two points do you have questions about?
"Benefits are not permanently withheld"
"Claim spousal benefits while working".

The last doesn't explain it well, but it made one point clearer that the SS lady made--not very clearly. I do not think DW wants to work that long.
BTW, the split claim (I file against DW at my FRA to delay my SS till age 70 to maximize my benefit - for the benefit of me while I'm alive, but more importantly for DW assuming I pass first) option is documented correctly.

Only if her benefits will be more than yours.

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