

Recycles dryer sheets
Nov 28, 2005
Lost State of Franklin
I think we need a list of standard acronyms for us new to the board. I have been reading and getting more involved for 6 weeks or so now. I have figured out some of the short cut acronyms but I still have problems with a lot of the investment abbreviations. Obviously if I have to ask every time one pops up it breaks up the flow of information since they are on multiple threads.

Is there a standard list? Or can we make one? Would be great if everyone used the full name at least once in a thread but the old timers probably don't need that crutch.

A few that have popped up today:

Could be nice to have a "sticky" thread at the top, with acronyms, and whenever someone sees something being used in a post that isn't in the sticky, they could ask for someone to add it to the sticky.

To be useful, someone would need to volunteer to keep the master list in the first post of sticky updated, as more are added in posts below it.

Sorry I'm not volunteering myself...

But, for now, I'll help with two:

GIM is a bond fund, lookup the ticker on a financial site, or google templeton gim or such.
ING is an internet bank, google ing bank or such.

The other is the stock symbol for Corning, but not sure if also means something else.
Jeb, I think lazyday hit the target on why we don't have a standard list of acronyms, FAQ's, etc. No one wants to step up and agree to do the work involved to create and maintain them. After all this is an early retirement board, which some believe is synonymous with being averse to working. ;)

Some of us "old timers" (this one, at least) don't know all the acronyms. Rule of thumb: a three or four letter abbreviation in all caps is usually a stock or fund. Look it up on a financial website if you want to know more.
I usually recognize fund or stock symbols but the 3 I listed were used in a way that I thought they must mean something else.

It is easy to fall into the lingo of any topic and not realize how many don't understand. Back in work days (2 weeks ago now :D ) we use to include a page of acronyms in the interview process for new hires, not to exclude a candidate but to make sure we knew the level of understanding. New hires are always slow to ask questions because they want everyone to thing they knew it all.

An Acronym FAQ wouldn't take a lot of work if the topic was a sticky topic and people would answer like these 3 just were. Then all that is needed is to collect them in to one message and editing it once in awhile adding new ones (keeping the master message at the top of the thread. I wouldn't expect stock symbols in the FAQ but newbies like me may ask once in awhile and a note pointing out that they are symbols is all that is needed.

Even DH and DW and me stumped for awhile, until I mentioned it to my DW and she laughed at me because they use the same notation on her quilting board.

Jeb-NY said:
An Acronym FAQ wouldn't take a lot of work if the topic was a sticky topic and people would answer like these 3 just were. Then all that is needed is to collect them in to one message and editing it once in awhile adding new ones (keeping the master message at the top of the thread.


Are you volunteering to take it on? :)
A simpler solution is to refrain from the use overuse of acronyms :LOL:. I know I am guilty of that also. When I see an acronym that I do not recognize, I simply ignore it and do not bother to look it up.
I would prefer fewer acronyms myself as the solution but as a newbie it is not for me to push.

If one of the moderators can set up a sticky topic and can make a message stay at the top of the messages I will try to start an afaq :D

I will need lots of help since I don't know most of them.

When it is set up I'll put the few I know in a message and when anyone posts new ones on the topic thread I'll edit the top message adding the new ones.

Jeb, congratulations, you've got the job! You are now the official ER Forum "Acronymonialist", with all the rights and privileges associated with that esteemed position. :)

Please make your initial post to the Forum Admin board, and I will then go in and make your acronym topic sticky so it will stay at the top.

Thanks for volunteering.

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