Animals we share our lives with

bbbamI and Buckeye,

Its always tough to lose a family member, sorry to hear about your kitties.

We lost one over 9 years ago and I still miss her.:(
Sorry for your losses bbbamI and Buckeye. It's always so hard to lose a pet, especially one that is around you for so many years.
Condolenses to both of you...

But you do have to be happy that she lived such a long life...

Sorry to read about your Tootsie, she was beautiful. Twenty one years is amazing, that's a large chunk of your own lifetime that she was your companion.
Twenty one years is amazing, that's a large chunk of your own lifetime that she was your companion.

Agree with "a large chunk of your own lifetime" - when we lost one of our kitties a year and a half ago, we thought back 14 years prior when we first got her, and remembered how much had happened in our lives. When we got her, I was 41, and when we lost her, I was 55. Lots of career, home, family, and health changes in all that time, and Millie was with us through all of it. And yes, we would "see" her every now and again after she was gone. She was DH's constant companion, and he still thinks about her pretty much every day. Pets are so special.
We lost our beautiful girls w/in 6 mos. of each other late '10/mid '11. They were litter-mates and were with us for 19 wonderful years. At first I thought about being pet free, allowing for more travel now that I'm retired and able to join DH on many of his biz travels to some great places.

But I couldn't bear the emptiness of the house and knowing that there were so many kitties out there looking for homes. We just celebrated 1 year last July 4 with our beautiful girls. They remind us so much of the ones we lost that I think of them every day.
To lift the sadness just a bit, here's some pictures of my new foster border collie, Checkers. He's a great guy, about 6 years old, looks like he's had a rough life til now, but as a friend once said about animals who make their way to our house "he's fallen into a vat of butter" now. My most recent foster puppy, Annelie, went to her new home (with 3 and 5 year old girls) and they love her already!:D

When I sweep, he circles me while intently staring at the broom, and when a cat sits on the sofa, he circles the living room, warily eying the cat for possible advances. It is hilarious to me, but the cats are like "for pete's sake, another border collie, really?". Hoping to find him a great home where he can be a companion to a busy family, as he's an active scoundrel!


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To lift the sadness just a bit, here's some pictures of my new foster border collie, Checkers. He's a great guy, about 6 years old, looks like he's had a rough life til now, but as a friend once said about animals who make their way to our house "he's fallen into a vat of butter" now. My most recent foster puppy, Annelie, went to her new home (with 3 and 5 year old girls) and they love her already!:D

When I sweep, he circles me while intently staring at the broom, and when a cat sits on the sofa, he circles the living room, warily eying the cat for possible advances. It is hilarious to me, but the cats are like "for pete's sake, another border collie, really?". Hoping to find him a great home where he can be a companion to a busy family, as he's an active scoundrel!

Good looking dog. I have a buddy who has one and those are energetic dogs. They need a good size yard for running.
and those are energetic dogs.
Don't know if I mentioned this before, (apologies if I have)...but...true story......guy in an RV park had watched my Border Collie and I playing for a couple days.....finally he asked "Does he ever get tired?"

I replied..."I don't know...I've only had him 6 1/2 years".
To lift the sadness just a bit, here's some pictures of my new foster border collie, Checkers. He's a great guy, about 6 years old, looks like he's had a rough life til now, but as a friend once said about animals who make their way to our house "he's fallen into a vat of butter" now. My most recent foster puppy, Annelie, went to her new home (with 3 and 5 year old girls) and they love her already!:D

When I sweep, he circles me while intently staring at the broom, and when a cat sits on the sofa, he circles the living room, warily eying the cat for possible advances. It is hilarious to me, but the cats are like "for pete's sake, another border collie, really?". Hoping to find him a great home where he can be a companion to a busy family, as he's an active scoundrel!

He'd adorable! Bless your heart for fostering him. Having done a lot of fostering myself, I know it's a labor of love. Also heartbreaking when you let them go and think of all the ones who were not so lucky. There will be a special place in Heaven for you Sarah. Surrounded by all the animals you've helped. The world sure could use more folks like you.

Purrs and headbumps,

bbbamI and Buckeye, I'm sorry you lost your much loved pets. They are such an integral part of our lives and leave an emptiness when they are gone.
A couple days ago, in the flower box that spans the top rail of our back deck, Mourning Doves have built a nest and moved in.......we await the arrival of our 'Grand-chicks':

Ooh, pictures of the baby doves, please!

And I took Checkers to his new home yesterday, drove 8 hours round-trip. A single guy in his 40s, wanted a dog to take with him every day to work, and really has been reading up on Border Collies. I told him your story, Nemo!

They took to each other right away and I am so happy for this boy, getting a whole new life, after spending all of it up to now in a pen outside, with no vet care or much in the way of attention. This is why fostering animals is so very rewarding--you get to see how life-changing it is for both the adopter and the pet, over and over again. Checkers is maybe our 60th foster, I guess--you lose count after a while!
Ooh, pictures of the baby doves, please!

And I took Checkers to his new home yesterday, drove 8 hours round-trip. A single guy in his 40s, wanted a dog to take with him every day to work, and really has been reading up on Border Collies. I told him your story, Nemo!

They took to each other right away and I am so happy for this boy, getting a whole new life, after spending all of it up to now in a pen outside, with no vet care or much in the way of attention. This is why fostering animals is so very rewarding--you get to see how life-changing it is for both the adopter and the pet, over and over again. Checkers is maybe our 60th foster, I guess--you lose count after a while!

- Future Graduation prom pics of the dove babies are anticipated.;) We looked Mourning Doves up online....seems it's not unusual for them to nest in hanging flower baskets, or even on the ground.......hope we get to see them stay around.

Checkers is a handsome that Border Collie "Let's DO something" look in his eyes.

Wow 60 fosters....a LOT of work......and each one gives you something in your heart, and takes something away with them when they go. Well done!
Seriously, how cute is our cat Bob? Took this pic of him just the other day. We adopted him from a rescue group years ago. We think he's about 15 now but not sure since we was all grown up when he came into our lives. He's our old soul. He snores a lot too.

He's a bit portly, but his vet thinks he's in fine shape for his age. Bob says "I'm not fat, I'm FLUFFY!"


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Cute kitty. I knew a cat that would fatten up for winter. I mean this cat was slim but come October he'd start bloating and in winter he looked about twice his normal weight. The vet called it fat pouches and not to be worried, some cats do it but I guess most don't cuz Sam was the only one I ever saw do it. Talk about a Fat Cat!
Seriously, how cute is our cat Bob? Took this pic of him just the other day. We adopted him from a rescue group years ago. We think he's about 15 now but not sure since we was all grown up when he came into our lives. He's our old soul. He snores a lot too.

He's a bit portly, but his vet thinks he's in fine shape for his age. Bob says "I'm not fat, I'm FLUFFY!"

I like Bob and hope he graces your lives for years to come.
Cute kitty. I knew a cat that would fatten up for winter. I mean this cat was slim but come October he'd start bloating and in winter he looked about twice his normal weight. The vet called it fat pouches and not to be worried, some cats do it but I guess most don't cuz Sam was the only one I ever saw do it. Talk about a Fat Cat!

Bob's pretty much fat all the time. But he's sweet, healthy and an awesome bed sleeper.
OM and Peanut.jpg

Our 2 newest additions to the family. Ollie Mae the cat, lived with Grandma, Grandma was going to move, but the house burned down, than Grandma died, and the GD took OM. Than GD was assaulted so bad that she was in the hospital. We took her in 2 years ago, and she loves it here.
Peanut was living under a truck cap along with a bunch of cats. So he must have a cat smell/attitude about him. OM loves to cuddle with him. Peanut has a soft bed and a great home. She has lost 10+ lbs, and runs 5-6 miles a day with Ms.G.
Grasshopper, they are adorable and look so content and comfortable together. :)
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