Animals we share our lives with

No you don't understand. The cat is just thankful for the new climbing apparatus and determined to use it before you clutter it up! You have to work at understanding cat!

What do you mean use it before clutter.... heck, our two cats use it with all the ornaments on!!!

I will have to look, but we have a pic with both of them in the tree looking out... we got a comment about how we decorate our Christmas tree with cats :LOL:
No you don't understand. The cat is just thankful for the new climbing apparatus and determined to use it before you clutter it up! You have to work at understanding cat!

Oh don't worry, he later continued to find great enjoyment in batting all the ornaments off the tree. Then one day I had to rescue him because he had his leg caught in one of the strings of lights. I had to actually cut the cord. Gotta love 'em!
What do you mean use it before clutter.... heck, our two cats use it with all the ornaments on!!!

I will have to look, but we have a pic with both of them in the tree looking out... we got a comment about how we decorate our Christmas tree with cats :LOL:

Please share pics! :)
Please share pics! :)

The investing knowledge on this site is quite useful but like everything else on the internet, it's value pales in comparison to the real purpose of these forums - an online repository of cat pictures for us all to enjoy :LOL:
Here was Flashie in 2008 masquerading as a Christmas gift.


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I've already posted a few pictures of my youngest, so apologies if I'm flooding the forum with pictures. I haven't posted this one before though. This is Sprout when she was 5 months old (she's 21 months now).


The little Maltese mix, Bentley, is my newest guy ( about a month ) from the pound. He's about 6 or so they think, getting along with my Chihuahua mix, Kiki about 2, from the same pound.:D
Mingus is the neighborhood cat. He has a home, but spends much of his day in the 1-block radius around his home greeting passers-by with a very loud meow. He has just about the loudest meow I have ever heard from a cat. He is very enthusiastic about meowing at people, and can be heard from a block or two away. It is quite hilarious! I am honored to be acquainted with such a fantastic personality.




We had a beautiful tabby named Turbo for 15 years. I always think of him when I see a tabby. His head was the size of a softball. DH and he were best buddies.
I sometimes lose track of which pictures I've posted, and I don't want to flood the forum with too many of them so my apologies if I'm posting repeats, or just plain posting too often, but my blind cat Jingles is giving me cause for concern.

Jingles came to me about 9 months ago from a local rescue group (who I now volunteer for). She's about 7 years old and blind, and I was envisaging a nice, quiet and non-chaotic life for her in my home. Trouble is, she's been listening to my jazz CD's when I'm out - a lot of Billie Holiday in particular, and now she wants to hit the jazz circuit and start singing. She's a sweet young lady and some of these dive bars are a bit rough - no place for a gal like her. She seems so dead-set on it though. She's very sweet, but very self-assured and quite stubborn once her mind is made up. What's a concerned and loving Dad to do?

I sometimes lose track of which pictures I've posted, and I don't want to flood the forum with too many of them so my apologies if I'm posting repeats, or just plain posting too often, but my blind cat Jingles is giving me cause for concern.

Jingles came to me about 9 months ago from a local rescue group (who I now volunteer for). She's about 7 years old and blind, and I was envisaging a nice, quiet and non-chaotic life for her in my home. Trouble is, she's been listening to my jazz CD's when I'm out - a lot of Billie Holiday in particular, and now she wants to hit the jazz circuit and start singing. She's a sweet young lady and some of these dive bars are a bit rough - no place for a gal like her. She seems so dead-set on it though. She's very sweet, but very self-assured and quite stubborn once her mind is made up. What's a concerned and loving Dad to do?


Aw, she is a pretty kitty. I guess Dad will just have to chaperone her on her new adventures in the jazz circuit.
I love the fact that you are experiencing her alternate universe through your cat. The more we experience such things, the better we will understand these complex critters!

I just wish I understood "cat"! Our Flashie tried to communicate with us a lot during his last 2 years on earth. He was a talker and we might as well have been dumb.
I often wonder what my cats are thinking kcowan, and how they experience their world.

It's an unsolvable mystery!
My neighbor has a cat called Stephen. He's a particularly well-balanced and friendly guy (the cat, I mean - although his Dad is cool too!) Often, when I'm leaving and coming back home, I hear a meow, and Stephen pops up. Invariably, I end up hanging out with him a bit before going on my way. He really loves the company.

Whenever I bump into one of the neighborhood cats, it really brightens my day.


Looks good Mr Paul. I know some folk aren't too keen on pet photos, but I never get tired of looking at them.

Sophie looks like a great companion!
Great pic, IO love the Heelers. Just what I need another breed to fall in love with.
My neighbor has a cat called Stephen. He's a particularly well-balanced and friendly guy (the cat, I mean - although his Dad is cool too!) Often, when I'm leaving and coming back home, I hear a meow, and Stephen pops up. Invariably, I end up hanging out with him a bit before going on my way. He really loves the company.

Whenever I bump into one of the neighborhood cats, it really brightens my day.

Nice cat..... but most outdoor cats avoid people like the plague.... we have a few that patrol our yard, but run if you drive up, open the door etc...

Heck, one of our cats avoids everybody as much as possible... he will do a few drive by you legs.... but he hates to be picked up and will run away...

Good thing our other cat loves everybody and loves being picked up and is starting to be a good lap cat....
Nice cat..... but most outdoor cats avoid people like the plague.... we have a few that patrol our yard, but run if you drive up, open the door etc...
Yep, this one avoids strangers too. He knows me though because I look after him when his Dad is out of town, so when he sees me outside, we hang out. He runs away from other people though. He's a smart kitty.

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