Annoying MegaCorp people !!!!!

Narcissistic Nate...

Highly skilled, with an ego to match. Thinks nothing of appearing at the worksite and lambasting everyone else’s work. Thinks he is God’s gift to women, men and children.

I was one of the few who stood up to him and reported his behaviour to the higher ups. Got him sent to anger management classes. Subsequently, colleagues could never understand why he was a pussycat whenever I was around. :LOL:
Show Horse Harry. Always shows up when the boss is around with some sort of question to catch attention. One of the first out of the door when the boss is not around and gets very little work done unless there is something in it for him. Usually gets the promotion because he manages to get the most face time. Also called Ladder Climber Larry.
LTC ROAD: retired on active duty. Had a LTC that had 2 years left before "retiring " but would not do any work or patient care...

Don delegater...had boss that his boss told him what to do, and he immediately delegated all assigned duties so he essentially did nothing. Oh yah, did go for long runs every lunch!
Friday afternoon emailer Frank...sends out that 4:45 email about some nonsense so that workers think he is still hard at work...but email clearly says sent from iphone or ipad so anyone with half a brain knows he it sitting at home sending out message.
Early Bird Earl: Comes to work at 4:00 AM so he can leave at 2:00 PM. I once had to come in that early and found out he spent the first two hours of the day eating breakfast and reading the paper.
The sad reality is everyone on this thread is talking about everyone else on the thread. Everyone annoys someone.
The sad reality is everyone on this thread is talking about everyone else on the thread. Everyone annoys someone.
You win![emoji1]
When I worked, I did not really care about what others did unless it affected me personally, which was rare. I did my work, and I assumed others did theirs. My work was mostly independent so I could afford to be detached, I guess.
There were two in my office, (actual names):

Facebook Brandon: places his hands on his keyboard to hide the phone lying on the desk between his arms. Then does nothing all day except stare at his phone.

Ice Eater Jennifer: always has a 9" tall hard plastic cup full of crushed ice. Every 5 minutes of so, picks it up and gives it a hard shake to disconnect everyone from whatever they were concentrating on, then begins the thunderous din of a hog eating gravel.

Ahhh, retirement, I love you.
Don and Donna Delegator/Dumper

LTC ROAD: retired on active duty. Had a LTC that had 2 years left before "retiring " but would not do any work or patient care...

Don delegater...had boss that his boss told him what to do, and he immediately delegated all assigned duties so he essentially did nothing. Oh yah, did go for long runs every lunch!

These no-value-add middle managers - Don and Donna Delegator/Dumper are THE reason to FI RE. They are everywhere, many, many in the Megacorps. Can't wait to be out and away from these people. Being close makes it more bearable, all I need do is look at my countdown spreadsheet. March? May? Oct? Can I make it that long:confused: :dance::dance::dance:
Seagull Sally: Flies in unannounced, makes a lot of noise, craps on everything and flies out.
iPhone Idiot:
Wanders the halls with his face in his smartphone, expecting everyone else to move out of his way. He puts on the air of being unaware but, it is a passive-aggressive power trip for him since he is so important!! (one of the mini-managers who I work with)
Max-Meeting Melvin:
Can't make a decision to save his/her life. Calls a meeting for everything. Every decision must be by group consensus, involving a cast of thousands. It's like a Cecil B. DeMille production.

Also, "gets off" on copying upper management on most emails, no matter how trivial.
Seagull Sally: Flies in unannounced, makes a lot of noise, craps on everything and flies out.

This one reminded me of the classic definition of an expert consultant:

Someone who doesn't know any more than you, but comes from another city, charges a big fee, and has color slides.
I seriously LOVE this thread! Makes me so happy I don't work in an office and haven't for years.

Back in the day, I had a client who wanted me to load my reports and do a few other things twice a month into her computer in her office. To do this, I used a computer at a desk in an office shared with

Babbling Brooke

BB talked to herself All The Effen Time.
"Now, why did I put that file in that drawer? That makes no sense."
"Bugger. I have to phone Dr. Harris this morning. I wonder if I can put her off until afternoon?"
"Oh, mew mew. I wish this office would allow you to come be with me. I can't wait to go home and give you kitty treats."

I asked her to please not talk to herself during the few hours a month I was there. She said she couldn't help it.
"Chatty. It's what I am."

I fantasized about someone coming into her office one morning and finding her in her chair with her head on her desk and a note alongside:
"Strangled. It's what I am."
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I am thoroughly enjoying this thread... and really thankful I didn't work in one of the offices you are describing.
Then there is Redundant Robert--who makes a point four times per minute statement because he keeps going over the same point.

Or Get to the Point Gary--it takes him fifteen minutes to tell you something because he can't get to the point.
Def gonna meet these at da CCRC!

Then there is Redundant Robert--who makes a point four times per minute statement because he keeps going over the same point.

Or Get to the Point Gary--it takes him fifteen minutes to tell you something because he can't get to the point.
Early Bird Earl: Comes to work at 4:00 AM so he can leave at 2:00 PM. I once had to come in that early and found out he spent the first two hours of the day eating breakfast and reading the paper.

Then there is his opposite Latework Lisa.

She always works at least 2 hours past 'normal' quitting time. What the bosses don't see when they leave at 6:30, and Lisa is still working, is her often late arrivals, long bathroom breaks, and the 90 minute to two hour lunches.
Forwarding Freddie:

Reads only the first sentence of an email before forwarding it to someone. Doesn’t see the potentially embarrassing information on line 12.

Receives a long email chain and forwards it with no explanation for action. Gives no clue that the action he wants is in email #14 of 23 in the chain, all of which Are quoted in entirely including headers, disclaimers, etc. Becomes angry when asked for clarification. Gets even madder when two hours are charged to his project.
How about “Sneezing Sam”. A Chinese national in my office frequently lets a sneeze go while at his cube ; normally not an issue but its several in sucession and the decibel level of a howitzer...he also had the fine art of coughing up a lung and spitting in his garbage basket down pat....all acceptable in China I’m certain!������
How about “Sneezing Sam”. A Chinese national in my office frequently lets a sneeze go while at his cube ; normally not an issue but its several in sucession and the decibel level of a howitzer...he also had the fine art of coughing up a lung and spitting in his garbage basket down pat....all acceptable in China I’m certain!������

At MegaMotors, we had certain recent arrivals that either used the bathroom sink as a Kleenex or a foot washer. :sick:

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