Anyone ever try Farmer Carries?


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Dec 9, 2016
Stumbled upon these yesterday and I'm looking to mix up my weight exercises a bit. Anyone have experience with these?
I haven't done those but I did carry DW(115#) and a backpack from the Napali Coast State Park back to the trailhead after she tore her hamstring back in 2009. I can't remember how many miles, but my right knee reminds me at least once a week.

I also carried about 45# of tools, instruments, battery, detectors on my mine belt each and everyday I spent in a coal mine for 35 years.
The exercise is a regular part of a circuit fitness class, targeted to older adults, that I do.
The weights in the video are monstrous! I use much lighter ones - a little less than the 30% of body weight that they recommend.
I do them and they seem to help with my balance. I also find them oddly satisfying so I look forward to them unlike many other exercises. I do them mostly one side at a time. I do about 25% of my body weight and that seems to be enough for now.

I look just like the guy in the video without all the muscles and ab definition.
Every summer I have to carry 2 full pails of water (2 gallons each = 16.66 pounds each) uphill from the lake as we don't have running water.
As a teenager I hated wash day as that meant 6 trips for the wash on top of the regular trips.

Didn't know I was doing exercise, it was just life :LOL:
I do them occasionally as part of my workout, usually up and down the basement stairs.
I did them every summer from age about 8 to 16 on our small farm, it was my job to milk two cows every evening and get the milk back home for our daily consumption. Went off to college after that. I have great memories of that journey across the hill, lots of time to think and daydream...
On one trip to Hilton Head Island my wife and I were doing our morning walk on the beach. We ran into a trainer with his clients and he was having them do farmers carries.

I do them. But even more often, I do them single-sided, being very careful to keep my hips level and spine vertical - single-sided is an amazing core exercise if done carefully.
Wheelbarrow, 10 yards of dirt, then hurl with a grain shovel. After loading said wheelbarrow with 20 scoops. ..
My back hurts enough without trying to aggravate it with extra weight.
I do them mostly one side at a time. I do about 25% of my body weight and that seems to be enough for now.
That's interesting, I would think carrying on one side at a time would increase core strength better then carrying on both sides.
They are a good exercise for multiple muscle groups and balance. As with any new exercise and like others have said, gradually work up with the weight.
This is easily done with empty milk cartons, with handles. You don't need expensive weights. Add water gradually increasing the weight over time.
This is easily done with empty milk cartons, with handles. You don't need expensive weights. Add water gradually increasing the weight over time.
Are these exercises considered "good" for backs??
Yes, when I was an amateur boxer as a kid we used to do these. In those days they were called Farmer's Walk because farmers used to carry buckets of feed or grain and they had very strong forearms and grips. I can no longer do them as I am prone to buldging disks in my back but they are very effective, especially when done going up and down stairs. If I could still do them, I would, but alas......
Yes, when I was an amateur boxer as a kid we used to do these. In those days they were called Farmer's Walk because farmers used to carry buckets of feed or grain and they had very strong forearms and grips. I can no longer do them as I am prone to buldging disks in my back but they are very effective, especially when done going up and down stairs. If I could still do them, I would, but alas......
Yeah, I wondered about disks as I have a couple of disk issues. Oddly, the disks aren't causing me pain while arthritis is. So far, I've never found a "back doctor" that does much more than inject or cut. Telling me how to "live" with my back issues doesn't seem part of their of their capabilities but YMMV.
Very strange observation. On the days when I do these I find I am SO hungry rest of the day !
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