Appropriate site those who trade for living?


Confused about dryer sheets
Sep 6, 2018
Been receiving emails from ER for a while but have been remiss in engaging the community until now. Curious if this board lends itself to discussions for those who have retired and now make their living via the markets.

Don't want to get into specifics until I know I'm not breaking etiquette/lurking on the wrong boards.

What say you folks??

Bride and I in early 50s, 2 boys in college, zero debt. Former Elec engr and former FA in previous life.

Thx in advance.

EDIT: Sorry if I'm in wrong place. Saw something about dryer sheets under my tagname. No idea what that's about.
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Been receiving emails from ER for a while but have been remiss in engaging the community until now. Curious if this board lends itself to discussions for those who have retired and now make their living via the markets.

Don't want to get into specifics until I know I'm not breaking etiquette/lurking on the wrong boards.

What say you folks??

Bride and I in early 50s, 2 boys in college, zero debt. Former Elec engr and former FA in previous life.

Thx in advance.

EDIT: Sorry if I'm in wrong place. Saw something about dryer sheets under my tagname. No idea what that's about.

The phrase is true....truly confused about dryer sheets.
There are many people here who pay their expenses only from their investments. I don't quite know what you mean by "making a living" though. Is that the same as paying expenses?
Sure. Making a living equals paying the bills I suppose. For me, if my IRA/CMA balance is higher at the end of the year than it is on 1 Jan, then I not only paid bills but I made some money.

Don't know what semantics has to do with it. Making a living, paying the bills, staying off the gubmint dole, whatever.
Sure. Making a living equals paying the bills I suppose. For me, if my IRA/CMA balance is higher at the end of the year than it is on 1 Jan, then I not only paid bills but I made some money.

Don't know what semantics has to do with it. Making a living, paying the bills, staying off the gubmint dole, whatever.
Nothing wrong with any of that. Most of use here are the same. I misinterpreted your query and thought you were looking for a community of stock traders. Apologies. Buy and hold and passive investing have a big following here.
I think the issue is your "trade for a living" phrase.
We have mostly investors here, and few traders.
IOW, the day to day market activity doesn't get as much attention here as you might like. But since you've been registered here for some months you've most likely read through much of what's posted. Plenty of valuable information, just not lots of what you would find at true investing forums.
Perhaps if you clarified a bit more what you're asking, it could help get better responses.
Yeah, I think your phrasing it make their living via the markets suggest actively trading... but perhaps you mean living off of your investments, in whcih case there are many of us here who do that. Plus a lot of us have some "play" money... a small part of our portfolio that we use for trading... but more for entertainment and as a hobby.
looking for community of retirees who trade

Braumeister, OldShooter, et. al

Thx for the responses. I should have been more specific but didn't want to post a thesis at the time.

I'm not interested in banter about specific trading techniques, stock/option/futures trading, etc. (got that covered). Interested in how the community makes their money work for them. At 52, I'm at least 15 years from SS. Who knows if SS will even be there by then!?

Interested to find others who, either out of necessity or out of desire, have chosen to leave the workforce for good and live out their lives the way they choose. Interested in budgeting, ideas for alternative leisure activities, etc.

For me, above most all else right now, my bride and I would like to buy a piece of property and build our home. Looking for the right place. Currently live just outside of KCMO but still far too close to civilization for our taste.
Interested to find others who, either out of necessity or out of desire, have chosen to leave the workforce for good and live out their lives the way they choose. Interested in budgeting, ideas for alternative leisure activities, etc.

Which is exactly what you'll find here, and much more. Spend some time browsing the forums, and use the search feature on specific issues. Then ask away!
Braumeister, OldShooter, et. al

Thx for the responses. I should have been more specific but didn't want to post a thesis at the time.

I'm not interested in banter about specific trading techniques, stock/option/futures trading, etc. (got that covered). Interested in how the community makes their money work for them. At 52, I'm at least 15 years from SS. Who knows if SS will even be there by then!?

Interested to find others who, either out of necessity or out of desire, have chosen to leave the workforce for good and live out their lives the way they choose. Interested in budgeting, ideas for alternative leisure activities, etc.

For me, above most all else right now, my bride and I would like to buy a piece of property and build our home. Looking for the right place. Currently live just outside of KCMO but still far too close to civilization for our taste.
That's here. Welcome to the forum. I left the workplace 7 years ago when it became harmful to my health. There's a lot of good information here about living after working. Your bio suggests you have most investing topics covered.

We spent 38 wonderful years in the KC area, 29 of which I spent doing IT in downtown KCMO. Left 3 years ago for CO. I haven't missed a tornado or ice storm since; but I do miss Go Chicken Go.
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