Beauty and brains must be incompatible

Now I'm starting to feel sorry for the girl. She's just 16? Talk about not being able to show your face again... think about it ... 16 and a girl, high school teasing ... geez. What people do to themselves.:eek:
Now I'm starting to feel sorry for the girl. She's just 16? Talk about not being able to show your face again... think about it ... 16 and a girl, high school teasing ... geez. What people do to themselves.:eek:

Or maybe it's this child's parents who subjected her to this whole competitive and, to me, bizarre world of beauty contests. This kid doesn't belong in that situation anymore than I do. She was incoherent, whether from youth, fear, or stupidity.

Now she'll spend years getting over becoming a national laughing stock. Sad. Nice going, Mom and Dad :rolleyes:.
She'll be fine. She'll probably be more recognizable (marketable) now that she flubbed it, otherwise who remembers the third-runner up in a beauty pageant? But I agree about the parents--and don't get me started on the "pedophile pageants" for the Tiny Wee Miss whatever. That is so creepy!

Why would anyone be surprised that pageant girls aren't bright? It isn't a Fulbright competition for goodness sakes!

And watch out with that "war of northern agression" reference Rich! We are still fighting that war down here--just as soon as we can get the Hunley submarine running again, watch out! :)

Sarah (who grew up one block from Fort Moultrie on Sullivans Island and could see Fort Sumter from the porch!)
And watch out with that "war of northern agression" reference Rich! We are still fighting that war down here--just as soon as we can get the Hunley submarine running again, watch out!

OK, Kiddo - you got me on that one. What was the reference you're teasing me about?

Hope you're right about her not suffering from the debacle. But in this era, when you are plastered all over the internet, Leno, and Letterman I'd guess it'll stick for a while.

And I have to admit that watching the video does make me chuckle. In a guilty way, of course.
And watch out with that "war of northern agression" reference Rich! We are still fighting that war down here--just as soon as we can get the Hunley submarine running again, watch out!

I must have missed the reference as well. Rich is still figuring out what the South is all about. He has always been a gentleman about it, but he is challenged in his learning because of his locale. You have to remember that he is located in Florida, which while geographically located in the South, is really just a suburb of greater New York.
Here I was, giving Rich a hard time when some Hawaiian guy was causing all the trouble! Sorry Rich!

LOL, that was really funny Sarah. Still South Carolina survived starting the Civil War, compared to that Miss Teen South Carolina's You Tube video isn't so bad. :D

We call the Civil War the war of northern aggression, dontcha know? ;)
And the Hunley was the Civil War submarine that sunk a Northern ship in Charleston harbor, then sank with all hands lost. A friend of mine, Harry Pecorelli, officially found the sub, working for Clive Cussler.

Sorry, Rich--I'll give you more credit for your Southern-ness! :)
She'll be fine. She'll probably be more recognizable (marketable) now that she flubbed it, otherwise who remembers the third-runner up in a beauty pageant? But I agree about the parents--and don't get me started on the "pedophile pageants" for the Tiny Wee Miss whatever. That is so creepy!

Why would anyone be surprised that pageant girls aren't bright? It isn't a Fulbright competition for goodness sakes!

And watch out with that "war of northern agression" reference Rich! We are still fighting that war down here--just as soon as we can get the Hunley submarine running again, watch out! :)

Sarah (who grew up one block from Fort Moultrie on Sullivans Island and could see Fort Sumter from the porch!)

Don't mess with the didn't go so well the last time, no?? :D:D

Funny, I have close relatives living in Mississippi, and they STILL call us "northerners" and "Yankees" when they call............:D
One should never be amazed at the amount of ignorance and prejudice the human race is capable of...

The [-]War of Northern Aggression[/-] [-]War Between the States[/-] Civil War was essentially pre-destined from the very beginning of the "Republic", and the reasons/politics behind it was/is a blight on our history...

The "Founding Fathers", slavery notwithstanding, came up with a remarkable document. But one must remember, there were factions on either side of several issues, and we're probably lucky that James Madison won the day.

Most of the framers of the Constitution were monied, educated, and successful businessmen/lawyers/farmers. The next generation, destined to start the westward expansion, were, shall we say, less encumbered by lofty principles...
Funny, I have close relatives living in Mississippi, and they STILL call us "northerners" and "Yankees" when they call............:D

Well of course they do. In the South we use the term yankee all the time (maybe not as much as we once did) to identify someone from the north. It was once used as an insult - and can still be used that way - but now it just identifies why you are "different" from us.

That didn't seem smart. Why do you reckon he did that?

He's a yankee.

It's more an anachronism now than it used to be. But you have to remember that while we half-jokingly refer to that disagreement between the states as "The War of Northern Aggression", the war was followed by nearly a century of very real economic and political oppression of the South by the North.

There was some bitterness.

But now we're a few decades into the "New South" and we're all making money hand over fist from Atlanta to San Antonio and we are much more charitable and willing to forgive. Until so many of you'all decided to move here.

When I first moved to Texas it was the late 70's - early 80's and it seemed like every laid off factory worker in Ohio, New York and Michigan had moved here - and brought their rusty old junk cars with them. Some people called them "Hudson River Wetbacks".

Some of our yankee friends had difficulties understanding how things worked here and I had this kind of conversation with more than a few of them that ran astray of the law:

I'm under arrest? You got to be f#$(%ng kidding me! I do this all the time in (insert yankee city or state name here) and I never got arrested!

Do me a favor and look around you for a moment. Do you see snow on the ground?


That means you're not in (insert name of yankee city or state here) anymore. And, yes, you are going to jail.
IRich is still figuring out what the South is all about. He has always been a gentleman about it, but he is challenged in his learning because of his locale. You have to remember that he is located in Florida, which while geographically located in the South, is really just a suburb of greater New York.


I have my bona fides: U. of Va. grad. Admittedly, I strayed for 25 years in Wisconsin (but the southern part of the state), but now again a southerner. And I occasionally say y'all.

As an aside, Floridians recognize that the Atlantic coast (esp the south) is a suburb of NY/Phila/Boston, etc. Here on the Gulf Coast it's a combination of old south and lots of midwest overtones. Kinda nice, really. But the left and right coasts of this peninsula are quite different in look and feel. Not a value judgment, just different IMHO. For the most part, I like them both.

But whatever you do, don't tell Sarah that I love the parts I've seen of South Carolina (OK, it's some of the "better" parts). It'll go to her head.
Wow.......I'm going to go slam my head into a brick wall so that I might wipe out that video from my memory.


Nope. Still there.
i bet she paid some pageant coach mega bucks to learn how to answer those questions too!
Saw an artilce where she was on Good Morning America and answered the question again.... said she only heard a few words of the question and started to answer... she said she made a mistake and everybody makes mistakes....

Said she is taking it in stride.... Good for her...
Give the kid a break.

Try to imagine being a teenager (I know that's a real stretch for some of [-]us[/-] you ;)) on stage in front of a national TV audience and being asked a question where your response could mean the difference between winning or losing a contest that means a great deal to [-]your parents[/-] you. And since you're only a teenager, your brain doesn't always think with the razor sharp logic of us adults :cool:. You don't hear the question correctly or start thinking of an answer even before the question has been fully asked. Once you start to answer the question, you realize you don't know what you are saying and aren't making any sense but don't know how to get out of a messy situation and just keep babbling.

I say we should show a little mercy towards someone who's just a kid...and a nice looking one at that.:D
She did a beautiful poised job of damage control this morning with Matt Lauer. Hope of clip of that gets out on the net. Matt and his side kick were very kind to her.
She did a beautiful poised job of damage control this morning with Matt Lauer. Hope of clip of that gets out on the net. Matt and his side kick were very kind to her.

I, too, would like to offer comfort...

"Cause I'm built for comfort..." Willie Dixon
I, too, would like to offer comfort...

"Cause I'm built for comfort..." Willie Dixon

I found watching the clip with the sound turned off that I'd be happy to comfort her pain also.>:D and after watching her performance on Today, she doesn't seem any dumber than the average teenager. It is amazing at what guys will let pretty girls get away with.

A couple of nights ago they interviewed a lady protesting a new ferry in Hawaii, holding a sign saying "Stupid Ferry, Stupid People." When she was interviewed by the local TV, she babbled something equally incoherent as our Miss Teen.

One of my friends thought maybe she'd make Leno, but of course being frumpy middle age woman and not a very pretty 18 year old she has no chance!
Ya know....if someone launched a MISTER Teen USA contest, along the same lines as these girl-deals, it would become undeniably obvious how idiotic this stuff is. Parade them around in Tuxes, then in speedos, then have them answer some "IQ" question, then show some kind of talent at something.... anything. Maybe speedos again. LMAO!!
Saw an artilce where she was on Good Morning America and answered the question again.... said she only heard a few words of the question and started to answer... she said she made a mistake and everybody makes mistakes....

Uh, that's when you say "Can you please repeat the question?"

I strayed for 25 years in Wisconsin (but the southern part of the state), but now again a southerner. And I occasionally say y'all.

Me too, can't get much farther South than that! August comes around and I long for the smell of cool wet sand and cotton candy in the Riviera at Lake Geneva, or "the Rive" as we called it. Pull up your shirt and show your beach tag.... Ah!
Oh that was awful! It was just drivel. I don't think she knew what a map was.

So where is this "Diraq" that she was talking about?

For more entertainment... replay the video, but only watch the face of the guy that is holding the microphone at the end. Is he, or is he not, thinking "This girl doesn't have a brain in her head!"
She did a beautiful poised job of damage control this morning with Matt Lauer. Hope of clip of that gets out on the net.

I agree that she did an excellent job of rebounding. I believe that they said that she had a HS average of 3.5GPA, and when Lauer spoke to her, she gave a very thoughtful, intelligent response. I think that it was just a case a nerves and her failure to ask " Can you please repeat the question?"

Hey the kid is only 16 years old. If this is the worst thing that ever happens to her, she'll be OK.
Mickey, I didn't see Miss SC on TV, so I can't comment on whether she rebounded or not. But as for a 3.5 GPA in high school...don't be too impressed by that. Grade inflation is rampant, so A's don't mean all that much. Studies have shown that only 26% of kids who took college prep are prepared for college and able to achieve at least a C:

In Study, College-Prep Classes Left Many Unready - New York Times

And it's been said that only 31% of college graduates can read a complex book and extrapolate from it:

Literacy of College Graduates Is on Decline

I've seen statistics showing that at some schools (not the most competitive, but typical state colleges and universities) more than 50% of freshman need to take remedial courses to get them up to college level.

As someone who was 50 yo remarked to me about the difference between the English classes he took in HS versus his daughter currently: "When I was in HS, we were reading the Odyssey. My daughter's English class watched O Brother Where Art Thou? instead." (O Brother is a great film and loosely based on the Odyssey, but it does show how curriculum has been dumbed down.

Possibly this girl is not dumber than the majority of her peers. Or maybe she really was that nervous in the pageant. While I understand that there was more pressure and competition during the pageant than going on The Today Show, it still is interesting to me that she was that nervous as to be totally incoherent but a few days later was poised and articulate. Ostensibly she was speaking off the cuff in both instances, but of course, she had some prep help for the pageant. Possibly she was better coached for The Today Show and she may have been more motivated to try to learn and practice what to say on it after being ridiculed for her performance on the pageant.
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A couple of nights ago they interviewed a lady protesting a new ferry in Hawaii, holding a sign saying "Stupid Ferry, Stupid People." When she was interviewed by the local TV, she babbled something equally incoherent as our Miss Teen.
Boy, that situation went from zero to ugly in about 4.6 seconds. I was hoping that the ferry would produce some October holoholo bargains but just six weeks might not be enough time to recover from the court battles.

Have you been following the fuss over at Wait until people realize that the venture capital for this project came from John "Command of the Seas" Lehman...
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oh, i forgot to add, she's a model (was in high school too) and on tv sometimes in commercials...

I suppose it's too much to hope that she's investing that money for FIRE......


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