Bed sheets


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Jan 8, 2012
Kind of an odd topic, but I'm wondering how long most people use the same bed sheets before replacing them. I'm asking because I seem to be buying new ones every 5 years or so, due to the wear and tear -- I guess from my feet moving around and creating little rips and tears that gradually turn into large rips and tears. I buy 100% cotton with a thread count in the 400-600 range, usually. I guess this might be the kind of thing where, if I want the softness and luxury of pure cotton, I just have to live with the fact that the sheets won't be super durable.

So -- if you care to answer -- about how long do you sleep on the same bed sheets before buying new ones? If you'd also include the thread count and whether they're 100% cotton, that would be appreciated, too. :)
We love the sheets sold by Costco. We replace them if needed, but never marked the date we bought them.

Enjoying life!
I am sold on the cotton jersey--t-shirt type--sheets. I find them cool in summer and warm in winter and love the feel. They are not expensive (believe it or not I've found the best brand ever at Walmart) but don't last more than about 2-3 years. Then they get cut up and replenish my rag bag.
You don't think 5 years is durable? That's 1825 nights or so. We get rid of ours if they started to feel rough or pilly.....I believe that the newer high efficiency washers are harder on sheets and towels. I'm not picky about sheets, usually buy on white sales and just look for about a 500 thread count or higher.
+1 on the Costco sheets - they fit the description in the OP of high thread count, 100% egyptian pima cotton.

I replace about every 3-4 years. Only when they develop a tear - which is typically in the foot area... 3-4 years isn't bad for something that has my body lying on it 6 months of the year. (I alternate between 2 sets... so each gets 1/2 use.)
bout 5 years is what I get on sheets. I always buy flannel sheets.
Haven't tracked but 5 years sounds about right. I like to get at least 300 ct or better, and i like cotton sateen. I usually pick up sets for cheap at Homegoods and rotate 2, one off one on.
You don't think 5 years is durable? That's 1825 nights or so. We get rid of ours if they started to feel rough or pilly.....I believe that the newer high efficiency washers are harder on sheets and towels. I'm not picky about sheets, usually buy on white sales and just look for about a 500 thread count or higher.

I too have found that HE washers and detergent are harder on sheets (and clothes). I seem to ruin/tear stuff much faster.

OP, 4-6 years seems about what we get out of ours. We recently started using different ones in colder months.
I wish my sheets would wear out and get a hole in them. I rotate between three sets and they are at least 10 years old. My favorite is the 500 or 600 threat count Egyptian Cotton that is Wamsutta brand. The other two sets are 100% cotton but maybe 200 or 300 thread count and I would like to get rid of them but I hate to buy new sheets when the old ones are adequate (note on other thread that I don't have this issue with an unmatched washer and dryer). I would never buy percale and don't care for sateen. I have the same problem with towels - they last forever.
I rotate several pairs of sheets. One of them, 300 thread count, is about 30 years old and is holding up better than the newer ones.

Maybe I don't kick as much some of you in bed!
I am sold on the cotton jersey--t-shirt type--sheets. I find them cool in summer and warm in winter and love the feel. They are not expensive (believe it or not I've found the best brand ever at Walmart) but don't last more than about 2-3 years. Then they get cut up and replenish my rag bag.

+1 Love the Jersey sheets.
Nodak, I live in MN and have spent time in Minot. It isn't THAT cold!!!
I don't care for the ultra high count cloth. But what's important now that mattresses have gotten so thick is having a very deep pocket in the fitted sheets. There's nothing worse than the sheet coming off the mattress when I rollover in the middle of the night.
We have all cotton, high thread count percale (not sateen). We replace them when they rip. I can't recall precisely, but I bet we get 10 years out of a set. We have two sets and change them out to wash them once a week.
DW buys more sheets than we need, we seem to have about 8 sets. They are approx 600 threadcount and seem to last a very long time, but I can't give even a rough estimate of longevity due to the number of sets in the rotation. I'd be perfectly happy with 200 TPI: Bigger threads = thicker sheets that should last longer.
I always buy flannel sheets.
We have a set that we put on sometimes in the winter. It's a special treat to get into bed and not have that initial cold feeling that non-flannel sheets have. DW doesn't care for them very much though--I guess they aren't smooth enough.
I rotate several pairs of sheets. One of them, 300 thread count, is about 30 years old and is holding up better than the newer ones.

Maybe I don't kick as much some of you in bed!

Your 300 count sheets are probably percale sheets. It's difficult to find percale sheets anymore. I've seen them on Overstock occasionally, and Kohls used to sell Canon percale sheets.

A high thread count doesn't necessarily translate into better wearability or quality in sheets.

I avoid sateen sheets as they seem to be the worst in durability, and are often the highest in thread count.
Not sure if my theory is right - but if you have rips is it usually on the husband's side of the bed?

It is in my house...DH is also far more likely than me to have calloused heels and sharper toenails - just observing!
I love Costco's products but the flat sheet for a queen bed just barely covers our bodies. It is difficult to purchase sheets other than in a set but I did find wonderful sheets at LL Bean where I can purchase a deep pocket fitted queen sheet and a king size top sheet. I love the feel of those sheets and my tush doesn't get exposed in the middle of the night. 280-Thread-Count Pima Cotton Percale Sheet, Fitted | Free Shipping at L.L.Bean .
Which of the Costco sheets are recommended? They carry a couple different brands. I recently bought a queen set of sheets from Bed, Bath, and Beyond, and they were pilling after about 4 weeks of use. Guess I won't buy that brand again, and will check reviews before I buy another set of sheets. $50 is a lot of money for sheets! Has anyone tried IKEA's higher thread count sheets (300 threads per inch & above)? How are they?
Currently sleeping on a 800 count JC Penny second from most expensive set bought during a good sale I'm told ($60). These are nice compared to the micro fiber and the cheapo Dollar General brand I first tried. I'll probably get them again when needed. DW always took care these things and would toss out the old if they pilled or ripped.

5 years seems a long time considering how much use they get.
Re the prices. I usually get Ralph Lauren - i get a queen set at Home Goods (like a tjmax/marshalls) for $40. Often see the 1k thread counts for more like $60.
I would *guess* ours last about as long. My guess they would last longer if we all STOPPED reusing dryer sheets! :)

A little off topic, but my Dad has been using the same sheet sets for at least 20 years, probably longer. Towels? Yeah, those are probably closer to 30 years old...and most are still in good shape. I would guess it's because when Mom was still around doing the laundry, they didn't use a dryer. Everything was hung up to dry. My Dad has a nack for making things last FOREVER. His house was built in 1973 and most of the furnishings are from his parents and some of it from his grandparents. Even though so much of it is SO OLD, it all still looks new.

When my SIL/BIL came to visit last year, we went over there for happy hour. They were in awe of the condition and appearance of the furnishings. They had two thoughts...1) This looks like it should be used as a set on Mad Men and 2) We all need smoking jackets and a martini!

I do laugh that much of the furniture he has now sells as high-end at sellers like this Mitchell Gold + Bob Williams: Classic Modern Home Furnishings
Just want to say thanks to everyone for all the helpful replies. I guess the 5 years I've been getting out of my sheets is pretty typical.

I recently bought a queen set of sheets from Bed, Bath, and Beyond, and they were pilling after about 4 weeks of use. Guess I won't buy that brand again, and will check reviews before I buy another set of sheets.

Would you mind sharing the specific brand and product name of those BB&B sheets you didn't like? I have a "20% off" BB&B coupon and was thinking about using it to buy some new sheets.
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