Besides this forum, what other forums are you active on?

I visit a couple outdoor life site and few few hobby sites, every once in awhile.
Boglehead forum
occasionally NextDoor
a few cooking ones

This one is the only one I have joined and participate in. It is the best and I learn so much, along with a few great laughs every day!
Financial Wisdom Forum
Canadian Money Forum

Facebook Groups:
Classic Cars
Puerto Vallarta

There have been several I've been very active on over the years but now it's just this forum, a Facebook writing group that I kind of hate and have a history of leaving for a year at a time, and a Reddit group on teaching that I'm somewhat new to. I would probably be active on a certain writing forum but I got banned for the second time not too long ago. The first time was about 5 years ago. They didn't know it was me again, they just can't handle the likes of me.
Same here. Get different perspectives of different stages of FI and ER.

The Bogleheads folks are very similar to the ones on Early Retirement (I bet alot of overlap of members there) but I like ER better--more types of discussion allowed here and more tolerance by the Mods here. On the other hand Mr Money Mustache is a whole different bunch--I don't really fit in there but I do like the different perspective.
Some of the "ERE Journals" over on Jacob's site are compelling, particularly for lifestyle, philosophy, "reduced personal impact" and DIY-type posts:

The "Journaling" structure over at ERE is interesting, at least I think so, in that you can find an author that is similar to your stage in life (age, job, location, philosophy, etc.) and follow them.

Another compelling website is "Lacking Ambition": Lacking Ambition. Mike stopped posting over there years ago, then seemingly up and disappeared. It is a Thoreau-esque chronicle that touches upon life's purpose, the futility of w*rk and related themes. I read through all the posts once a year or so while sipping a good wine. That web site speaks to me.
Most time is on college alma mater's sports forum.
The only other one I read and contribute to is Bogleheads. This forum and bogleheads scratch different itches for me.
Mostly on this forum...and a lot more these days due to staying home and trying to avoid COVID19.

I have used the Cruise Critic forum, but with no cruises for me in the foreseeable future, I haven’t checked in there in ages.

When I am shopping for either a new phone or airtime then I participate in Howard Forum. Also, I can’t resist checking it out around Black Friday. I also read the Android Central forums from time to time.

I have checked out Bogleheads and Money Mustache but neither of those resonated with me.
Here and on the timeshare site timeshare users group. Used to be there more than here but since COVID-19 I can’t stomach the posts from so many long time posters I used to respect.

A shout out to the Mods here for the containment area. I suggested such an area on that site and was shot down.
I only skim Bogleheads nowadays. Probably that is because my investing methodology has evolved and doesn't fit there at all. I've learned a thing or 2 over the years there. I've also seen some advice that has not panned out over the years.

The extremist Bogleheads are a turnoff. They do not welcome other methods.
I was a long time member of a small home theater forum but the owner grew weary and closed it.
Bogleheads seems to be mentioned a lot. Does anyone know how to enable e-mail notifications when subscribing to various of its sub-forums, and receive only a weekly summary of new posts? I could enable only notification on instant posts, and the rate of incoming messages is overwhelming.
and Mr Money Mustache
Good God, that guy is only hyperbole. He was once mentioning about his "formidable" Honda Element car achieving ... 150 MPG.

He lives not too far from my location, in Longmont.
and Mr Money Mustache

Good God, that guy is only hyperbole. He was once mentioning about his "formidable" Honda Element car achieving ... 150 MPG.

He lives not too far from my location, in Longmont.

Maybe so, but I read his site a few years before retirement and I really appreciated the smack in the face that he provided - that a big part of retiring early is controlling expenses. I was so focused on my number (net worth/financial assets) that I just never appreciated how impactful it would be to pare down my spending. I might have found that out eventually some other way, but I’m thankful to have passed his way for a short time. I don’t go there any longer because, to me, his site was like a book. Read it, implement what makes sense and move on.
I have really cut down on forum activities since my ER 5 years ago. Forums were my way of ease work stress. Since I quit my job, I picked up a lot of hobbies and do not have time to post on forums. Having said that, the only other forum I am active on is a sumo forum. And I post on that forum when there is a sumo tournament (every six weeks for 15 straight days).
This forum plus a couple of expat forums for USCs living or moving to the UK.
Reddit, Bogleheads...
The Pelican Porsche forums (lots of interesting subjects), and a homesteading forum.
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