Best time of the year for blood work and physical?

Our doctor in MD told us we could have a cup of black coffee before our fasting blood test.

Actually, that's the only thing I care about, and it's the opposite. I want it to be as early in the morning as possible, because they need you to be fasting for the blood draw and I WANT MY COFFEE!!!!
We prefer a.m. doctor and dental appointments for that same reason - and also because all the medical places are across town, and traffic gets worse with time passing. During season, a 20-minute trip in the morning can turn into 45 minutes in the afternoon.

I have been to many doctor's appointments recently with DH who just had knee replacement surgery. The new trend is to have the patient to stay in their car until the office calls you to come in for your appt. Sometimes you have to sit in your car 20-30 minutes waiting for the call. At an afternoon appointment this week it was very hot, there was no shade and we had trouble keeping the car cool. By the time of the appointment we were both feeling overheated. If this new procedure continues I am going to have to schedule appointments very early in the morning or during the cooler months.
I didn't skip any doctor or dentist appointments. Both the dental and medical clinics were deserted. I see my doctor annually in November. There was absolutely no waiting which was a big improvement. They drew blood in the same room as the physical which was also convenient. I got my blood test results the same day. If I were you I would see your doctor ASAP since you missed your appointment last year.
For Canadian snowbirds, it’s important to get medical stuff done first thing in spring to avoid any medication changes within your travel medical insurance stability window.

If the window is 90 days, and you head south November 1, then changes need to happen before August 1.

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