Biggest Worry

My DW worries all the time. It is a little hard to manage and deal with at times tbh. Does anyone else worry about almost everything? I am trying to figure out if its because she is a female, or a mother of three or just her personality or maybe even a mental illness of some sort. She worries out loud as well, where as maybe if I do worry its just silently to myself.

For instance this morning she was worried about why the baby was fussy. Then she worried about how much gas we had in the vehicle and she worried if our 50c gas coupon was going to expire before we had to fill-up. She then worried about her route she needed to take tomorrow. She worried about the food getting too warm if she bought frozen food at Wal Mart but then had to stop at CostCo on her way home as well, which is maybe a 15 minute or 20minute delay from getting the food home rather than going straight from walmart to home first.

She worried about how her workout went. She worried when I told her I had to leave right when the kids get home tonight to do a tree estimate, and I told her I would have the Salmon all grilled and ready as soon as she pulled in the driveway. She was worried it would get cold by the time she serves it. WIth the gas, I just logged in and looked on the website and saw that it was expiring the end of the month.

I just honestly don't understand how someone worries so much. The therapist says it might seem like I worry less because I am more of a problem solver coming up with solutions rather than first stating my worry. Like I said I quietly worry to myself, then think it through and finally come up with a plan.

For instance, with the dinner tonight, she could have told me to basically have the table set, with some sides ready to go so the fam is ready to eat right when they come home. For the groceries I would be fine if things were thawing for 15 we aren't getting any ice cream. Just milk and to me that can be out of a freezer for an extra 15 minutes without any concerns. For her route she is worried about I would just plan it out in my head. For the gas concern, I could go onto google maps and add up all the miles and see that there is plenty of gas to make all the stops and still make it to a gas station (she often fills up at quarter tank, where I fill up when it is closer to empty). With the baby, I understand they have either 1 of 2 moods, they are either happy, or they are upset and its up to us as parents to motivate their mood from upset to happy again. Playing little games with them, making them giggle, doing peek-a-boo etc. instead of pacing around the house wondering why. Maybe it's also her conservative upbringing that causes some worry.

Anyone have thoughts on this?

Thanks for posting...Compared to me your wife is carefree..
Don't get political but what is your biggest personal worry these days? Maybe this should be a poll? War/climate/inflation/division/health etc.

The whole economy including inflation.

The direction our country has been going over many years.

As a mother I worry about our only child and pray for him every day that he will stay healthy, safe, successful and happy snd find a nice woman to partner with.

I don’t worry about health really. I know we’re all heading into the breakdown lane one way or another, no matter what, sooner or later, so I’ll deal with whatever comes my way best I can.
I am glad that I do not suffer worry.

A truly useless emotion.

My wife does though, she is getting mental help for her worry and anxiety.

Doesn't want the windows open at night because she worries about getting murdered in our sleep. Even though we have cameras and 2 large dogs. Double, triple, quad, cinco checks the locked doors to make sure they are locked. Will go back and check again if I go back into the house to get something I forgot just to make sure I locked the door.
as the Uber tracking app to monitor children's progress on route.

Yeah, it's not about the nail.
I am glad that I do not suffer worry.

A truly useless emotion.

My wife does though, she is getting mental help for her worry and anxiety.

Doesn't want the windows open at night because she worries about getting murdered in our sleep. Even though we have cameras and 2 large dogs. Double, triple, quad, cinco checks the locked doors to make sure they are locked. Will go back and check again if I go back into the house to get something I forgot just to make sure I locked the door.
as the Uber tracking app to monitor children's progress on route.

Yeah, it's not about the nail.

Robbie B.

Your my hero
I am glad that I do not suffer worry.

A truly useless emotion.

My wife does though, she is getting mental help for her worry and anxiety.

Doesn't want the windows open at night because she worries about getting murdered in our sleep. Even though we have cameras and 2 large dogs. Double, triple, quad, cinco checks the locked doors to make sure they are locked. Will go back and check again if I go back into the house to get something I forgot just to make sure I locked the door.
as the Uber tracking app to monitor children's progress on route.

Yeah, it's not about the nail.

If I had to get murdered, I think I'd prefer that it happen while I was sleeping.
Personal: Helping my son get launched in a full time position. He works a lot but is not able to use his training. Health for myself and family.

Global: Climate change and as W2R mentioned, intentional violence, especially global war.

+1 except that my kids haven't finished MS and HS yet. Many years to go.

I've just finished watching "The Story of Fascism in Europe"... Very worrisome, especially hearing/seeing rhymes between the story in the documentary and populist "leaders" in this country (don't want to name them) and other developed countries.
If I had to get murdered, I think I'd prefer that it happen while I was sleeping.

Yeah, me too. Not to mention, once you are dead, you don't worry anymore.

But that's just my engineer logic. No help for the wife.

If she's dead, who will look after her (both adult over 21) children?
Doesn't want the windows open at night because she worries about getting murdered in our sleep. Even though we have cameras and 2 large dogs.

This reminds me of the first time my parents visited us after DW and I purchased our first home. It has a condo in a nice area, and our unit backed up to dense woods, with a nice trail leading to a pond about a mile away. We were on the back deck relaxing as the sun set, and Mom asked "don't lights come on back here?" We said no. She got a worried tone and said "aren't you worried about someone coming out of the woods and sneaking into your house to attack you?" Now, for the first 15 years after my parents emigrated to the states, we lived in neighborhoods in apartment buildings with fire escapes, which robbers and drug addicts would use in the middle of the night climb up and to peer into windows to see if the room was empty or folks were sleeping to break into. At times we had to sleep in shifts to look out for this.

My Dad just laughed and said "well, they have been living here for a few months and it has not happened to them or anyone else, so they are probably okay".

Afterwards whenever we chatted on the phone, Mom would tend to ask had we put up lights in the back to shine into the woods at night... we would tell her (a) it is not that type of neighborhood, and (b) if anyone was back there the wolves would probably get them first (being a city person she though wolves lived in all wooded areas :D). Fun times!
I am glad that I do not suffer worry.

A truly useless emotion.

My wife does though, she is getting mental help for her worry and anxiety.

Doesn't want the windows open at night because she worries about getting murdered in our sleep. Even though we have cameras and 2 large dogs. Double, triple, quad, cinco checks the locked doors to make sure they are locked. Will go back and check again if I go back into the house to get something I forgot just to make sure I locked the door.
as the Uber tracking app to monitor children's progress on route.

Yeah, it's not about the nail.

DW makes me sleep on the side closest to the door when we are in the hotel and at home, in case a murderous villain comes through the door, then I can place myself between them and her, presumably eliminating said murderous villain before she is awakened.
I worry about a lot of things as they grab my attention, then I go do what I can to better personal situations I or my family are in, because most of those 'worries,' I have absolutely no control over. Like "What is the great filter?"
I am kind of a worrier. My biggest worry is health, not so much death, but having a poor quality of life due to ongoing health issues, whether physical or mental. There is only so much DH and I can do to live a healthy lifestyle. The rest is up to genetics and chance.

I didn’t used to worry as much about these things, but now I also worry about massive wealth redistribution, having to leave a home and people I love to protect what we’ve saved/invested, and the US being taken over by another country and having to live under a dramatically different regime. None of these are things I can control other than potentially moving to another place less likely to result in these potential consequences. I’m not ready to do that yet, but hope nothing happens making me wish I had!
The U.S. being taken over by another country? I pity that country. 330 million fractious, intractable, squabbling Americans to control from a distance*, and a lot of them itching to shoot somebody for no reason, let alone a good one like "Invaders!"

*I'm betting you are not worrying about Canada and Mexico.

the US being taken over by another country
I used to worry a lot. I still worry too much but I seem to get better as I get older. Theoretically, I have more to worry about now (I quit counting at 5 the number of co-morbidities I have with Covid!) DW gets upset with me when I "map out" contingencies (for traveling, finances, taxes, health issues, etc., etc.)

So, actually I'm proud of myself for being "practical" - DW calls it OCD. But I sleep well and rarely ruminate on my worries - I'm gaining on them. If I had to pick just one thing to worry less about, I guess it would be health. Most stuff, I have no control over, so why worry? Right? DW tells me that all the time, so it must be right though YMMV.
I worry too much and always think about the worst case scenario.
Then, I realize there is a positive.
If bad thing happens, I am prepared to deal with it right away.
My DW thinks I don't worry enough about her health. I think I didn't inherit the worry gene.
Will get back to you on this. I need at least a few good nights of insomnia and some good wide-awake time at 3:00 AM'ish to review all past bad things that have happened to me, all future bad things that might happen to me, generally all bad decisions I have made, and random paranoid health issues -- to get to a clear answer . . .
Whether my 26 year old daughter will make it to 30 due to drug addiction.

That's in the "bad as it gets" category.

I'm sorry you're going through it.

DD2 dealt with depression and suicidal thoughts for years. Terrible. You live every day on pins and needles. You want to help more, but there is only so much that you can do.

Best of luck to you and your family.
I may have a solution for any body pain (especially Back Pain!) that you all must know. I am in the Beauty Business and have bent over waxing legs and doing facials for 37 years now. It has been years and years of bending my back to where if I try to straighten up I have to go slow. My back would ache so bad sometimes that I thought I would go crazy. I rolled on tennis balls, golf balls, slept with a pillow under my back, took vicoden, got massages, nothing really helped >UNTIL< I discovered MSM. (Not chondroitin or glucosamine <Never worked for me) BUT THAT MSM DID WONDERS~! Cartwheel wonders! Go with Swanson Vitamins or anything that is a good brand. Get 1000 mg and take 3 a night. Your body will take what it needs and you will peepee out the rest. Give it a few days and then one day you will feel Amazing! Pain free. IF I am "too tired" to reach over (I keep MSM and Water by my bed) and don't take mine for a few days I begin to feel it bad, like old woman bent to the earth bad. It's a wonderful Vitamin and works "with" your body more than "at" it, MUCH BETTER than any Pharma damaging side effect drugs. Please you all, any one with aches and pains PLEASE TRY MSM. This pain could be just as simple to just give that body of yours a little help and it will give you back a quality of life you have been missing. Please try it, it has fully bought and brought years to my career. Sending love to you all.
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the US being taken over by another country and having to live under a dramatically different regime.

Hopefully this will help - the US may be the least likely country on the planet to be taken over by another country. Ignoring our massive military for a moment, we only have 2, much smaller countries (financially, population wise) that border us (and those two countries have no or very small # of countries that border them), the major world powers are an ocean + thousands of miles away, the amount of troops and $ to secure the land in the US would be absolutely mindboggling and we have the most armed citizenry in the world to resist. Plus, most of those countries love selling products to US consumers in the current arrangement.
The U.S. being taken over by another country? I pity that country. 330 million fractious, intractable, squabbling Americans to control from a distance*, and a lot of them itching to shoot somebody for no reason, let alone a good one like "Invaders!"

Thank you for my chuckle for the day, funny and true!:LOL:
If you are 60 or older, you no doubt recall being worried, or knowing your parents were worried, about nuclear war.

During the Cold War, it was thought that the superpowers might soften each other up with nuclear strikes, leaving their populations in such disarray and misery that a secondary adversary might consider moving in on us.

However, the general reasoning (as I recall) was that the U.S. would have to be reduced to such a radioactive hellhole that nobody would want to go near it for many years.

Not that that was much comfort!

Thank you for my chuckle for the day, funny and true!:LOL:
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