Blue Zones

Kings over Queens

Recycles dryer sheets
Apr 16, 2023
Great docu on Netflix about pockets of the world, called "blue zones," with the highest concentration of long lived people.

Take away, stay active, engaged with family and community, smart diet (they focused on plant based) and a host of other things.

4 parts, 40 minutes each.
Your take aways are sound, but the "Blue Zones" author has been criticised for shoddy research of the typical diet of these people.

Follow up studies have found that many of the Blue Zones diets contained more meat than diets outside the zones.

Below is an article from from 2021.

Blue Zones Diet: Speculation Based on Misinformation

The Blue Zone Diet assumes that common dietary factors have been identified and that following the diet will make us live longer. That appears to be a false assumption based on speculation, misinformation, and wishful thinking, not on science.
I took the diet stuff with a grain of salt. What made sense and always makes sense are natural foods over processed.

The biggest impression on me was the staying active part. These people were in constant states of motion and seemingly walked everywhere. I contemplated that deeply this morning as I rolled over for another 10 minutes before getting up to drink coffee and read a book. :LOL:

Kidding...not kidding. But I'm going for a walk in a few minutes.
Biggest thing to note (to me at least) is that - places where people live longer: lives are simpler and there is less stress in typical work/lifestyle they have there.

Stress kills and causes havoc on human body in many different ways - from immune system to how hormones work in our body.
We recently watched this Live To 100 / Blue zone show (on Netflix).

It struck me as pretty unscientific and a lot of common sense, yet at the same time I found it inspiring and really enjoyed it. Glad we watched it. Seeing all of those 90 and 100 year olds still living a very active and healthy life was pretty cool.
I recently mentioned this subject regarding Hawaii. Our state is the longest lived in the nation. My take: People live longer in Hawaii because it's great living in Hawaii while in some places death is redundant. :cool:
Your take aways are sound, but the "Blue Zones" author has been criticised for shoddy research of the typical diet of these people.

Follow up studies have found that many of the Blue Zones diets contained more meat than diets outside the zones.

Below is an article from from 2021.

Blue Zones Diet: Speculation Based on Misinformation

The Blue Zone Diet assumes that common dietary factors have been identified and that following the diet will make us live longer. That appears to be a false assumption based on speculation, misinformation, and wishful thinking, not on science.

Pretty much.

Plus there is a strong bias in some countries showing excess longevity when in fact they had very poor birth records decades ago. Some people took advantage by claiming to be older than they are to get elder benefits sooner.
Your take aways are sound, but the "Blue Zones" author has been criticised for shoddy research of the typical diet of these people.

Follow up studies have found that many of the Blue Zones diets contained more meat than diets outside the zones.

Below is an article from from 2021.

Blue Zones Diet: Speculation Based on Misinformation

The Blue Zone Diet assumes that common dietary factors have been identified and that following the diet will make us live longer. That appears to be a false assumption based on speculation, misinformation, and wishful thinking, not on science.

I'm not sure the author of this article is qualified to call the documentary a false assumption based on speculation. I don't see her credentials as being an expert in diet or longevity. I would say an opinion by Dr. Peter Attia is more believable.

Harriet Hall
Harriet Hall, MD also known as The SkepDoc, is a retired family physician who writes about pseudoscience and questionable medical practices. She received her BA and MD from the University of Washington, did her internship in the Air Force (the second female ever to do so), and was the first female graduate of the Air Force family practice residency at Eglin Air Force Base. During a long career as an Air Force physician, she held various positions from flight surgeon to DBMS (Director of Base Medical Services) and did everything from delivering babies to taking the controls of a B-52. She retired with the rank of Colonel. In 2008 she published her memoirs, Women Aren't Supposed to Fly."

It takes more than a quick evaluation of a documentary about living longer to get into the science of living a long life. I would suggest this book as science-based research for real answers.
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