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Full time employment: Posting here.
Dec 8, 2017
I am sorry if this has already been asked (I did try to search).

When I plug in data and do a run, the graph always show a range of end values, from $A to $B. $A always happens to be the same number as what I inputted for Portfolio value on the Start Here page. This just does not seem right to me.

Even the printed text on the result pages says, for example:

FIRECalc looked at the 110 possible 39 year periods in the available data, starting with a portfolio of $2,632,812 and spending your specified amounts each year thereafter.

Here is how your portfolio would have fared in each of the 110 cycles. The lowest and highest portfolio balance at the end of your retirement was $2,632,812 to $25,274,534, with an average at the end of $11,202,391.

Surely, someone has noticed this before. What can I do about it to get an accurate A$ value. It makes me wonder if the average $ is correct.

Thanks. Love the tool!
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