Breakthrough club

Disneysteve is talking about driving to a testing center it some pharmacies. Buying tests you carry or take home are not free.

Wow that sounds high - was that at a private facility?

In most areas, there are free city/county sites, or partnerships with pharmacies. In FL I can get tested for free at CVS, Walgreens, and Qwest (in addition to the county drive up service).

No, we had our tests done at a public library. Our county contracted out with a private healthcare company to administer the tests. It took 48 hours to get results back. We did not pay anything up front but after the test costs were submitted to our insurance company, we were billed $125 each.
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No, we had our tests done at a public library. Our county contracted out with a private healthcare company to administer the tests. It took 48 hours to get results back. We did not pay anything up front but after the test costs were submitted to our insurance company, we were billed $125 each.

Yup, that is the going rate - folks on a trip we had scheduled (that was canceled for non-Covid reasons) paid exactly that. Covid testing for travel is not specifically covered under insurance. Here's a bunch of examples:

For example:

CVS has drive-through testing—as well as walk-up testing in some locations—and reports that the average turnaround time is 1-2 days. Tests are free for those who meet certain criteria related to symptoms and exposure, and $139 otherwise.
Covid testing for travel is not specifically covered under insurance.
Correct. When I said testing was free, I was talking about medically necessary testing. The cost of the test (which is $0) shouldn't stop someone with symptoms from getting themselves tested.

If you want a test just for the heck of it because you're going to a wedding or taking a vacation or whatever but you feel perfectly fine, you're going to pay for that.

The problem is the people who try to lie their way in to get tested. It happens regularly at our urgent care. Someone calls and says they need a COVID test. We ask what symptoms they have and they say they don't have any symptoms but are going on a trip. We tell them we don't do asymptomatic testing and they say, "Oh, then I have a cough and a fever." Nope. Sorry buddy. Go to CVS.
My 90 year old mother lives in an independent living apartment in a Continuing Care Community. Yesterday it was announced that there is an outbreak of Covid among several residents and staff in the nursing home section of the CCRC. Everyone involved has been fully vaccinated. I don't not know how sick the people who tested positive are but the nursing home has been put on lockdown. My mother is concerned that it will spread to her building and she will also be on lockdown (they were on lock down for months last year). She is also upset about her Church-- several regular attendees have also tested positive (some vaccinated, some not) and her Church is also closed. She is concerned about all this and thinks things are going back to the way they were at the beginning of the pandemic. I don't really know what to say to her to make her feel better.
My mom is 91 and lives in a senior apartment building. Same story. Every week or two they get notified of a case in the building. They haven't totally locked down yet but they have re-instituted masks (which never should have stopped). There are some people there who aren't vaccinated and they are not allowed to attend or participate in any group activities, can't take the bus to the supermarket, etc.

It's been hard on everyone but especially on the seniors who are highest risk and already deal with more isolation and loneliness normally. I've seen the toll it has taken on my mom.
Three weeks ago, went to a funeral and took another couple with us. Maybe 3 days later, the guy riding with us called and said he had Covid and how were we doing. So we stuck around the house for the next 10 days and nada. He is near 80 while we are in "early" 70s. His case was mild as he had been vaccinated. His wife never got the disease.
Correct. When I said testing was free, I was talking about medically necessary testing. The cost of the test (which is $0) shouldn't stop someone with symptoms from getting themselves tested.

If you want a test just for the heck of it because you're going to a wedding or taking a vacation or whatever but you feel perfectly fine, you're going to pay for that.

The problem is the people who try to lie their way in to get tested. It happens regularly at our urgent care. Someone calls and says they need a COVID test. We ask what symptoms they have and they say they don't have any symptoms but are going on a trip. We tell them we don't do asymptomatic testing and they say, "Oh, then I have a cough and a fever." Nope. Sorry buddy. Go to CVS.

But why should testing cost $125 each for people who want to travel or have been traveling or to an event and want to be sure they are Covid free? No wonder we can't get this virus under control.
My mom is 91 and lives in a senior apartment building. Same story. Every week or two they get notified of a case in the building. They haven't totally locked down yet but they have re-instituted masks (which never should have stopped). There are some people there who aren't vaccinated and they are not allowed to attend or participate in any group activities, can't take the bus to the supermarket, etc.

It's been hard on everyone but especially on the seniors who are highest risk and already deal with more isolation and loneliness normally. I've seen the toll it has taken on my mom.

So true. The psychological toll on the elderly is awful. Fortunately my mother's independent living building (I think there are about 50 apartments in her building) ) is 100% vaccinated. They are all eager to get the booster.
My best friend lost her son to COVID tonight. He was 27, healthy, and unvaccinated. She is devastated, as am I on her behalf. He was a great kid; quirky, smart, funny, kind. I am in shock. This is as close as it has gotten thus far. It feels surreal.
But why should testing cost $125 each for people who want to travel or have been traveling or to an event and want to be sure they are Covid free? No wonder we can't get this virus under control.

I agree 100%. Especially now that it’s been established that vaccinated people can be asymptomatic and spread COVID, it seems ridiculous that free or cheap testing can’t be provided to anyone who wants to confirm that they are negative.
My best friend lost her son to COVID tonight. He was 27, healthy, and unvaccinated. She is devastated, as am I on her behalf. He was a great kid; quirky, smart, funny, kind. I am in shock. This is as close as it has gotten thus far. It feels surreal.

That is just awful, really awful. Earlier this month we heard from the wife of some really good friends of ours in Louisiana that her husband had died of Covid and it really hit us hard as he was the closest person we knew that had actually died of Covid (he was 65).

Our son, in his 30's, nearly died of Covid in April this year, spending several days in a coma on a ventilator so we know very well how young people can die from this awful disease.
My best friend lost her son to COVID tonight. He was 27, healthy, and unvaccinated. She is devastated, as am I on her behalf. He was a great kid; quirky, smart, funny, kind. I am in shock. This is as close as it has gotten thus far. It feels surreal.
How heartbreaking!
That is far too close. I am sorry for your friend and anyone who knew this young man.
Two weeks ago a vaccinated husband of DW's co worker died after a 10 day stay; he was 70+ and had several complicating factors. The sad truth is the grandchildren were likely the vector for him.
An acquaintance from another online community died at home Tuesday, after likely exposure at a shooting match on the 22nd. His vaccination status was not known for sure, but he was probably not vaccinated, based on other cues.
A friend called him and was shocked at how bad he sounded. He rushed over to take him to the hospital but was too late.
An acquaintance from another online community died at home Tuesday, after likely exposure at a shooting match on the 22nd. His vaccination status was not known for sure, but he was probably not vaccinated, based on other cues.
A friend called him and was shocked at how bad he sounded. He rushed over to take him to the hospital but was too late.
Wow, someone at home alone!
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that would be bad, everybody wants to die at home but slowly running out of air is not what we are thinking of.
that would be bad, everybody wants to die at home but slowly running out of air is not what we are thinking of.
If you are at home alone suffering from covid - no one to get you to the hospital in time if it takes a bad turn.
If you are at home alone suffering from covid - no one to get you to the hospital in time if it takes a bad turn.

PSA: If you ever feel you are taking a bad turn and need the hospital, call 911. A paramedic will reach you faster than you can get there, can start treating you immediately with oxygen, etc., and you'll get into the ER far faster arriving on a gurney than walking in.
PSA: If you ever feel you are taking a bad turn and need the hospital, call 911. A paramedic will reach you faster than you can get there, can start treating you immediately with oxygen, etc., and you'll get into the ER far faster arriving on a gurney than walking in.

IIRC, they will arrive at your door WITH oxygen and a ventilator. Before you even get to the ambulance, they will attempt to stabilize you. YMMV
PSA: If you ever feel you are taking a bad turn and need the hospital, call 911. A paramedic will reach you faster than you can get there, can start treating you immediately with oxygen, etc., and you'll get into the ER far faster arriving on a gurney than walking in.
One thing is to get monoclonal antibody treatment ASAP when confirmed Covid positive.
Then have oximeter handy and monitor.
Call 911 if blood oxygen drops. But you still may need someone to check on you because what if it drops suddenly and you are sleeping or lethargic or not thinking clearly?

Tragic. Plus so many hospitals in hard hit areas not accepting patients.
Last week my wife and I were both feeling bad,lots of coughing and drainage. I figured it was just our allergies acting up. She called our Dr. office Friday morning to ask about an appt. and was told to get a covid test 1st. Our county had a drive thru testing site going on so we went there. Got the test and were told it would be 3 days for results. I got up this morning and had an email that my results were in, hers were also ready. I signed on and joined the club, then she also joined. She just called and left a message at our Dr. office. We don't know what to do now so we wait. We are both fully vaxed so I'm bummed. What the heck good did it do to get stuck if we still get it? It hurts me to hear my DW as she is still coughing her head off, we both still feel bad but I feel she is worse than me. We along with the other set of Grands have always helped with out DGD, pick up from school, taking places ect.. Now we can't do that. I'll admit I'm scared. Thanks for listening!
Thanks to those who responded to my 9/11 post. I didn't mean to threadjack, I just needed to release some of the shock, and I appreciate the tolerance of the moderators in allowing me to do so.

No need to respond to this post, sincerely - just wanted to say thank you.
Last week my wife and I were both feeling bad,lots of coughing and drainage. I figured it was just our allergies acting up. She called our Dr. office Friday morning to ask about an appt. and was told to get a covid test 1st. Our county had a drive thru testing site going on so we went there. Got the test and were told it would be 3 days for results. I got up this morning and had an email that my results were in, hers were also ready. I signed on and joined the club, then she also joined. She just called and left a message at our Dr. office. We don't know what to do now so we wait. We are both fully vaxed so I'm bummed. What the heck good did it do to get stuck if we still get it? It hurts me to hear my DW as she is still coughing her head off, we both still feel bad but I feel she is worse than me. We along with the other set of Grands have always helped with out DGD, pick up from school, taking places ect.. Now we can't do that. I'll admit I'm scared. Thanks for listening!
Sorry to hear it. Wishing you both a speedy recovery.

Thank you for not just assuming it was your allergies and going for tests. Your case clearly shows the importance of testing for any symptoms.

What good did the vaccine do? It will most likely keep you out of the hospital, the ICU, and the cemetery. All good things in my opinion.

As for what to do now, call and find out if you are candidates for monoclonal antibody therapy. Other than that, isolate for 10 days and notify anyone you were in close contact with.
She just called and left a message at our Dr. office. We don't know what to do now so we wait. We are both fully vaxed so I'm bummed. What the heck good did it do to get stuck if we still get it?

Odds of you dying are much lower since you’re vaccinated. That’s what’s good about being vaccinated.

Unfortunately with the delta variant, both the vaccinate and unvaccinated can catch the virus. We should be happy that the vaccine is still effective against this variant.

I would ask your doctor about starting monoclonal antibody therapy. Here’s a random article as to how it helps with covid:

Hope this passes for both you soon. Be well!
What the heck good did it do to get stuck if we still get it

Imagine how you feel only 10x worse - that's what the heck good it's doing. Being vaccinated is the difference between miserable but manageable symptoms, vs. something far more dire.
Venturer, Let us know how the tests come out. You guys don't seem to be getting worse quickly, so that's good. If it is Covid, then you're body is generating a super effective immunity to any variant that comes along later.

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