Breakthrough club

We'll see if DW and I join the breakthrough club. One of the ladies in DW's exercise class tested positive today. Small class of 6 in a small basement workout area, 3 times a week for an hour. The lady who caught it is 24 and had J&J vaccine. Her mother also goes to the class, has had the J&J, but tested negative.

I hope that the place had good ventilation and your DW is OK. It's a good sign that her mother is negative...
We'll see if DW and I join the breakthrough club. One of the ladies in DW's exercise class tested positive today. Small class of 6 in a small basement workout area, 3 times a week for an hour. The lady who caught it is 24 and had J&J vaccine. Her mother also goes to the class, has had the J&J, but tested negative.

Darn well I remember you were uncomfortable with her taking these classes..stay negative!
We'll see if DW and I join the breakthrough club. One of the ladies in DW's exercise class tested positive today. Small class of 6 in a small basement workout area, 3 times a week for an hour. The lady who caught it is 24 and had J&J vaccine. Her mother also goes to the class, has had the J&J, but tested negative.
I hope everyone is okay and those not yet positive stay that way.

I'm curious if masks were required during the classes.
Fingers crossed she wasn’t too contagious since she was vaxxed.
The infected 24 yo daughter has special needs and lives with her parents and younger sister. The mother watches over her like a hawk. Rarely goes anywhere without her. Chances are that the mother was with the daughter when the daughter contacted it. The mother tested the 2 girls and herself immediately after the daughter came down with sniffles after exercise class this morning.

I hope that the place had good ventilation and your DW is OK. It's a good sign that her mother is negative...
Another good sign is younger sister also tested negative. But I don't think the basement of the old church they exercise at has any ventilation.

Darn well I remember you were uncomfortable with her taking these classes..stay negative!
This was the primary reason I got vaccinated as soon as I could. It will be interesting to see if exercise class will go an as planned next week.

I hope everyone is okay and those not yet positive stay that way.

I'm curious if masks were required during the classes.
Thanks - time will tell. DW is fairly close friends with everyone in the class (they always have a group text thing going), so I will hear something if or when something happens. 2 out of the 6 in class are not vaccinated. Nope - no masks in this class.
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The infected 24 yo daughter has special needs and lives with her parents and younger sister. The mother watches over her like a hawk. Rarely goes anywhere without her. Chances are that the mother was with the daughter when the daughter contacted it. The mother tested the 2 girls and herself immediately after the daughter came down with sniffles after exercise class this morning.
I hope she continues to test herself and the other girl and not just think one negative test means they're in the clear. Incubation is up to 14 days from exposure so any of them could still develop COVID in the next 2 weeks.
I hope she continues to test herself and the other girl and not just think one negative test means they're in the clear. Incubation is up to 14 days from exposure so any of them could still develop COVID in the next 2 weeks.

Oh I think she will keep testing. The younger daughter also has some health issues that may or may not be a problem with Covid. And she'll be testing the dad as well.
Oh I think she will keep testing. The younger daughter also has some health issues that may or may not be a problem with Covid. And she'll be testing the dad as well.
Good to hear.

So many people make the mistake of taking one test, coming up negative, and thinking that's the end of the story. We see it all the time at work, especially after travel. Someone gets home from a trip on Saturday, gets a test on Sunday that's negative, and resumes their normal routine on Monday going back to work, school, gym, etc. Then a couple days later they get sick and test positive, but only after having exposed a bunch of people.
We'll see if DW and I join the breakthrough club. One of the ladies in DW's exercise class tested positive today. Small class of 6 in a small basement workout area, 3 times a week for an hour. ...

... But I don't think the basement of the old church they exercise at has any ventilation. ... 2 out of the 6 in class are not vaccinated. Nope - no masks in this class.

OK, I consider myself on the somewhat lax side of preventive measures for COVID, but this sets off red flags all over for me.

WADR, what the (expletive self-deleted) is she thinking?

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I thought I would share a paper on breakthrough data from Israeli data for those folks that might not have seen.

Israeli data: How can efficacy vs. severe disease be strong when 60% of hospitalized are vaccinated?

edit. Sorry, I'm not sure why the link didn't work:confused:?

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2 out of the 6 in class are not vaccinated. Nope - no masks in this class.
OMG. I missed this earlier.

This is exactly why we're in the sad shape we're in. This pandemic is never going to end if people don't start taking it seriously and following guidelines. There should not be a group of people gathering indoors without masks, especially if they aren't all fully vaccinated. That's just playing Russian roulette with a highly contagious virus.

I could tell dozens of similar transmission stories, except I can't due to privacy issues. Just trust that I hear multiple stories like this every day from patients coming in testing positive for COVID. In almost every case, it's because they didn't follow the guidelines.

I hope the person already positive recovers quickly and that nobody else caught it. And hopefully they'll all learn from the experience.
I thought I would share a paper on breakthrough data from Israeli data for those folks that might not have seen.

Israeli data: How can efficacy vs. severe disease be strong when 60% of hospitalized are vaccinated?

edit. Sorry, I'm not sure why the link didn't work:confused:?

Your link is a good read. Confounders are everywhere in health science. The author did a descent job of adjusting for them, IMO.

I think this link below should work:
^^^^ Great article. Thank you for posting. It confirms what I’ve read elsewhere, except with better analysis: the vaccines work to prevent serious illness.

It does make you wonder how much benefit there is for a 3rd dose if you don’t have pre-existing conditions.
OK, I consider myself on the somewhat lax side of preventive measures for COVID, but this sets off red flags all over for me.

WADR, what the (expletive self-deleted) is she thinking?

Well at least she’s vaccinated now (I assume). She wasn’t last year.

OK, I missed the later post about two attendees in the class not being vaccinated.:facepalm:
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OMG. I missed this earlier.

This is exactly why we're in the sad shape we're in. This pandemic is never going to end if people don't start taking it seriously and following guidelines. There should not be a group of people gathering indoors without masks , especially if they aren't all fully vaccinated. That's just playing Russian roulette with a highly contagious virus.


I agree, but the thing is, as crazy as it may sound, in many areas, the guidelines are looser. Many areas/places no longer require masking indoors, even in gyms, despite the highly transmissible variant spreading. There is a disconnect somewhere...

I live in Ontario Canada and just yesterday, they announced that we'll have to present proof of vaccination to do certain indoor activities like dining and working out at the gym. I am glad about that, but no masks will be required in those areas, so there's still a chance of catching COVID from vaccinated individuals, although the likelihood will be lower.

I know of a family in which a 80+ year old grandma who was fully vaccinated ended up giving COVID to an unvaccinated son and DIL (before they were eligible to be vaccinated) and the son is still in hospital, so we don't know if the unmasked unvaccinated individual gave COVID to the unmasked vaccinated IMO.
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Well at least she’s vaccinated now (I assume). She wasn’t last year.

OK, I missed the later post about two attendees in the class not being vaccinated.:facepalm:

So in this case, they knew there were a coupe of people who were unvaccinated, so they could have avoided the whole workout, BUT! even if everyone was vaccinated, we wouldn't know how long it's been since their last jab or if they actually developed enough immunity to fight off COVID (in case they were immunocompromised), so some of those vaccinated might be just like the unvaccinated folks. We... just...don't...know...

Just sayin'.
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Great article, Chuckanut!
I caught covid while traveling outside the US. I had been “fully vaccinated” with Pfizer in March. My covid symptoms were consistent with vaccinated symptoms: cold-like symptoms for a few days, although followed by some chest irritation at days 7-9. Also lost my sense of smell for a few days.

I spent 10 days in isolation in my hotel room, spending most of that time re-organizing my travel plans. The entire experience lasted about 2 weeks.

Disappointed the vaccine didn’t provide the long term protection promised and is less effective against the current variants. But grateful the vaccine may have given my immune system a head start when I ultimately caught it, and at least for me the experience wasn’t so bad.

Also hopeful that the immunity from actually getting the infection will provide more protection than the vaccine did.
Your link is a good read. Confounders are everywhere in health science. The author did a descent job of adjusting for them, IMO.

I think this link below should work:
Good article. I am surprised how many people dismiss the vaccine when they get a mild breakthrough case. The vaccines are doing their jobs far batter than anyone expected. Here is an Atlantic article that does a good job explaining the factors governing immune response, boosters, et al. Very reassuring.
Good article. I am surprised how many people dismiss the vaccine when they get a mild breakthrough case. The vaccines are doing their jobs far batter than anyone expected. Here is an Atlantic article that does a good job explaining the factors governing immune response, boosters, et al. Very reassuring.
Definitely doing a great job.

It was made clear from day 1 that protection from symptomatic infection wasn’t 100%. And that was pre-delta.

However the protections from severe covid disease are considerable even with delta and ultimately that’s what matters.
^^^^ Great article. Thank you for posting. It confirms what I’ve read elsewhere, except with better analysis: the vaccines work to prevent serious illness.

It does make you wonder how much benefit there is for a 3rd dose if you don’t have pre-existing conditions.

At the end of the article, it mentions that a large number of the elder/pre-existing conditions population had a 3rd jab as of Aug1. So in the last charge marked Sept1, you can see all the percentages of efficacy all tick up a few points vs the earlier sample.

For the over 50's, it goes from being 88-92ish efficacy, to 90-95ish, with each age bracket nudging up. So I think that's a decent uptick.
We were notified yesterday that we can start getting our 3rd doses on September 14. You can bet that I will be there that day if at all possible. I got my first dose on the very first day they were offered. I plan to get my 3rd dose on the first day they are offered.
Apparently my son's University is concerned vaxs aren't enough. (Cal Poly San Luis Obispo)

They had previously announced all students had to be vaxed with super strict rules for exemptions.

They announced yesterday that all students must have a negative PCR covid test within 3 days before moving into the dorm or first day of class if not in the dorm. This will present a bit of a scheduling challenge for us. We have this get him tested on Monday since we are driving on Tuesday and he moves in on Wednesday.

His friend goes to San Diego state which started a few weeks ago. They have $1 covid rapid tests in vending machines on campus and in the dorms.
I have had some snivvles and a dry cough for a week or 2, not bad just on occasion, usually in the evening and a couple of times at night. I have not taken a commercial Covid test as I do not think it is needed. It may be my BP Meds (ACE inhibitors)

I do perform my own soon to be patented Covid test, I stick my head in our spice cabinet, if I can smell the pleasant odors, I do not have Covid, all good so far :).
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