Bucket List "round two" ....


Confused about dryer sheets
Jul 19, 2014
Greetings! I am a 57 year old male with a DW for 35 years and recently retired from a 35 year career as an engineer with a multi-national company. I am finally getting my #%€£ together as I fell into some bad habits.

During the recovery pros I have experienced an urge to "re do" my bucket list. Tomorrow I will jump from an airplane @ 13,000 feet non-attached to anyone, there is a total eclipse on August 21, 2017, and I making plans to hike up Mt. Killamgero.

Looking for partners in crime and other thoughts.

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Congrats and enjoy the dive! My only one was when I was 19, but I think I'd like to do it again sometime (though, for the record, I prefer actual diving lol).

I think I may be inspired to come up with a bucket list of what I'd like to do once I get to FIRE now..... I just hope it doesn't result in too much cost making me postpone!
Did one jump, 3,000 feet, static line, in 1978...landed in a rutted field, tore a tendon. It'd be amazing to do 13,000 feet...but I ain't doing it....good luck!
Good luck on the jump today! I did a 3000 ft static line jump in 1977 - it was something I'll never forget.

Your plans for the eclipse hike sound like fun, too.

Keep us posted!
Did one jump, 3,000 feet, static line, in 1978...landed in a rutted field, tore a tendon.

So often the most unpleasant experiences make the best stories!

To the OP, I wish you luck in your retirement adventures so you can post about them here for us to enjoy vicariously.
I did a tandem jump out of a plane for my first time to celebrate my 55th birthday a few weeks ago (14,000 feet). Absolutely loved the experience :dance: and happy not to have to be responsible for much as my tandem partner took care of the flying details. Have fun!

Where are you going since we're in the same area? Come join me on the flying trapeze to add to your bucket list!
So often the most unpleasant experiences make the best stories!

And here's the boring story in its (almost) entirety:

- Had the basic training one weekend, then it was too windy for beginners to jump.

- Returned the following Sunday.....sat around most of the day because it was still too windy......watched the 'pros' overshoot because of the wind, (one landed atop a minivan in the parking lot).

- We finally get the call....I have the shortest line and am designated as first out. Up in the air we get the word that there's another plane in the vicinity, so we circle for five minutes.

- Finally jump.....we had a one-way radio attached to the harness so that the ground jumpmaster can give instruction.....heard him say "OK number 2 (I'm number 1), if you're not going to listen to me you're on your own".....I'm thinking "What about number 1?"

- Then I hear a guy on a CB radio telling his buddy he has a case of beer, and to meet at his place.

- So, with no instruction, I figure independent action is required, and start 'crabbing' so I don't end up in the parking lot.

- Instead I landed in a newly plowed, rutted, farmer's field! Wind's blowing, I initially thought I might have broken my leg, and the chute's dragging me.

- Later I asked a friend if the ground 'jumpmaster' said anything about number 1.....he replied "Yes, he said you were doing great".

- Oh, the irony.

My three jumps went okay. Canopy opened (duh?)
Had line twist on #3 but trading resolved issue.

Land on my #%€ so a bit sore.

Three more tomorrow!

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Forgot to say location. We live in Phoenix AZ and drop zone is @ Eloy, about 30 miles south.

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