Calendar stops after 2010?


Moderator Emeritus
Feb 13, 2011
NC Triangle
I just noticed that the menu choice "Calendar" that appears in the bar across the top of the forum brings up a calendar that seems kinda nice, but stops at December 2010. Any idea why?
I never noticed it till you brought it up. But if you go to the lower right panel where it says "jump to".....the final year is 2010. I'm sure it was programmed years ago when 2010 seemed far, far away. If you are the first person to notice the absence of 2011 and it is now 3.5 months into the year......I suspect this feature is not commonly used! :LOL:
Maybe, like the Mayans, they were expecting the end of the world. :)
I wonder if you are looking at the old version or the new.... I an on the old and would expect that some features do not work.... if it is the new one.... it is inexcusable...
Hilarious--I think Steelyman should win something for being the first person to notice this!
Hilarious--I think Steelyman should win something for being the first person to notice this!

Nah, I think I am due to win something later this year. My freedom. You see, I am in the most excellent Class of 2011 :). In the meantime, I will continue to enjoy the posts everyone makes here.
Nah, I think I am due to win something later this year. My freedom. You see, I am in the most excellent Class of 2011 :). In the meantime, I will continue to enjoy the posts everyone makes here.

In that case, we better get that calendar extended so you can look at it everyday to see exactly how many more days you have left before you "graduate".
In that case, we better get that calendar extended so you can look at it everyday to see exactly how many more days you have left before you "graduate".

Thanks, although I've got that one covered too (I started a thread a little while ago but do not know how to point to it from within this post). Picked up an iPhone/iTouch app called Big Day Lite which gives me the good news every morning. It's like cocaine or something...

Really, what I thought was nice about the calendar was that it appeared to show whose birthdays were on each day - but that seems to be available elsewhere on the site.
I've never used the calendar, but I think it should immediately be fixed. :D
I am taking the opportunity of this thread to say a big thank you to those who maintain this website. Well done.
I'm a relatively new member, but I'll stand up in unison in response to obgyn65's comment. You guys do an awesome job.
This was an experiment in stopping time to see if we could prevent the aging process. Unfortunately it did not work and thus we have added 10 more years to the calendar before we try again. I hope technology will catch up because stringing by on a 2% withdraw rate is cramping my style and but is needed to make funds last in case the experiment works next time. Fingers crossed...
Well I have to use it at least once now. Happy birthday to GeraldM and barbarus; although it looks like they haven't visited lately.

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