DW can watch most movies, all genres, over and over (or TV reruns for that matter). There are very few movies or TV shows I care to watch again. The only exception for me is
some 'non-fiction' or how to/DIY shows.
For example,
The Sixth Sense [-]is[/-] was one of my favorite movies. It came on again a while back, and just minutes into it I realized I couldn't watch it again knowing how it plays out - it's a one time experience.
Just trying to decide who is weirder, me or DW (answer: both of us
). Probably stems from her tendency to want the TV on, where I don't - the less TV the better to me (mostly escape/waste of time). When she watches reruns, I leave and easily find something better to do.
I organized my sock drawer for the first time in my life last week, so I know I am weird & retired...