Can't do a Thanks


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May 16, 2008
I'm not sure if this is a forum problem or not, but I can no longer do a Thanks on a post. I click Thanks and fill out the text field, but I can't ever get it sent. I hit enter (over and over), and it just sits there. I don't think it ever gets sent, although I'm not positive. I've tried everything I can think to do, but nothing works. To make it even more interesting, it happens to me on any computer. So it's definitely tied to my account. Anybody got any ideas?
I just did one - to YOU on the above post. When you thank someone, it creates a pop-up that you have to accept. I'm assuming that, if you've got a pop-up blocker installed, that box never appears. Perhaps temporarily disabling your blocker might let you see if that is the problem?
But the box does appear, and I can type in the Thanks message. I just can't get it to disappear. I used to just hit Enter after I typed in the message and it would ding and disappear, and I think I got a message saying "Your thanks has been sent" or something like that. Now I type the message, hit Enter, and nothing happens. I eventually have to hit Escape to get rid of the box, but the message doesn't get sent.
Does it feel like you are back at work doing thankless tasks?

I would maybe try a different browser as well as disabling your pop-up blocker.
As you'll see in your notifications, still working fine with Chrome for me. Following up on Alan's post, did you switch browsers in the recent past?
But the box does appear, and I can type in the Thanks message. I just can't get it to disappear. I used to just hit Enter after I typed in the message and it would ding and disappear, and I think I got a message saying "Your thanks has been sent" or something like that. Now I type the message, hit Enter, and nothing happens. I eventually have to hit Escape to get rid of the box, but the message doesn't get sent.

When you thank someone, a first box pops up for you to enter the text. When you hit enter, a second box pops up elsewhere indicating success (at least for me on Chrome). Unless you acknowledge that second box, the first one never goes away.
You might try a right-click and open in new tab.
Does one's "Thanks" list/box have a limit? Can it get full and prevent folks from sending "Thanks"?

Is there a way to delete all the "Thanks" that one has received?

Y'all can try to thank me for this post. :)
I had trouble sending a Thanks last week too. I'm using IE, and I don't think I have any blockers on. I use Firefox for most of my browsing but there's so much on here that doesn't work with the blockers I have on FF that I gave up.

Still can't send thanks. A "Thanks" box pops up, but there's no place to add text or actually hit any button to send it.

Edit: And as soon as I refreshed the thread to see my post, it works now, or at least I get the box and the send button.
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Your private message box has a limit, and each thanks you send is recorded in the "sent" file. Check to see if your box is full. If so, you can easily erase the older ones.
Does one's "Thanks" list/box have a limit? Can it get full and prevent folks from sending "Thanks"?

Is there a way to delete all the "Thanks" that one has received?

Y'all can try to thank me for this post. :)

When you receive a "thanks" it goes into your inbox, so if that gets full it may be that you can no longer send a "thanks".

Good idea to empty your inbox and "sent items" box.
I am nowhere near the limit.
Interesting suggestions. The one that works for me so far is opening it in a new tab. Also I am at 199 of 200 messages, so I'll clear some and see if that helps. Plus this was an excellent way to pump up the number of Thanks I've received. Thanks!
When you receive a "thanks" it goes into your inbox, so if that gets full it may be that you can no longer send a "thanks".

Good idea to empty your inbox and "sent items" box.

What you have described is not what I see. My list of "Latest Thanks Received" are not in my Inbox. I can delete messages in my Inbox and my Sent, but not in my list of Latest Thanks Received messages. Maybe as a new one shows up at the top, an old one disappears from the bottom?

And thanks to everybody that sent me Thanks!
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...I can no longer do a Thanks on a post. I click Thanks and fill out the text field, but I can't ever get it sent...Anybody got any ideas?

Yes, I have an idea and maybe even a solution:

I had the same problem a few months ago. On the day I fixed the problem, I first deleted a bunch of thank you messages and also had a high colonic (This is not at weird as it may sound as I was able to use my two-for-one Groupon). So, I'm not sure what exactly fixed the problem for me. Maybe I stumbled on a combination that corrects the problem. Or, maybe I'm now unwittingly involved in superstitious thinking.

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