China is planning to sell cars in the US


Give me a museum and I'll fill it. (Picasso) Give me a forum ...
Jan 8, 2007
Chery is planning to offer low-cost autos for our buying pleasure. While Chrysler says they will go for $10,000, the head of the Chery car company says $7000! I'm all about cheap wheels, this could even get me to buy my first new car ever. They've really taken Western concerns for safety to heart - the new Chery has a crumple zone that extends from the front bumper to the back - more is better, right?

YouTube - Chery Amulet crash-test
I can see some similarity to high-end machines. I'd expect them to be as reliable and durable as a Ferrari.
"Made in China" is quickly becoming a euphemism for "poor quality".
Well, if they have a lot of room in them, we could pack 'em all full of all the recalled toys, and imported toothpaste, pet food additives, and all the rest of that crap, and send the whole ball of wax back!

And like Fireup....I'll pass!
Hubby watched the video and said,"well at least the door flew open so that they can drag your body out."

What's left of it anyway. :-\
They should've called it the "Accordian" instead of the Amulet.

Mike D.
Remember when "Made in Japan" meant the same thing?

Actually, yes I do remember that! But right now, "Not Made in China" implies higher of today I would never even consider buying a Chinese car, in 20 years who knows?
I am not sure how long it will take the Chinese to catch up on the quality front. But you can be sure of one thing. American manufacturers are in China. This will make it fairly easy for them to emulate the QA programs to increase quality.

Of course, the low wage differential will eventually catch up with them just as it has other countries (like Japan).
What's with all the anti-China sentiment? China makes many fine products. I know, have YOU ever been there? The problem is government oversight of many industries is non-existent. Why would they pay people more or put quality products, which would cost more, out to market? Both the Chinese and American governments don't exactly require them to. Foolish Americans still purchase the lackluster products.

They can make good products (and do), but why push for good products when you can make more money with less? Capitalism is alive and well in China. This is its manifestation.
Me think a more appropriate comparsions is with the Korean cars. I remember in the 80's when I wouldn't want to be seen in an Hyundai.
Fast fwd 20 years, I find beautiful and extremely competitive cars and suvs from the Koreans.

China just surpassed the USA as number 2 in world export this week.
Battle of the Titans!

Indian car maker Tata fires back with a car estimated to cost 1200 pounds: $2377.86 US - that's not in USA trim, no mention of them even thinking of exporting the car to us. They'll be selling the car as an Indian home brand and probably decreasing the surplus population with it.

Sunday Herald: International: International
One word:


Joe Friday: After losing the two previous vehicles we had been issued, the only car the department was willing to release to us at this point was an unmarked 1987 Yugo, a Yugoslavian import donated to the department as a test vehicle by the government of that country and reflecting the cutting edge of Serbo-Croatian technology.

Dragnet (1987) - Memorable quotes
I am all for driving down prices. It makes my money more efficient. Of course, I will wait a few years to buy one of those cheap cars!

The downside for the US is the loss of jobs until the economic (wage) differential reaches an equilibrium.

We will be dealing with this for quite some time. We (US and Canada) will have to continue to reinvent and move up the food chain to keep ourselves prosperous.

One thing that the US has going for itself. We probably work harder than any other nation in the world... It is my understanding that we work more hours than most people in most nations.
They've really taken Western concerns for safety to heart - the new Chery has a crumple zone that extends from the front bumper to the back - more is better, right?


I am very impressed with the safety concern the Chinese designers have for the people in the car behind the Chinese car that gets into an accident :D
I love to bash the incompetency of the car design as much as anyone.
But I think there is another side.
This kind of cars and the Chery (sp?) are dispicable cars by 1st world standards.
What no bun warmer or powered tail gate? Shame.

They are the model T's forf the 3rd world.
If you spend 5 minutes in any indonesia city you will understand safety features are of low value.
Price is king.
The Big3, which is not true anymore, has zero presence and no product or infrastucture to play in those markets.
Guess where the growth spurt in auto industry will be.
No thanks! I am sticking to with my Subaru.

Yup... they do not adhere to IP (Intellectual Property) laws (i.e., copyright, trademark, patents).

Some day they will get theirs. For now, we just have to put our good old American Ingenuity to work and figure out how turn the tables on them. I am fairly confident that we can do it... but they are not following the developed countries rules. It is a disruptor to the status quo.

When they steal IP, we lose. But I am confident that they will eventually scr3w themselves. Let's face it. We are largely product of the UK (i.e., colonies). We have been successful at coming out on top for several centuries.

China is on its way to becoming a democracy... but taking a more drawn out approach than the former Soviet Union.

I personally feel that we need to partner much more closely with a friendly nation like India. There is a huge market there. We probably need to enter into a trade agreement and beat the Chinese at their own game. That is not to say that we do not do business with the Chinese... but we should do it on our terms.

We need to keep in mind, that China is an adversary. We are a threat to their government and the political power structure.

The irony, it seems, is that the original is a Chevy (Spark) product and the clone (Chery QQ) is a Chinese product outselling the original - and

Chrysler is making a deal with the Chinese cloner to push the (improved) Chinese product!!
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