Class of 2012

I keep runing various scenarios using FireCalc and another calculator on the Vanguard stie. Both, show that I should be able to retire at the end of the next school year. So put me down for July 1, 2012.

That day might change a bit, there are some considerations, but the point is that I will not be working full time after that. I might substitute teach just enough to cover the cost of the health insurance.
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The " Don't mail it in" comment leaves me wondering. I thought it meant don't announce to early as you might have a change of mind. I guess that makes sense. I know several techers who made the retirement decision in the Summer and never came back. But, that is rare since it takes at least 3 months to set everything up and get it right.
After the recent stock mkt debacle I have second guessed my plan for July 2012 somewhat. After the initial disapointment wore off, I am more than ever committed to LEAVING work next yr. Time to get out of tech sales, regardless if I fall a little short of original savings goal. Life is short.
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Absolutely, Mexico.

Every few days these thoughts cross my mind about how I should not retire yet--I like my job, the days go by quickly at w*rk, my colleagues (most of them) are fun, etc. etc.

INVARIABLY something happens to an acquaintance, or I read something that reminds me that life is just too short to be messing around with this. If i can retire somewhat comfortably, why wait? DH and I may live another 45 years in perfect health....but we can't know that.

Yesterday at the gym, i saw the news bit about the coach from Tennessee diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer's. DH's mother died from Alzheimer's and they now think that is probably what took his grandmother. Bam. another reminder.

Lots of times it is something I read on this forum.
""Yesterday at the gym, i saw the news bit about the coach from Tennessee diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer's. DH's mother died from Alzheimer's and they now think that is probably what took his grandmother. Bam. another reminder.""

Yes, I read that article about the coach. Way too young for that to be happening and definitely a reminder of whats really important. I want to leave this world after having lived it the most interesting way possible, not with x amount of money in the bank.
Alzheimers is scary; heard the same thing on the news last night only it was about Glen Campbell going thru this. I think they said he is 75 yo.
Absolutely, Mexico.

INVARIABLY something happens to an acquaintance, or I read something that reminds me that life is just too short to be messing around with this. If i can retire somewhat comfortably, why wait?

Isn't that the truth? In the past four months two of my friends have been diagnosed with serious diseases causing failure of the kidneys in one and serious breathing problems in another. A friend has been diagnosed with cancer. A coworker has been diagnosed with cancer. Sometimes it seems my peers are dropping like flies, and most are NOT yet into their 60's!!

Class of 2012, here I come!!!
Isn't that the truth? In the past four months two of my friends have been diagnosed with serious diseases causing failure of the kidneys in one and serious breathing problems in another. A friend has been diagnosed with cancer. A coworker has been diagnosed with cancer. Sometimes it seems my peers are dropping like flies, and most are NOT yet into their 60's!!

Class of 2012, here I come!!!

Agree completely, and I also have realized that it is easy to find a reason to to delay it. For example, wor* has been much more enjoyable over last 4 weeks, but that's how it has always been for me. A good period, things run smoothly, and then another yr goes by without haven't made any significant changes or learned anything new.
I never understand people who base decisions on exceptions. Yes, some people have health issues that shorten their lives - and the reports are sad but often over-hyped.

And there's usually a correlation between lifestyle and health issues. If you stay active and take care of yourself, odds are you will live a good long time, but there's no story to print. I think I'd plan on the higher probability outcome...YMMV
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Im being forced into retirement on Feb 27th, 2012, my 50th Birthday. I was just called in to my managers office and give the low down on the search for my replacement, and that they want me to teach the person for a month. I signed a DROP contact five years ago, and now my time is coming up. I signed the aggreement to maintain my pension, and had always in the back of my head hoped that I would outlast my manager, oh well. Amazing how fast the time has gone, and also how Im looking at it.
Im being forced into retirement on Feb 27th, 2012, my 50th Birthday. I was just called in to my managers office and give the low down on the search for my replacement, and that they want me to teach the person for a month. I signed a DROP contact five years ago, and now my time is coming up. I signed the aggreement to maintain my pension, and had always in the back of my head hoped that I would outlast my manager, oh well. Amazing how fast the time has gone, and also how Im looking at it.

Sorry to hear that, but can you and/or do you want to completely retire or possibley seek another job in future. If the answer is no to RE, in most cases there is life after leaving ones existing employer and you have several months to prepare. In any event, good luck and best wishes.
Took the leap

I submitted my retirement papers today, and my thoughts have now become action. My last day on the job should be 1 June 2012. I had hesitated for a few months because the financial incentives to stay a few years longer are great. Finally, I've accepted that many benefits are not financial, and costs are not always measured in dollars. We are giving ourselves the gift of time.

Just go another push to join the class.

Bosses who walk into the work place, see one thing they don't like and then make sure you know it. Rarely a good word about the extra time put in, improving results, etc. Just 'Find the worst and critisize it.'

OK, done venting.
We are giving ourselves the gift of time.

Yes. That fact is not well appreciated in retirement planning and the "one more year" syndrome; it's more than just the finances:


  • WhyRetire.gif
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Great cartoon and so very true. I have realized that at my ripe old age (!!!) one year is a much bigger percentage of my time than it has ever been. When one considers that we most likely will also have some physical problems, that one year percentage gets even bigger since it is one year out of 15 rather thanb one out of 20. If I work until I am 66 (official full SS for me) that would be about 1/3 or my estimated "pretty darn healthy years". That's a lot.

OK, so much for the analytical stuff. I just want to use my time my way and start to enjoy the fruits of my labor, and not let the turkeys rain on my parade.
I will retire sometime between 12/31/2011 and 3/31/2012. Trying to get everything in place so the December 31 works, but struggling with a couple issues. If I can make it great, if not I will move the date one month at a time until it works. I want to have all my investment accounts in a very simple plan to manage, and it is taking forever to get things moved, have all medical coverage working even if I have a month of overlap, all income streams in place and have all debt closed before I commit to the date. I am working them all as much as possible however everything seems to take longer then planned. Some of the time it takes to do some of these simple things just amazes me. Example, Vanguard takes 45 days to get money from an IRA moved from one financial firm to them. And both firms point the finger of blame at the other. But I will not tell mega corp the date until I have everything in place. And then they take a minimum of 30 days to process everything. So I am really trying to make the class of 2011, but will more likely be in the class of 2012.
Yesterday my principal asked if i am 100% certain about retiring at the end of this school year. My retirement may cause a domino effect because more than one other person in the school district has expressed interest in the position and there is a shortage of certified folks in my area in the state.

He claims he will beg me to stay every day, but he has already missed quite a few. :LOL: They would rather start the interviews in early 2012 than wait until May/June. While his question gave me pause and while he assured me he won't even accept a definite yes until December, I told him that absolutely, 100%, I am retiring. Once the words were out of my mouth, it felt better than pondering the question.

I look for reasons to stay. I love my job, but it is a bit less fun each year and I want to go out at (least near) the top of my game. and, besides, my retired DH is still having too much fun, lol.
100%, I am retiring. Once the words were out of my mouth, it felt better than pondering the question.

I still have not officially announced my retirement, but was wondering just the other day, how it would feel to utter those official words. I'm going to wait for a while so I do not undermine my bonus which comes next March. Originally, I was planning to go in January, but will probably shoot for June as I don't want to leave them without some reasonable notice.

Congrats on letting the cat out of the bag, so to speak!
This is my last school year and track & field season coming up. I asked to have my replacement (in house) in place before the beginning of this season (2 year scheduling...)and was told..."you must put in writing that you will resign/retire after this year"
That was fun crafting and sending that email!
My mom died a few weeks ago, and left me enough money that I can stop now. I want to, by my hub wants me to stay on plan for April next year and think of the money as extra. It is so tough. My manager is sucking my soul dry.

So I am taking it day by day.
I plan on retiring some time in the first quarter of 2012 (between the end of January and the end of March), so put me down as Class of 2012.
My mom died a few weeks ago, and left me enough money that I can stop now. I want to, by my hub wants me to stay on plan for April next year and think of the money as extra. It is so tough. My manager is sucking my soul dry.

So I am taking it day by day.

So sorry to hear about your mother. Good idea to take it one day at a time. I hope you were able to take some bereavement vacation. It is a necessity, IMO. Take care of yourself, and take care.

I am so sorry you just lost your mother. Make sure you take things slowly and are extra good to yourself. Keep us posted.

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