Consulting Gig


Give me a museum and I'll fill it. (Picasso) Give me a forum ...
Aug 27, 2004
Laurel, MD
I signed up for a consulting gig. I was referred by a former colleague. The consultations are via phone, billed by the hour. I was expecting to be speaking with industry professionals on trends, best practices, etc., etc. In reality the gigs offered to me have come from investment analysts that are looking for info on my former employer. Every call has the same pattern. They ask a bunch of irrelevant questions, express complete lack of understanding of the business, and rush off the call after 30 min. Some have requested follow up calls that usually never happen.

I'm pretty closing to not accepting any more requests unless I can develop some skills to keep them on the phone longer. Any suggestions? I shouldn't be surprised, but these analysts are truly clueless which reinforces my believe in the folly of investment analyst opinions.
Raise your rate, or charge for a minimum 2 hour per call ?

I had an electrician who did that, a visit was 2 hr minimum (the job took 5 minutes and he didn't bill me in the end).
I was offered a gig...very high pay.. but the topic was too close to the technology of a startup I left. Turned it down. Be careful answer questions about old employers. Employment contracts can have effects that last longer than the employment.
Taking money from clueless analysts seems like easy pickings. Don't you charge them if they stay on the phone for less than one hour? DW does a bit of consulting and she has a one hour minimum rule for phone consultations (they don't have to stay on the phone for a full hour, but she charges them the full hour). Her rate is high enough that people don't waste her time.
I tried billing for the full hour that I was asked to provide, but agency said no. They offered to adjust my rate to make up the difference, but apparently I am maxed out. I am trying to demonstrate my value, create more demand and see if they will be more flexible. I have a feeling they are billing
Perhaps don't open the kimono on the first call. Ask questions so that they start talking. Give them a taste. But hold back info. Intimate that you have more info. For an additional hour(s). Start telling the analysts that they can get the real stuff if they contact your main company. The one you set up for "Special" clients. Your own private consulting company. Use the agency as a marketing tool for yourself

Kinda like the sex lines BITD...or so I've heard
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Ms. Cleo of the Psychic Hotline was a master at keeping people on the line. Maybe you could stutter. Then they would ask you to repeat yourself several times. Trust me they are recording the call , I dont know what your legal standing is with your old employer, but I would be hesitant to say anything that involved their issues, i.e. non compete clauses. One lawsuit will ruin your day.
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