DW and I just finished a really good laugh... remembering an incident from our middle working years... maybe the mid 70's.
BIL and SIL asked us to join them and some friends for dinner at a restaurant in Albany... (can't remember the name... Maybe Lighthouse or like that). Very nice decor etc, and nice view from the dining room.
Now ya gotta understand that we're plain folk, and an expensive meal is at places like the Outback. This place was a bit different. Before we got started, two waitresses brought an hor d'oerves cart, with some different (for us) foods..., including caviar, and some items we had never heard of.
Being curious, I tried a bit of everything...
The main menu had things like buffalo steak, ostrich, giraffe etc... I chose Whale meat, but they were out of that. We had a few bottles of wine and an after dinner cocktail... A nice evening...
Until the bill... all on one check. For six of us about $450 as I recall. To DW..
"You got any money?"... Like she had about $10 and all I had was $50. (no credit cards then)...
BIL bailed us out... Bless his heart! An OMG night burned into memory, and a "never again".
Our favorite place today is our great local Chinese Restaurant... Total bill before tip for two seniors is $11.56, and it includes AYCE Salmon, Shrimp, Crab, and 80 other selections, plus 30 desserts.
So, the question: What's the most you've ever paid for a restaurant meal?
BIL and SIL asked us to join them and some friends for dinner at a restaurant in Albany... (can't remember the name... Maybe Lighthouse or like that). Very nice decor etc, and nice view from the dining room.
Now ya gotta understand that we're plain folk, and an expensive meal is at places like the Outback. This place was a bit different. Before we got started, two waitresses brought an hor d'oerves cart, with some different (for us) foods..., including caviar, and some items we had never heard of.
Being curious, I tried a bit of everything...
The main menu had things like buffalo steak, ostrich, giraffe etc... I chose Whale meat, but they were out of that. We had a few bottles of wine and an after dinner cocktail... A nice evening...
Until the bill... all on one check. For six of us about $450 as I recall. To DW..
"You got any money?"... Like she had about $10 and all I had was $50. (no credit cards then)...
BIL bailed us out... Bless his heart! An OMG night burned into memory, and a "never again".
Our favorite place today is our great local Chinese Restaurant... Total bill before tip for two seniors is $11.56, and it includes AYCE Salmon, Shrimp, Crab, and 80 other selections, plus 30 desserts.
So, the question: What's the most you've ever paid for a restaurant meal?