Covid Getting Closer to Home

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We know of two more that have passed away from covid complication. My son told me of the guy that surveyed the new land we bought mother is in bad shape from covid. She was released from hospital and had a relapse and is critical shape as of yesterday.

The longer it is around the more I know that have died from it.
Our CVS takes walk-ins in addition to appointments. Several family members have gotten there booster shots that way
My DH and I are restocking our Covid quarantine kit in case either or both of us catch Covid. The things we have: Easy food stuff, thermometer, tylenol, kleenex and toilet paper, cough medicine, cough drops, nasal spray, oximeter. We have our guest room set up so that one of us could isolate in there. We have several home test kits and information about nearby testing sites. We also have information about where antibody treatment is being given nearby (but I understand that may not be very effective against omicron). We have all kinds of masks--cloth, N95, KN95.

Any suggestions about other things we need to have on hand? We each have had 3 vaccines but I figure it is just a matter of time.

We bought a consumer grade SpO2 sensor for us and my parents at the start of the pandemic. It’s come in handy several times for the kids and my parents. Worth having on hand, IMO.
Additionally, I am stocked on Povidone Iodine Nasal Spray and old fashioned original Listerine, based on recent studies to reduce viral load in case of exposure.
Only place I know to get a booster (and I'm sure there ARE others) is CVS. They do NOT allow walk ins. Period. They require an appointment made on line - which takes 10+ minutes just to fill out forms. It's a pain. YMMV

I did a walk in at CVS in Georgia on a weekday for my booster in late November. The paper work consisted of showing my vax card. And the booster was free of charge, per the sticker on the CVS door. Easy peasy.
Well, I am beginning to resign myself to the fact that this isn't going away. Ever. "Delta is the worst!" "Omicron is the worst!" "XYX is the worst!" it's all nauseating and I'm tired of it. How long will society as a whole want to isolate and not live their lives?

I don’t see society as a whole doing much isolating anymore. Stores and restaurants are full. We’re at 800,000 Covid deaths and counting, by far the worst in the world (USA! USA!). It’s now a pandemic of the unvaxxed. Once insurance companies have the unvaxxed pay higher premiums and pay for taking up everyone else’s ICU space, they can “live their (shorter) lives” all they want to, as far as I’m concerned.
It was our 34th wedding anniversary yesterday, instead of going out to eat we ordered take out from a Top Restaurant in town, a BTD $$$$ rated one. I ordered a full rack of lamb, DW the duck + a desert. When I went to pick it up, I donned my mask and observed distancing, the place was full, no one was masked, not the seated patrons, not the staff or the some 10 folks waiting in the lobby to be seated.

Just an observation.

According to the stats for our county, cases are rising.
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I don’t see society as a whole doing much isolating anymore. Stores and restaurants are full. We’re at 800,000 Covid deaths and counting, by far the worst in the world (USA! USA!). It’s now a pandemic of the unvaxxed. Once insurance companies have the unvaxxed pay higher premiums and pay for taking up everyone else’s ICU space, they can “live their (shorter) lives” all they want to, as far as I’m concerned.
Deaths per capita. Source:


  • percapita.JPG
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We bought a consumer grade SpO2 sensor for us and my parents at the start of the pandemic. It’s come in handy several times for the kids and my parents. Worth having on hand, IMO.

I have an Innovo pulse oximeter and use it everyday.

Did you watch the recent Leeds Arsenal Match? 4-1 to the Arsenal. Not much social distancing or masking in the singing and shouting crowd there.
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The daughter of a long-time friend (over 40 years) called this morning to tell me my friend had died from COVID on Saturday.
Here's definitive proof that COVID is getting close to home - at least my home (And anyone else in the city of San Diego)

Local university/medical school (UCSD) has been testing the city's wastewater at the wastewater treatment facility. Apparently this week COVID has spiked far beyond what they expected - describing it as the steepest curve of viral load seen yet.

Apparently it's a mix of Delta and Omicron - so Omicron is definitely here.
^ My first thought when reading this was "Oh sh*t!".

That made me LOL.

It's actually a pretty cool program. They've been testing campus wastewater since the beginning - a way to get a handle on whether it is spreading on campus. They do it on a per-dorm basis so if it spikes in a specific dorm - they can test all residents of that dorm and switch them to virtual if necessary.
That made me LOL.

It's actually a pretty cool program. They've been testing campus wastewater since the beginning - a way to get a handle on whether it is spreading on campus. They do it on a per-dorm basis so if it spikes in a specific dorm - they can test all residents of that dorm and switch them to virtual if necessary.

Heh, heh, should I tell you about working at a food stand when an outbreak of food poisoning happens. Each worker is handed a Dixie cup and told "Fill-er up!" I wonder if that is next at the campus. YMMV
Heh, heh, should I tell you about working at a food stand when an outbreak of food poisoning happens. Each worker is handed a Dixie cup and told "Fill-er up!" I wonder if that is next at the campus. YMMV

Nah, no need to hear that story. :LOL:

I think there are a lot of municipalities that are testing waste water also for these spikes.
Nah, no need to hear that story. :LOL:

I think there are a lot of municipalities that are testing waste water also for these spikes.

NC publishes the data from their municipalities:

The data is a bit stale, but is trending up.

Dr. Scott Gottlieb mentioned this in a recent interview. He thinks the wastewater data will show more viral load than testing is showing if omicron truly is mild enough that people won't get tested because they are asymptomatic or "have a cold."

Did you watch the recent Leeds Arsenal Match? 4-1 to the Arsenal. Not much social distancing or masking in the singing and shouting crowd there.

Recently the law changed requiring Covid passes to get into big events such as this. Don’t know if this game was before or after the law changed but either way no masking or social distancing is required at soccer games.

I did take a risk and watched the game on TV.
Recently the law changed requiring Covid passes to get into big events such as this. Don’t know if this game was before or after the law changed but either way no masking or social distancing is required at soccer games.

I did take a risk and watched the game on TV.

But, I'm sure you dutifully wore your mask!:LOL:
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