Covid Vaccine Distribution

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DM got an appointment for 1/28.
Opening up to 65 year olds when we can't get 80 + year olds vaccinated makes no sense.
Reading the 1b group restirictions is laughable. Basiclly anyone with a government job. State Liqour authority employees are essential?
After 1a group I think we should have gone straight to age based, but then how could we decide who's worth saving?
Looks like my area is doing a bit better than the state and my county exec says the health department is ready to administer whatever doses they receive.
I don't obsess over the order of priority. As I see it, the most number of vaccinations in the shortest amount of time still enhances my safety even if I'm at the end of the line. So I support whatever system will be the speediest. I want them to work like the Soviet tank factory during the Battle of Stalingrad. They drove the tanks off the end of the production line and directly into the fight.
Second dose of vaccine in a different state

I previously posted this as a new thread and it was moved into a general thread on vaccine distribution which has over 1000 replies but none pertaining to the question in my post. I am reposting as a new thread again in the hopes that it doesn't get moved again. Especially since many people on this forum go to a different state for the winter.

So what needs to be done to get the 2nd does in a different state from the original state? Tried to contact a health department in Md who essentially said they couldn't do it. So if you go to Fl for the winter you need to wait until after you return to receive the vaccination? Has anyone else ran into this issue? We have this issue with 2 different people in our family: one who needs to receive the 2nd dose in Md and one who needs to receive the 2nd dose in Fl. In both cases the 1st dose was administered in WV.
So what needs to be done to get the 2nd does in a different state from the original state? Tried to contact a health department in Md who essentially said they couldn't do it. So if you go to Fl for the winter you need to wait until after you return to receive the vaccination?

I would imagine you either need to reach the local county health department where you are and inquire, or wait. In FL, my parents just got their first jab, with an appointment made there and then for the 2nd. I don't know if there's a way to schedule "2nd only please".

The good news is the 21-28 day guideline is only a recommendation, not a requirement, and the consensus is if the 2nd does is a bit outside that timeframe, no harm in a short wait.
So what needs to be done to get the 2nd does in a different state from the original state? Tried to contact a health department in Md who essentially said they couldn't do it. So if you go to Fl for the winter you need to wait until after you return to receive the vaccination? Has anyone else ran into this issue? We have this issue with 2 different people in our family: one who needs to receive the 2nd dose in Md and one who needs to receive the 2nd dose in Fl. In both cases the 1st dose was administered in WV.

There is no single answer because vaccine rollout is different around the country. I would look at the website of the county public health department where you plan to reside to see their distribution plan.
I previously posted this as a new thread and it was moved into a general thread on vaccine distribution which has over 1000 replies but none pertaining to the question in my post. I am reposting as a new thread again in the hopes that it doesn't get moved again. Especially since many people on this forum go to a different state for the winter.

So what needs to be done to get the 2nd does in a different state from the original state? Tried to contact a health department in Md who essentially said they couldn't do it. So if you go to Fl for the winter you need to wait until after you return to receive the vaccination? Has anyone else ran into this issue? We have this issue with 2 different people in our family: one who needs to receive the 2nd dose in Md and one who needs to receive the 2nd dose in Fl. In both cases the 1st dose was administered in WV.

I would stay put until you get the second dose and be happy you were able to get vaccinated. It’s only a few weeks.

I see people complaining all over about the logistics, having to wait for hours in line, etc. Not saying this is you, but I just don’t get this attitude. This is a huge logistics operation. Let’s make it as easy as possible.
Our county is making progress. The health department reported to the county board that they are learning a lot about the vaccination process and should be able to start vaccinating those over 65 in a month.
As I see it, DW and I (both in our 70s) have multiple options to get the vaccine here in TX, although all require us to be patient and also have a bit of luck in getting an appointment. I'm also very concerned about the possibility of exposure to the virus at some of the vaccine sites.

- Our preferable option is to get the shot at our local GP's clinic where we are "on the list" for the vaccine. It is a 10 minute drive with no traffic and no waiting in line once we get an appointment. This will offer the least exposure to others in terms of both time and numbers, so we think it is our safest option. Her clinic got 100 doses the end of December and we just missed the cutoff. Unfortunately she has no idea when she will get more vaccine.

- The second best option would be getting an online appointment with one of the many HEB pharmacies in the area who say they expect to be getting vaccine for our 1b group and open their website for appointments "soon".

- I'm not a fan of the area "mega site" vaccination options as what I see of them on the news is lots of people (and exposure) plus a minimum of 45 minutes to an hour of waiting time. Not sure why, but none of the mass vaccination sites here are drive through, they all require you to park and come into the building with what looks to be hundreds of others, and thus increase the opportunity to catch what you are being vaccinated to prevent.

- Another option for me is the VA. They are holding a "first come, first served" vaccination opportunity for vets age 70+ at two locations on Saturday. I'd much prefer DW and I both get vaccinated at the same time, plus I'm really uncomfortable with the possible exposure from standing in line for what might be a lengthy wait for my turn.

Based on the above we have decided to continue to wait for a call from our GP. Meanwhile I'll keep checking the HEB pharmacy website to see if we can snag an appointment there.
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Our county is making progress. The health department reported to the county board that they are learning a lot about the vaccination process and should be able to start vaccinating those over 65 in a month.

Thanks for the update.

I'm really disappointed with IL handling of this.

I would have thought, the health dept would have already have decades of experience in the vaccination process. :facepalm:
I think we need to ask ourselves why are we going through all of the social and financial hardship for Covid. After all we don't close restaurants, theaters, sports stadiums,cancel trips, etc. for the normal flu season. It's because Covid is more deadly, and treating a person who has a bad case of Covid is more difficult and soaks up huge amounts of medical resources. If Covid were no worse than the ordinary flu, I doubt we would have the high level of concern, restrictions and worry.

The main reasons to vaccinate people are:

1. Prevent Covid from killing more people or leaving them with long term health issues (the Longhaulers)
2. Prevent Covid from straining our medical systems as it has done in the past and is now doing in places like Los Angeles.

People who are asymptomatic or show minor short-term symptoms are not the problem. It's those of us who end up dead, or severely impaired after soaking up a huge amount of medical resources in the hospital. In some sad cases people soak up resources and regrettably still perish.

The best way to accomplish the goals of preventing death and the very high use of medical resources is to first vaccinate the people most at risk of dying or needing hospitalization. So, after dealing with medical people who are subject to high exposure risk, an age based system seems to be the best one. My 2¢. YMMV.
I would imagine you either need to reach the local county health department where you are and inquire, or wait. In FL, my parents just got their first jab, with an appointment made there and then for the 2nd. I don't know if there's a way to schedule "2nd only please".

The good news is the 21-28 day guideline is only a recommendation, not a requirement, and the consensus is if the 2nd does is a bit outside that timeframe, no harm in a short wait.

Thank you for responding. We haven't been able to contact anyone at the county health department needed in Maryland who knows the answer to this question after 2 days of trying. This 2nd shot is for an elderly relative who had to check out of a skilled nursing facility and relocate to Md to receive assistance from a relative with everyday living / medications etc.

The county health department where we need the 2nd shot in Fl can only be contacted by a phone system that opens up at noon each day and closes after 5000 calls. Per their website they receive an average of 50000 calls per minute with a peak rate of 84000 calls per minute. We're unsure if they will be able to answer our question when / if we do get through. So we've decide to space out the time between vaccinations which is likely acceptable.

If things change in the the next few weeks and the 2nd dose is available we will continue to wear masks and be careful as recommended. So it won't change our behavior either way.

The disappointing thing is the CDC has told us (via an email) that they developed systems for the states to transfer data and allocations between states. It seems though that some (maybe most) states are just not using that system.

On the plus side scheduling the first dose was easy using the VAMS system. Select a location and a time, show up and get a shot, wait 15 minutes leave. At that time we were led to believe that receiving the 2nd shot would be just as easy. Input zip code, select location, etc. The hardest part was selecting the images to prove you were not a robot.
Eureka! My DH and I just got our first shot (Moderna). I saw on the news about 11 am this morning that NC was going to allow our age group( over 65) to get the vaccine starting today. I checked my Facebook feed and saw that a county about an hour away was doing a vaccine clinic and was allowing our age group, first come first serve and that they had vaccines left. We immediately drove there and were we the very last car to be let in the line and we got our shots!. I did not even feel it and I hope for very mild side effects, I will keep you posted. :)
Eureka! My DH and I just got our first shot (Moderna). I saw on the news about 11 am this morning that NC was going to allow our age group( over 65) to get the vaccine starting today. I checked my Facebook feed and saw that a county about an hour away was doing a vaccine clinic and was allowing our age group, first come first serve and that they had vaccines left. We immediately drove there and were we the very last car to be let in the line and we got our shots!. I did not even feel it and I hope for very mild side effects, I will keep you posted. :)

Eureka! My DH and I just got our first shot (Moderna). I saw on the news about 11 am this morning that NC was going to allow our age group( over 65) to get the vaccine starting today. I checked my Facebook feed and saw that a county about an hour away was doing a vaccine clinic and was allowing our age group, first come first serve and that they had vaccines left. We immediately drove there and were we the very last car to be let in the line and we got our shots!. I did not even feel it and I hope for very mild side effects, I will keep you posted. :)

Rewahoo I think christus was doing appts for vaccines at their small clinics. Go to christus website, click on the ywllow blob, answer the questions and they will show you when/where. I saw actual honest to god appt slots there for next day last week. I think in new braunfels
So I relayed how easy it was for my 79 year old Mother to get her vaccine in Florida....on 1/5...and the second shot is scheduled.

We'd been struggling with how to get the 86 year old MIL vaccinated in Virginia.....we gave up on Virginia and took her to Florida and she got her vaccination today. No issues with her Virginia ID...and she's got her second appointment. We will keep her in Florida for the next 28 days and get this done.

In Virginia, the state health website says they are in something called 1B (and it includes 30 year old "essential workers", migrant workers, prisoners and folks over 75). Yet her county is not in that stage yet...they are still in something called workers & long term care patients

Anyway, thank you Florida!....We've got a good plan....And disappointed in Virginia for not prioritizing their senior citizens.
Rewahoo I think christus was doing appts for vaccines at their small clinics. Go to christus website, click on the ywllow blob, answer the questions and they will show you when/where. I saw actual honest to god appt slots there for next day last week. I think in new braunfels

Thanks much for the info. I gave it a try but no luck at the SA location. The website didn't give me a choice of the NB location, probably because it's 50+ miles from my zip code.

Will keep checking.
Both DW and I registered on our county's website to get the vaccine on 12/30, and received a reply back from the county on12/31 acknowledging receipt of our application. It also said it might be several weeks before an actual appointment was scheduled. I actually signed up about 4 hours before DW submitted her request.

Today we both were notified we are scheduled tomorrow to get the vaccine:dance:. I am very happy we are both scheduled to go together at the same time. It's a relief to finally be getting the vaccine. While there were some problems initially in our county with very long lines and people showing up without appointments, those problems are reported to have been resolved. My friend got vaccinated last week and the entire process took about 1.25 hours. They make you sit for 15 minutes after the shot to ensure no allergic reactions occur.
It's great that some States are moving along. My 95 year old mother is in Missouri, and Missouri does seem not to be up to speed. She lives independently in a rural Ozark county, and my brother just checked on her vaccine status. Here was the reply (1/14/21):


The fact that they have not even started their health care workers is alarming, when compared to most other States. Also, I'm wondering if, like others have mentioned, 95 year olds will be at a disadvantage in their planned scheduling free-for-all. Obviously my brother will do it for her, but he's over 70 himself and not the most tech savvy person.
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