Craziest choice you’ve made in the past few years?

went to an AA meeting about a month ago...craziest decision for me - really enjoying it so far and can tell I am making some friends for life.

Wasn't drinking in the morning or even every day, but some self-reflection isn't a bad thing and it's tough to sit with folks who are truth tellers and not follow the same it's been an excellent exercise thus far, and happy to see where it takes me.
went to an AA meeting about a month ago...craziest decision for me - really enjoying it so far and can tell I am making some friends for life.

Wasn't drinking in the morning or even every day, but some self-reflection isn't a bad thing and it's tough to sit with folks who are truth tellers and not follow the same it's been an excellent exercise thus far, and happy to see where it takes me.

That is awesome!
Getting sober was the best decision of my life.

The craziest thing that I have done in the last few years was to move cross country from NJ to NM! We have been here 4.5 years now and still absolutely love it!
Recently, we bought a cute travel trailer and then my husband had a work accident....he will be good at new in a couple more weeks, but that was scary!
The last crazy choice I can remember making was in August of 2013. I'm not giving up just yet. Still trying to fix it.:LOL:

What do they say about insanity.... Something like, doing the same thing over and over expecting different results...
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