Daily WORDLE - 2022

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Avoid the apps! Just go to the site. But note that there is a wonderful Wordle archive; it is so much fun!
I don't understand why having to use the clues you uncover is considered "hard mode". That's how you solve the thing.

In regular mode, each new guess merely needs to be a word.

In hard mode, not only does each new guess need to be a word, it also must contain each yellow letter, and it also must contain each green letter in the correct location.

Thus in hard mode, you have fewer and fewer words to choose from. Which is helpful in one sense - you're choosing a new word from among fewer options, so technically your guess has a better chance of being the final right answer. It's also easier in the sense that the game will not let you make a guess that isn't at least as "right" as the facts that you know so far.

But it's harder in the sense that if your vocabulary isn't vast and the answer hasn't yet occurred to you, it may be harder to think of a word for your next (most likely intermediate) guess at all. It's also harder in that it generally rules out the three-word "GLYPH" approach discussed earlier.
I don't understand why having to use the clues you uncover is considered "hard mode". That's how you solve the thing.
Suppose you get 3 letters correct, but have no idea what the word might be. In hard mode you only get two more guesses for new letters since you have to use the 3 you found. In "easy" mode you could pick 5 new letters, giving you a greater chance to find them. So you might use your first three guesses trying to find all the letters, then the last three trying to unscramble them and figure out where they go. Is that easier? I dunno.
Stroke of luck today - got this one on the second try!

Wordle 216 2/6

Originally Posted by JohnRM View Post
I don't understand why having to use the clues you uncover is considered "hard mode". That's how you solve the thing.
Suppose you get 3 letters correct, but have no idea what the word might be. In hard mode you only get two more guesses for new letters since you have to use the 3 you found. In "easy" mode you could pick 5 new letters, giving you a greater chance to find them. So you might use your first three guesses trying to find all the letters, then the last three trying to unscramble them and figure out where they go. Is that easier? I dunno.

Right, and I do think "hard mode" is a poor description.

It's really a trade-off. You obviously give up one turn of guessing the right answer, but by ignoring the correct letters and trying other letters, you gain some knowledge which could help on the turn after that, and might keep you from losing altogether. But it's always going to cost you a turn. It's for the 'delayed gratification' crowd.

To me "hard mode" is a better description for what some are doing, using the previous solution as the starting word. That normally makes it tougher, as those words aren't chosen for maximum elimination. I'll need to play a little longer without failure before I try that, but it's an interesting take.

Right, and I do think "hard mode" is a poor description.

Well, considering the dude wrote this for GF and family, and not bazillions of people to critique everyday worldwide, I think I can forgive some of the terminology.
Well, considering the dude wrote this for GF and family, and not bazillions of people to critique everyday worldwide, I think I can forgive some of the terminology.

Geez, I didn't mean it as a personal insult to the developer. I was just commiserating with others that were confused by the term, as was I. There's nothing to forgive, not a big deal, I just felt a little explanation was in order.

I'm below average at word games, but above average at spoiling games with too much analysis :LOL:


I didn't spend too much time on this, but the above 3 words gives me 84.2% coverage. Can anyone think of three words higher than 84%? A puzzle within a puzzle!!

Letter|English Expected
E |0.111607|
A |0.084966|
R |0.075809|
I |0.075448|
O |0.071635|
T |0.069509|
N |0.066544|
S |0.057351|
L |0.054893|
C |0.045388|
U |0.036308|
D |0.033844|
P |0.031671|
M |0.030129|
H |0.030034|
G |0.024705|
B |0.02072|
F |0.018121|
Y |0.017779|
W |0.012899|
K |0.011016|
V |0.010074|
X |0.002902|
Z |0.002722|
J |0.001965|
Q |0.001962|

I'm gonna throw a bit of a curve ball into this analysis, which I've seen replicated elsewhere. My thinking is that since Wordle only uses five-letter words that that would bias these letter frequency statistics somewhat. So, I started with the list of English language words in the "/usr/share/dict/words" file on my Mac (other *nix systems have a similar word list, by the way), which apparently has 235886 words in it, including some proper names. I then extracted just the five-letter words with a simple "egrep" command (I'm kind of a *nix command line guy), made all the letters lower-case, and then eliminated any duplicates (there were a surprising number of those). The resulting list has only 9972 words, some of which are names but those appear to be valid in Wordle, which was convenient. I then whipped up a quick little Python script to count how many times each letter appears in that list and print the results, along with the percentage of the total number of letters in the list (49860, which is 5 times the number of words, as expected). Here's the frequency table I got:


Hope others find this useful, and sorry if it contributes to any analytical spoiling of the game.
^ A real Unix person would do it all in one command line ;-)

I wonder if the Wordle creator was clever enough to realize that people would do this type of analysis. If he was, he could do that math, then calculate the weight of any given five letter word in his list of words, then probabilistically choose words based on the inverse of those probabilities, so that the distribution of letters in the daily words chosen would be approximately equal.

That would be fairly clever and also fairly easy to do. And I suspect he may have done something like that - after playing the game for about five or six days, the number of A's and E's in the answers appears to be too low to a statistically suspicious (*) degree.

(*) Right after finishing my college statistics class I might have been able to work out the math on that. Something about the T-distribution and degrees of freedom? At this point it just feels off, but not provably so.
6th attempt today, after a few 3’s & 4’s. But 17th winning streak continues.

Are we not overthinking things in terms of strategy to solve the word ?
4th attempt today.
6 for 6 so far.
I found today's difficult. I literally couldn't think of a word after round 2, the way my letters fell. It boxed in my brain.

I needed DW to help. She guessed one real close, but it was wrong, although the next choice was then obvious (just one letter).

Ended up a combined 4.
Got today's in 6.
My starter words only gave me one green and one yellow letter.
Was kinda stuck in 2 and 3 and didn't think I'd get it at all. So happy with 6
I also got that word today. So that means that everybody is getting the same word.
Now the question is - when does a "day" start.

There are strategies like starting with mostly vowels or with words made from popular letters.
Is it OK to discuss strategies or shall we keep spoilers off this thread ?
Does your first guess actually need to be a word, or can it be random (common) letters?
IMO each guess must be a word.
When I entered what I thought was a word but wasn't, I got some error message that made it invalid.
I'm gonna throw a bit of a curve ball into this analysis, which I've seen replicated elsewhere. My thinking is that since Wordle only uses five-letter words that that would bias these letter frequency statistics somewhat. So, I started with the list of English language words in the "/usr/share/dict/words" file on my Mac (other *nix systems have a similar word list, by the way), which apparently has 235886 words in it, including some proper names. I then extracted just the five-letter words with a simple "egrep" command (I'm kind of a *nix command line guy), made all the letters lower-case, and then eliminated any duplicates (there were a surprising number of those). The resulting list has only 9972 words, some of which are names but those appear to be valid in Wordle, which was convenient. I then whipped up a quick little Python script to count how many times each letter appears in that list and print the results, along with the percentage of the total number of letters in the list (49860, which is 5 times the number of words, as expected). Here's the frequency table I got:


Hope others find this useful, and sorry if it contributes to any analytical spoiling of the game.

According to the guy who developed a variant called Absurdle (https://qntm.org/wordle):

There are actually two word lists in Wordle: one is a list of 2,315 words which can appear as answers, and the other is a list of 10,657 rather more obscure words which are allowed as guesses but will never appear as answers.

Might be interesting to see if the 2315 words follow this pattern. I've been using "ouija" as a starter, but maybe "raise" is a better option.
Got it in 4 today, but I had it down to just 2 equally likely words, so 50/50 I could have been at 5. I'll take it!

- so I'm 4,4,3,3,5,4 so far.

Are proper names or place names allowed? In a private window, I tried the name of a river, that does not appear to have a common word meaning, and it accepted it, so I guess so?

edit/add: Based on below, I am going to change my 1st word. I replayed today's game in a private window, and I think it would have helped me knock off one guess.

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I'm gonna throw a bit of a curve ball into this analysis, which I've seen replicated elsewhere. My thinking is that since Wordle only uses five-letter words that that would bias these letter frequency statistics somewhat. So, I started with the list of English language words in the "/usr/share/dict/words" file on my Mac (other *nix systems have a similar word list, by the way), which apparently has 235886 words in it, including some proper names. I then extracted just the five-letter words with a simple "egrep" command (I'm kind of a *nix command line guy), made all the letters lower-case, and then eliminated any duplicates (there were a surprising number of those). The resulting list has only 9972 words, some of which are names but those appear to be valid in Wordle, which was convenient. I then whipped up a quick little Python script to count how many times each letter appears in that list and print the results, along with the percentage of the total number of letters in the list (49860, which is 5 times the number of words, as expected). Here's the frequency table I got:


Hope others find this useful, and sorry if it contributes to any analytical spoiling of the game.

Nice. Now how about the frequency of double letters in that list? Those are tricky.

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