Daily WORDLE - 2022

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I found today's difficult. I literally couldn't think of a word after round 2, the way my letters fell. It boxed in my brain.

I needed DW to help. She guessed one real close, but it was wrong, although the next choice was then obvious (just one letter).

Ended up a combined 4.

Got today's in 6.
My starter words only gave me one green and one yellow letter.
Was kinda stuck in 2 and 3 and didn't think I'd get it at all. So happy with 6

Not saying what my starter word was (was not one of my usual ones), but I got a big fat ZERO hits on the first word. First time for me. Was happy to manage a 5.
Surprised myself again today. Same first two starting words, then took a leap.

Wordle 217 3/6


With respect to pasting into a Google doc, selecting it, and re-copying it...it also seems to require pasting on this site using advanced, not quick reply.
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Nice. Now how about the frequency of double letters in that list? Those are tricky.


By "double" do you mean consecutive duplicates, like the "o" in "book", or just repeated letters, like "e" in "else"? I suppose it might be useful to see both stats, now that I think about it. I'll see what I can do. More to follow...
Wordle 217 4/6


:D That worked.
By "double" do you mean consecutive duplicates, like the "o" in "book", or just repeated letters, like "e" in "else"? I suppose it might be useful to see both stats, now that I think about it. I'll see what I can do. More to follow...

I was thinking of 'e' in 'else', but that would include consecutive like 'book'.

The double letter thing is a little tricky, I kind of feel I'm wasting a clue if I enter it again to look for doubles. So some idea of how often that happens might be useful (or not!).

Surprised myself again today. Same first two starting words, then took a leap.

Wordle 217 3/6


With respect to pasting into a Google doc, selecting it, and re-copying it...it also seems to require pasting on this site using advanced, not quick reply.
Another nice solve by you.

Yes, can't use quick reply if you are uploading the image of your Wordle.

I've always been playing on my PC. If I play on my phone will Wordle be able to keep my cumulative score?

Anybody play on PC and phone and had Wordle kept your score up to date?
I've always been playing on my PC. If I play on my phone will Wordle be able to keep my cumulative score?

Anybody play on PC and phone and had Wordle kept your score up to date?
I don't see how. There's no Wordle login to associate your phone with your PC. I've tested a couple things out on a different browser on my laptop and those scores aren't synced. And I can play the same game on each, so I could show that I am getting words on my first guess if I wanted to.
I don't see how. There's no Wordle login to associate your phone with your PC. I've tested a couple things out on a different browser on my laptop and those scores aren't synced. And I can play the same game on each, so I could show that I am getting words on my first guess if I wanted to.
In other words, Wordle uses your IP address as your ID to keep track of your score?
In other words, Wordle uses your IP address as your ID to keep track of your score?
Probably not IP addr as both browsers should have the same address since they are on the same laptop. And the data survived a modem & router reboot, which probably gave me a different address today. More likely it's kept in browser local data or a cookie. Now that I'm 10+ years retired I no longer consider myself a techie so I'm not too certain about this or how to figure it out.
I was thinking of 'e' in 'else', but that would include consecutive like 'book'.

The double letter thing is a little tricky, I kind of feel I'm wasting a clue if I enter it again to look for doubles. So some idea of how often that happens might be useful (or not!).


OK - Here's a new table with additional stats for the frequency of each repeated letter ('e' as in 'else' or 'keep') in the total word space, as well as just the number of repeated letters that are only consecutive repeats ('o' as in 'book'):

Letter|Count|Frequency|Repeats|Rep. Freq.|Doubles|X2 Freq.
Or it’s just in your browser cache or a browser cookie. It wouldn’t have to store anything on their side then. Could all be stored on your local device.

Yes, it's local. The entire game is downloaded when you open the web page and it's played in your browser. You can disconnect Wifi and cellular data once you see the grid and still finish the game. This is probably why the server hasn't crashed even though there's been a massive increase in players recently.
Got it in 3 today. For some reason this made me feel like I'd accomplished something cool. :dance:

I think little brain teaser/puzzle games like this are good for me. They feel like they're exercising parts of my brain that don't get used much on a daily basis. Think I may branch out into something else soon, maybe crosswords puzzles or sudoku, Lumosity, etc.
Nice. Now how about the frequency of double letters in that list? Those are tricky.
I'm not sure how knowing this extra bit of information about double letters would be employed in picking starting words. If one is attempting to cover as many letters as possible with the starting words, then having a starting word with a double letter seems less productive.
Darn it. Came down to guessing between 3 possible words and I guessed wrong twice. Hence it took me 5 attempts.

Wordle 012222.jpg
OK - Here's a new table with additional stats for the frequency of each repeated letter ('e' as in 'else' or 'keep') in the total word space, as well as just the number of repeated letters that are only consecutive repeats ('o' as in 'book'):

Letter|Count|Frequency|Repeats|Rep. Freq.|Doubles|X2 Freq.

Thanks, now to see if I can do anything useful with that. At a glance, not surprising, e's, o's, l's, s's, n's, t's, r's the most common double letters. EDIT: Actually, the list I just gave is for the consecutive doubles. For just 2x in the word, the tops area little different, but A is way at the top for simple 2X (but not in the consecutive - not many "aa" in English):
A, E, O, T, L, S, R, I, N

I'm not sure how knowing this extra bit of information about double letters would be employed in picking starting words. If one is attempting to cover as many letters as possible with the starting words, then having a starting word with a double letter seems less productive.

I don't think I'd apply it to starting words. But it might help me focus on answers with double letters, as there's no indication of them unless you specifically test for it.

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Got it in 4 today, but I had it down to just 2 equally likely words, so 50/50 I could have been at 5. I'll take it!


I was in the same situation with 2 equally likely possibilities after try 3. But I chose the wrong word and so ended up at 5 tries.
I was in the same situation with 2 equally likely possibilities after try 3. But I chose the wrong word and so ended up at 5 tries.

Funny thing is, after all this probability talk, the (correct) word I chose had the less common letter in it. So on average, I should have chosen the more common one. I wasn't really thinking about it, was just kind of a mental toin-coss decision. After all, there is *so* much at stake! :)

I decided to try WORDLE earlier this week. I played it once, and won after five, but for some reason that game just doesn't float my boat! I'm back to sudoku instead.

Frank also tried it for the first time this week and I think he really likes it. So, maybe I should give it another chance.
Took me the full 6 this time - so I'm 4,4,3,3,5,4,6 so far.

One green, one yellow on first guess. I must have had a mental block - I map out as many possibilities as I can think of, and I just never came up with the answer as a possibility. It was only on # 6 where I saw it as the only real word left for me.

I even entered a previous answer as a guess, even though I figured they would not repeat so soon, but if truly random, they could! But that did help in getting a couple letters (yellows), but with only 3 spaces left, two yellows eliminates a lot of choices (all the way down to one valid word for me.

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