wstu32 said:I just read the post about the country heading for depression... what would that do if you:
1. had money in money market?
put you money into long term US Treasury bonds via Treasury Direct
2. would bonds get paid by the u.s. treasury?
US Treasury would pay on its bonds
3. had muni bonds?
Put in US Tresuries
4. inflation?
Inflations during a depression?
wstu32 said:I just read the post about the country heading for depression... what would that do if you:
1. had money in money market?
2. would bonds get paid by the u.s. treasury?
3. had muni bonds?
4. inflation?
All you can realistically do is diversify, figuring that not everything bad will happen at once, and maybe nothing really bad will happen at all anytime soon -- maybe even something good. Of course, then the brain-sucking aliens will invade and it will turn out that only people who invested heavily in leadgold-lined hats will survive.
Spanky said:Don't forget to see King Kong:
Marketneutral said:They are all ready calling it King Bomb.
I think I will wait to rent it.
MRGALT2U said:I am going to pass. I still think the original with Faye Wray is great.
Lazarus said:I like the Rocky Horror version. "What ever happened to Fay Wrey?' No I am not gay. Just a great film.