Do we need Facebook in ER?

You tell me how the market will do and what your salary will be in the next 25 years and I'll tell you if your pension is a good deal. Just curious after 25 years what percentage of your salary do you get?

45% of final year's salary I think.

Mathematically, I might be better off without the pension. Looks like the pension calcs are roughly equivalent to a 5.5-6% return over 25 years given their contributions and my contributions. Not horrible, but not great considering a 30 year treasury is yielding 4.5% today.
I can't get my pension till I'm 55. At which time I would have 32 years of service and be eligible for 55% of my 'highest 3" years of salary. Is that a good deal?

I'm not sure I follow your first paragraph exactly?

I control who sees my posts on FB. How is that not "locked down"?

And I clearly wouldn't post something like "I'm switching jobs in 2 months" on facebook. Even though this has been common knowledge among a small handful of friends for 2 months (and the forum), but kept more or less a secret from my employer for 2 months (they knew I interviewed but not was offered anything or had accepted).

It does require vigilance though.

I carefully didn't include ANYONE from work on fb. It sounded like people who weren't your "friends" were able to see your status. If not - you are locked down well. :clap:
That's your second comment about privacy settings, but our point is that there are people on Facebook who want to be public, not private. I wouldn't necessarily refer to a lack of privacy settings as a "problem".
Just saw this, sorry - for a lot of people privacy is - or should be - an issue. A lot put very personal info out there and are searchable because they don't consider who might look at it - a future employer is a good example. Many don't know the issues involved. It can come back to haunt you.

This forum is in an odd way quite private - the posts are public but most people don't have much about where they live or their real names. This allows you to be fairly open.

I deal with a lot of people with cancer on a listserv and while you have to subscribe, you can see people's email addresses. Privacy is a major concern for them if they are applying for jobs, for example.

I became a fairly public figure - in some circles - through my cancer advocacy work over the years. As a result, the fact that I had cancer is simply out there - if someone looks. I can't hide it and anyhow, I'm not looking for a job. But internet privacy is IMO a serious issue and one that many people don't think about until too late.

I realize that much younger people often feel differently about it (I'm 62). But identity theft and so on are very serious issues.

Anyhow as long as you know what you're doing, no problem. Most people do not think about it.
Regarding privacy, it might be a good assumption that nothing on any of these sites that you input is private.

Those hackers in Eastern Europe are a smart bunch. We've got a few home grown ones too. Then there are data consolidators.

Wish there were an easy answer to security. Probably safety in the herd, one just has to stay on a higher security level then other internet users.
I carefully didn't include ANYONE from work on fb. It sounded like people who weren't your "friends" were able to see your status. If not - you are locked down well. :clap:

While I was doing something* I didn't want my coworkers to know, I added all of them to a "work" friends list. All they saw was just a touch more than is publicly viewable. No status updates, no new pics, no news from me. Just my photo and some basic biographical info. Nothing dynamic.

* sorry to be so boring, but it was studying for and passing the bar exam.
Fuego, that's what I do with my "work list" of friends, too. They get no pictures, no updates, no random hooping videos.
And now I am wondering what list you have me I missing any wildlife partying shots when the fam is out of town? Dang!
Fuego, that's what I do with my "work list" of friends, too. They get no pictures, no updates, no random hooping videos.
And now I am wondering what list you have me I missing any wildlife partying shots when the fam is out of town? Dang!
How do you set up a list like that on FB? I didn't know you could!
This forum is in an odd way quite private - the posts are public but most people don't have much about where they live or their real names. This allows you to be fairly open.

I became a fairly public figure - in some circles - through my cancer advocacy work over the years. As a result, the fact that I had cancer is simply out there - if someone looks. I can't hide it and anyhow, I'm not looking for a job. But internet privacy is IMO a serious issue and one that many people don't think about until too late.

I realize that much younger people often feel differently about it (I'm 62). But identity theft and so on are very serious issues.

Anyhow as long as you know what you're doing, no problem. Most people do not think about it.

The people which do not think about it are the ones which are really young. And some of this is well out of an individuals control. Here is an example which will take 10-20 years to play out.

My best friends son is a Junior in HS and is on FB. I coached him in soccer for many years when he was ages 9-12. I know him reasonably well and we have a good history together. His sister is my babysitter and I see her around 1 time per month, on average, picking her up or dropping her off. I see their father and their parents quite a bit.

I am friends with both parents and the babysitter (the sister) on FB. The son is on FB, but we are not friends (that would not be cool to him I guess).

Try to follow this
the girlfriend of my friend's son is friends with the babysitter
The girlfriend posted pictures of my friend's son in women's clothing (they dressed up in skirts and heals at some women's clothing store at a mall).
The pics were freakin hilarious. Really. It was two guys dressing up, and the girlfriend was the one which posted the picture.
I saw the photos because my babysitter was tagged in a different photo in the same album. No way I would have even seen the photo unless the babysitter was not tagged in them.
I mentioned to his father one day that his son was a cross dressing transvestite, and we got a good laugh out of that. He had not seen the photos until I mentioned it.

A few days later I met the girlfriend for the first time when I was at the house for one thing or another... and I said "so you are the one with the photos of NNNN in women's clothing."

Her jaw dropped.
"You saw those?"
My reply was "yes".
She had NO IDEA about the privacy settings.

Because I was friends with the babysitter, who was friends with the girlfriend, and the babysitter was tagged in other photos in the same album, I saw all the photos.

Let that serve as a warning- if you post photos, lots of people can see them and when people get bored (at w*rk) there is only so much to do until I start looking at people's photos on FB.

Here are two issues:
1) More than likely this is a high school romance which will not last- even if the son is smart enough to untag himself from the photos, he cannot remove the photos from FB.

2) HS kids tend to have 200-400 friends on FB. One kid I used to coach in soccer has close to 900. Will these kids know to "trim" their friends list later on in life? More than likely if these people intend to work in the area, these photos will be seen. Think about it, if I saw that photo, what about a friend of the girlfriend whose parents are hiring managers at the local megacorp?

Ask me again in 10 years how this played out.

Those photos were hysterical.

OTOH, I have two albums which are scanned photos from the Fiji house about 15-20 years ago. Beer can Pyramids, Wed night century clubs (ah dos were da days). Girls with big hickeys (the size of fists) and generally photos which are funny. Many people untagged themselves from it once I posted the album. But the photos remain, and I am not embarrassed by any of them (I was taking them, so am not in too many of them). Other people which did not know me in college ask about them all the time. What is a century club? Good conversation starter, I think.
How do you set up a list like that on FB? I didn't know you could!

account->edit friends
upper right corner is create list

then go to privacy settings
account->privacy settings

that display shows you the defaults
it also shows you graphical pictures to control

if you use the customize link when posting, you can control which list can see the posting (or photos...)
I avoided joining FB for sometime but as some have indicated earlier in this thread, FB is just too popular and if you don't join, you get missed out on news from friends. I enjoy reading the updates but don't post much on my wall. I think there is no official manual for FB though many informal manuals have been written and published. One thing I learnt very early on is not only rejecting a friend's request but also how to "break up" or "unfriend a friend". Not sure whether any of you have used it before but it is certainly useful when you accidentally clicked an invitation and then realised it is the wrong identity.
DW has a FB account but is very cautious about what she posts there. On the plus side she found a group of friends from elementary school that she enjoys contacting again.

We do learn more about relatives from FB than we do from E-mail, which seems to be fading in use/popularity. But so much of FB mundane and irrelevant to anything. While there are some relatives I care about very much, I don't care if they went shopping yesterday.

I don't have a FB account as I spend too much time in front of a computer as it is. But this time of year that's okay because it's too cold to do anything outside anyway.
account->edit friends
upper right corner is create list

then go to privacy settings
account->privacy settings

that display shows you the defaults
it also shows you graphical pictures to control

if you use the customize link when posting, you can control which list can see the posting (or photos...)
Hi jIMOh, I read your interesting story about the pictures posted by the girlfriend. Now I'm wondering why does anyone think these privacy settings are going to fully protect them?

Wikileaks is a great demonstration of how vulnerable this data is in any organization. And that was the military. I'm thinking that Facebook does not have as good security as the military but maybe I'm wrong. What if Facebook has a rogue employee so penetration is from the inside? Then there are those corporate laptops that go missing every once in awhile. Some probably go missing but are not reported. My old company's data was compromised once (I had not worked for them for several years) and so they bought me a multi-year subscription to Experian, the credit rating firm. The subscription has run out now, but the data may still be out there -- maybe it's in Russia or China.

Now I know that some will say that Wikileaks is an extreme example and their info is hardly as tantalizing as government data to hackers. But I think you don't have to be too paranoid to imagine some situations where your data can be used in mildly dishonorable ways or even in highly devious ways.

Still I'm an agnostic on FB at this time. Don't want anyone reading my ramblings to feel guilty for the pleasure of using FB. It could be a good thing used safely. So is sex for that matter. :)
I only wish my random party pictures would be as exciting to the outside world as Wikileaks stuff, Isbcal! Sadly, since most people don't store sensitive stuff like bank account numbers and pins or SSNs there, I think FB doesn't have a lot of appeal to most hacker types. What are they going to do, steal a whole bunch of Fuego's pictures of his kid's birthday parties?

I do see your point, but I'm a natural devil's advocate. :)
One possible problem is that you cannot predict technology or capabilities going forward, and perhaps even more importantly, you cannot predict social attitudes. How many of us back in 1968 or 1971 could have imagined the repressive turn that would be taken by social attitudes. Older people knew, after all McCarthyism was only a decade or so gone. But young people? What did they those old fogies know? "Up against the wall, mfers!"

I do remember in about 1973 an attorney friend of mine reported a conversation with John Mitchell, in which he was supposed to have said, "You will not believe how far to the right this country will have gone in a few years". True, I couldn't believe it.

Social observation has always been a hobby of mine, and I am convinced that one can never set reasonable limits on how people at large, or the electorate, will feel about anything given a few years, and sometimes it does not even take that. When guessing, we are almost always too conservative.

One possible problem is that you cannot predict technology or capabilities going forward, and perhaps even more importantly, you cannot predict social attitudes. How many of us back in 1968 or 1971 could have imagined the repressive turn that would be taken by social attitudes. ...

Social observation has always been a hobby of mine, and I am convinced that one can never set reasonable limits on how people at large, or the electorate, will feel about anything given a few years, and sometimes it does not even take that. When guessing, we are almost always too conservative.

+1 Back in the late 60s I would have guessed we were heading toward a secular hamanist society here. How far off can you get? :)
Fuego, that's what I do with my "work list" of friends, too. They get no pictures, no updates, no random hooping videos.
And now I am wondering what list you have me I missing any wildlife partying shots when the fam is out of town? Dang!

You are on my ER Forum Friends list. The ones with extra pics of toilet paper sculptures, excessive pics of me lounging in tropical destinations (working friends hate these), and me being frugal.

No really I only have 1 friends list - "work" - and most coworkers aren't even on that list. Just a few who I really don't want to share anything personal with.

But I'm curious which list of yours I fall under. No vids of the DH getting shot with a skeet shooter must make me pretty limited in access... :D
What is a century club? Good conversation starter, I think.

Century clubs. Those WERE the days. High school was really fun. :D

Power hour anyone? Back to back century club power hour?
I only wish my random party pictures would be as exciting to the outside world as Wikileaks stuff, Isbcal! Sadly, since most people don't store sensitive stuff like bank account numbers and pins or SSNs there, I think FB doesn't have a lot of appeal to most hacker types. What are they going to do, steal a whole bunch of Fuego's pictures of his kid's birthday parties?

I do see your point, but I'm a natural devil's advocate. :)
Hi Sarah, I like to hear from devil's ... >:D ...advocates.

I wasn't thinking of Fuego's pictures of his kid's birthday parties. I was more concerned about his household safe showing in the background of those same pictures. And it's just possible that safe combination is some combo of his kid's birthday dates. ;)

P.S. Just kidding of course. See what we get up to in ER.
One possible problem is that you cannot predict technology or capabilities going forward, and perhaps even more importantly, you cannot predict social attitudes. ...
This is a good point. Attitudes change. One day you're worried about being left behind by social media, and the next [-]day[/-] era you find people saying something negative about that (now strange) behavior.

Some people even regret a few actions done in the past, like some excesses of youth.
Let that serve as a warning- if you post photos, lots of people can see them and when people get bored (at w*rk) there is only so much to do until I start looking at people's photos on FB.

Even when I was w*rking, I don't think I ever got that bored. :LOL:

Ask me again in 10 years how this played out.

It won't matter. In 10 years FB will have been passé for 5 years (at least). I'm not in the least worried about my Motley Fool posts from 10 years ago. Whatever comes next will have it's own set of consequences, but despite warnings that nothing ever disappears from the internet, things get buried under so much crap it isn't worth digging for. JMO, of course.
I'm not in the least worried about my Motley Fool posts from 10 years ago. Whatever comes next will have it's own set of consequences, but despite warnings that nothing ever disappears from the internet, things get buried under so much crap it isn't worth digging for. JMO, of course.
I've been trying to post as if the people concerned are reading over my shoulder. In fact sometimes I wish they'd read what I'd written about them-- the discussion which followed would be a lot easier that way.
It won't matter. In 10 years FB will have been passé for 5 years (at least). I'm not in the least worried about my Motley Fool posts from 10 years ago. Whatever comes next will have it's own set of consequences, but despite warnings that nothing ever disappears from the internet, things get buried under so much crap it isn't worth digging for. JMO, of course.

Exactly. Remember Usenet? Dejanews consolidated the Usenet posts and then Google bought Deja. Now they're lost in internet history.

Oh, and FB is already on the way out. :) I can read the tea leaves now....
Exactly. Remember Usenet? Dejanews consolidated the Usenet posts and then Google bought Deja. Now they're lost in internet history.

Oh, and FB is already on the way out. :) I can read the tea leaves now....

Some pages do get archived. There is that website called the Internet Archive Wayback Machine. I used it to find an old bio of mine from a website that bit the dust about 10 years ago.

However, I really don't do anything online that could be embarrassing to me in the future.....I think....

Luckily, my career was in the kind of industry where there were very few folk I needed to be politically correct with. If I do work in the future, it will be non-career type work, most likely part-time - the kind of work where I'm not too bothered what folk think of me.

Now, where were those fishnets and that digital camera........
I've had a FB account for a couple of years but I kept a VERY low profile. Few "friends" and I didn't post. However, since my retirement a few weeks ago I've found FB to be very helpful in staying connected with a few friends. I'm warming up to it.

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