DON'T Change Your Avatar

So I take it you're a bear?

It was tongue in cheek. And I haven't changed as often as some do. :blush:

Sarcasm is the easier thing in the world to detect, especially when written.
I wasn't planning to change mine, but I saw this image today in an industry mag and fell in love with it- hope it shows up well. This statue is called fearless girl...
If you hadn't told us what it was, I wouldn't have understood what it was...the bull just looks like a blob.
I changed my avatar again. This is my last painting from my class. I want a bold, colorful rendering of a real photo of a Cinderella pumpkin.
You're probably right. I just LOVE that statue, but it doesn't work as an avatar.

If you love it, maybe you could still use it and just tell people what it is, if they ask? Some other avatars here are puzzling. Well, puzzling to me. Maybe others figure them out.

Another option might be to find a different photo of the statue that works better.
Jane Hirshfield came up today in my feed, and I'm like "OMG, I know her, Midpack, from!"
I just had to have an avatar. I felt left out. It's nice because I have one I like and as far as I know no other poster has it.
I consider my screen name unimaginative yet descriptive. I now have an avatar to match.
I know posters change their avatar for their own reason, but this topic reminds me of the following song by Billy Joel, "Don't Go Changing". The song came out in 1978, and I remember many road trips driving up/down California with my wife listening to this on the car cassette player.

Oh man, this brings back memories. And it has been 40 years. Gosh, so much time has gone, and I am now old. The other day, I was reading on the Web a list of businesses offering discounts to seniors as young as 55+, and I told my wife that, hey we were qualified. To that, she said "What the heck, we are way older than that!". That made me sad. I forgot our age. :facepalm:

Oh well, I digress again...

I can't change to please anyone because all I know how to be is myself and if that isn't good enough... well, that's all there is cause there ain't no more. But changing avatars, no, I like mine. Besides Richard Kimble got all the women!
Midpack >>> since you brought the subject up about avatars and if I may ask. Is that avatar you have a picture of your beautiful wife?? With not meaning anything your picture always catches my eye. LOL
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