Duplicate Notifications


Give me a museum and I'll fill it. (Picasso) Give me a forum ...
Nov 20, 2009
Once in a while, I get 2 notifications for the same post in a thread I have subscribed to. Okay, no big deal, it's a fluke. But this morning, I received 12 notifications for the same post in a thread I subscribed to. It was this post, #56 in the thread about the enjoyment of reading: https://www.early-retirement.org/fo...s-than-when-younger-101984-3.html#post2368093

I'm not claiming that poster Badger did anything unusual, that it was instead something in the ER.org website which somehow generated all of these duplicate notifications. Can one of the mods/admins explain this?
No answer, but I wonder if it might be a glitch in your email system, rather than the forum software. Is there a way you can check with your email provider?
Check the full headers of the first and the last of the emails. We can at least see if these were actually considered separate emails.

I checked the headers of one of my notifications this morning, and the second line had a unique ID for the message:

Received: by 2002:ac9:57d0:0:0:0:0:0 with SMTP id h16csp2846514ocp; Mon, 10 Feb 2020 07:13:10 -0800 (PST)
If the SMTP ID or the time differ at all, then the forum software is generating duplicate notices. If they're all identical...well, then we've ruled out one possibility.... 999 more to go? :D
The SMTP ID on the first message is AABRECRBYAZAVVAS

The SMTP ID on the last message is

The message ID is the same on both (all) messages:

Message-ID: 20200210111825.86f52aee6853@www.early-retirement.org

But on the next line, this varies for each message:
Received: from mx06.vgs.untd.com (mx06.vgs.untd.com [])

I don't know what this means.
The SMTP ID on the first message is AABRECRBYAZAVVAS

The SMTP ID on the last message is

The message ID is the same on both (all) messages:

Message-ID: 20200210111825.86f52aee6853@www.early-retirement.org

But on the next line, this varies for each message:
Received: from mx06.vgs.untd.com (mx06.vgs.untd.com [])

I don't know what this means.
Well, that proves that the forum software (or the forum's mail hosting provider) sent out separate emails, it's nothing on your end. I can't say why, but it should give the admins here something to go on.
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