Employability after felony

Leaving aside the variety of opinions of hiring a felon, I would suggest you have your friend take his craftman certificates and skills and shop them with small employers. Most of them will not bother with a reference check and will instead rely on his skills and how much he wants to work.
He does need to have credible work history to share with a future employer and be prepared to offer his talent perhaps as a temp or contractor for awhile to demonstrate his competency.
IF he has the willingness to set up his own business and can handle the various govt etc obligations, then operating his own business is certainly a great way to become recognized by employers in his area. A nice side effect is that if he find a client that appreciates his work, they may decide to bring him on as an employer.
Good Hunting
Not sure if I'm the only felon on the board, but I will offer my viewpoint.

I was convicted of 4 drug related felonies....growing and selling pot at the age of 19 or 20.

I can currently vote, I was never disenfranchised. I can not ever own or hold a gun. Why? I dont know. It's an ignorant law. Because I grew pot, I can not defend myself in a state where nearly everyone over 18 can legally walk around with a gun.

Employment IS an issue. Luckily, I got my first 9-5 job the week before my trial, so I did not lie when asked if I'd ever been convicted of a felony on my app. Little did they know why I had to miss that first Wednesday...

After that though, while being more than qualified and excelling at my then-current position, a job was nearly impossible to come by. So, I used it as a fuel to light a fire under my butt and start a business. It's been 3.5 years since i decided to do it and it was the best decision of my life. I'm currently 'w*rking' 15-20 hrs/week making 'full time pay'. I made some lemonade I guess. Maybe your friend can do the same. Or, as was mentioned, shoot for a smaller local company. Any big chain or national company will have much stricter standards and better resources to check him out

An expungement is also a very distinct possibility. In Oh, you must be a 1st time offender. Silly as it may be, I'm considered a multiple-time offender even though all my charges stemmed from one incident (growing pot) so I can not ever be expunged. This rule has flip flopped several times in the last 20 yrs so i keep an eye on it...
I don't disagree, but we're not talking about rape or armed robbery here. We're talking about a relatively victimless crime, and I think a society that will shun someone for for life because of one victimless mistake and one tough life lesson is a society that has its undergarments on way too tight.

I could go on and on about the stupid way society treats drug use as a horrible crime and not as a medical issue, but that would be a hijack. So I'll stop here. :)

For sure. How about that prosecutor in PA I think who apparently wants ot prosecute as sex offenders kids who send one another naked pictures? Moronic. But give a lawman a law and he will run with it no matter how bizarre and destructive his plan might be.

Tell him to check out federal government jobs. If the crime doesn't affect the job and it doesn't require a high level security clearance, most agencies bend over backward to be fair and go by the book (most agencies are paranoid about getting sued).
Doesn't this seem like a potentially great resource for an employer capable of exploiting it? If there are truly a bunch of talented, "clean" people who happen to have felony records, they could be hired at one-half the wage of an "undamaged" employee, and they'd probably be damn loyal (if not out of any feeling of debt, then at least to avoid any screw-ups that would sully their (last?) chance of establishing a good work record).

I would think a fellon who had cleaned up his act and started a business would be a prime candidate to hire other folks from "the big house" for this reason. Out of self-interest, not kindness.

Or, maybe it is just too hard to tell who is really reformed. The cost of making a bad hiring decision (embezzlement, legal liability, damage to company reputation, etc) might be too high to make the gamble worth it. And, we're back at square one. . .
Not sure if I'm the only felon on the board, but I will offer my viewpoint.

Your case goes to show that "felon" is a very broad brush. It's too bad that the law puts the same scarlet letter, as far as employment, voting, etc, on everyone from a young pot smoker to a murderer.

Thanks for your valuable insight and glad that you're making pretty good lemonade.

Have your friend contact the state's re-entry program for felons....they usually provide education, grants, and other aid to help them get back into society. I definitely think that it would be a good idea for him to make weekly NA or AA meetings since one never really graduates from being an addict to not being one at all.
I have a DUI from ten years ago and I am totally honest about being a recovering alcoholic...I have never had a problem getting a job, and for that I am grateful.
Not sure if I'm the only felon on the board, but I will offer my viewpoint.

I was convicted of 4 drug related felonies....growing and selling pot at the age of 19 or 20.

I can currently vote, I was never disenfranchised. I can not ever own or hold a gun. Why? I dont know. It's an ignorant law. Because I grew pot, I can not defend myself in a state where nearly everyone over 18 can legally walk around with a gun....

You make is sound so innocent.... but they don't go after you for a felony by just growing and selling a little pot... (or in your case multiple felonies) heck, now a day they seem to write a ticket for a small amount of pot....

So, not to hijack the thread... but IMO you have to do something a lot worse than some people here are talking about to get a felony...
You make is sound so innocent.... but they don't go after you for a felony by just growing and selling a little pot... (or in your case multiple felonies) heck, now a day they seem to write a ticket for a small amount of pot....

So, not to hijack the thread... but IMO you have to do something a lot worse than some people here are talking about to get a felony...

Hey, this is the internet- where you can tell the story any way you want! :whistle:
You make is sound so innocent.... but they don't go after you for a felony by just growing and selling a little pot... (or in your case multiple felonies) heck, now a day they seem to write a ticket for a small amount of pot....

So, not to hijack the thread... but IMO you have to do something a lot worse than some people here are talking about to get a felony...
Not necessarily. In Texas almost ANY case of possession of meth is a felony -- even less than one gram is a "state jail felony." Possession of 1-4 grams is a third degree felony. No intent to distribute is required.

And even in the case of pot, while possession of small quantities is almost always a misdemeanor at worst for first time offenders, repeat offenders can get charged with a felony.
You make is sound so innocent.... but they don't go after you for a felony by just growing and selling a little pot... (or in your case multiple felonies) heck, now a day they seem to write a ticket for a small amount of pot....

So, not to hijack the thread... but IMO you have to do something a lot worse than some people here are talking about to get a felony...

That may be your opinion but it's not the law. Most states have selling pot as an instant felony no matter what the amount. Cops do unspecified stings where they aren't looking for anyone in particular and just ask people if they will sell them some pot. They run it just like the prostitution stings where they stand on the corner asking people if they'll pay them for sex.

I know several people who were kicked out of college and given a felony for just selling pot.
You make is sound so innocent.... but they don't go after you for a felony by just growing and selling a little pot... (or in your case multiple felonies) heck, now a day they seem to write a ticket for a small amount of pot....

So, not to hijack the thread... but IMO you have to do something a lot worse than some people here are talking about to get a felony...
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]The U.S. marijuana law states that the sale, cultivation or manufacture of marijuana, by law is a felony offense.

Marijuana Law
There is no reason your friend can't start a business AND apply for a blue collar position with the US Gov. He should review any requirements for a 'contractor's' licence, it is amazing what activities some states include.

Being a Vet will rank him above all non-Vet applicants for Federal employment. He should also contact someone in the VA to determine whether or not his drug use might have been related to his military experience (there is a high association of drug use with Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome)- if his military experience wasn't in-theater that is probably a non-starter.

One of the advantages of AA/NA is networking with folks who understand all his issues. They often provide a lot of emotional support during difficult times, as well as job leads.

I think drug use is a public health issue. Young adults try it because developmentally they are at a risk-taking stage, are sold a bill of goods (they don't call illicit drug sales folks "Pushers" for nothing), and think they are bullet-proof. Older adults are often clinically depressed when they try illicit drugs. Neither of these groups understand the consequences. That is not to say that there aren't folks who just don't give a rip about society and use drugs. For those who wish to condemn illicit drug users to society's dust bin, you would have some credibility if you applied the same standard to those who use the legal drug ... alcohol ... to excess.
Truth be told, many here probably could have been felons just never got caught with the devil weed, qualudes or bennies.
You make is sound so innocent.... but they don't go after you for a felony by just growing and selling a little pot... (or in your case multiple felonies) heck, now a day they seem to write a ticket for a small amount of pot....

So, not to hijack the thread... but IMO you have to do something a lot worse than some people here are talking about to get a felony...

You obviously aren't well versed in the ohio drug laws (yay for you!). Possession of over 100 grams is a felony. Low and behold, they weigh the whole plant INCLUDING the root ball to determine the total weight you will be charged with. I watched them do it...and even after checking with my lawyer found it is the way it is. If they had 'harvested' my plants, they wouldve ended up with less than 1/4 o.z. of bud. Instead, they claimed in their report that the quantity of weed could have been sold for $60,000 on the street. The number of plants also goes into the mix. I had a bout 10 cuttings (clones) in peat pellets which all went to the total count.

so we have cultivation - felony 4
posession over 100 grams- felony 4
posession of criminal tools (lights, watering cans, ferts etC)- felony 4
trafficking - because it was separated into several jars and a scale(dropped) felony 3

Whaddaya know, I guess I only have 3 felonies. whooopee!

Their case was so weak that for 3 felonies I got 8 hrs community svc and 1 yr probation. They gave me back all the cash they seized. They also had to return the guns they took from the house...I 'willed' them to my now fiance since I was a felon when they were to return them. They gave back my computer, electronics, etc that they siezed. I plead down to 3 convictions with a light sentence for fear of being jailed. My atty (a NORML supporting marijuana activist....high profile criminal defense atty in Ohio) was pretty sure I'd get off, but I chickened out on the trial....too much risk.

Thanks for your input though
Their case was so weak that for 3 felonies I got 8 hrs community svc and 1 yr probation. They gave me back all the cash they seized. They also had to return the guns they took from the house...I 'willed' them to my now fiance since I was a felon when they were to return them. They gave back my computer, electronics, etc that they siezed. I plead down to 3 convictions with a light sentence for fear of being jailed. My atty (a NORML supporting marijuana activist....high profile criminal defense atty in Ohio) was pretty sure I'd get off, but I chickened out on the trial....too much risk.

Thanks for your input though

Looks like you caught a few breaks here. You could have been growing and cultivating this stuff in Virginia and been in bigger trouble if you weren't cultivating it solely for personal consumption. Virginia - NORML
Looks like you caught a few breaks here. You could have been growing and cultivating this stuff in Virginia and been in bigger trouble if you weren't cultivating it solely for personal consumption.
But how do they determine if production was for personal use or for distribution? In many jurisdictions producing an illicit substance is prima facie evidence of intent to distribute, as is possession above a certain quantity.
...and the reason the recidivism rate is so high is that there is no long line of employers wanting to hire ex-prisoners.
You obviously aren't well versed in the ohio drug laws (yay for you!). Possession of over 100 grams is a felony. Low and behold, they weigh the whole plant INCLUDING the root ball to determine the total weight you will be charged with. I watched them do it...and even after checking with my lawyer found it is the way it is. If they had 'harvested' my plants, they wouldve ended up with less than 1/4 o.z. of bud. Instead, they claimed in their report that the quantity of weed could have been sold for $60,000 on the street. The number of plants also goes into the mix. I had a bout 10 cuttings (clones) in peat pellets which all went to the total count.

so we have cultivation - felony 4
posession over 100 grams- felony 4
posession of criminal tools (lights, watering cans, ferts etC)- felony 4
trafficking - because it was separated into several jars and a scale(dropped) felony 3

Whaddaya know, I guess I only have 3 felonies. whooopee!

Their case was so weak that for 3 felonies I got 8 hrs community svc and 1 yr probation. They gave me back all the cash they seized. They also had to return the guns they took from the house...I 'willed' them to my now fiance since I was a felon when they were to return them. They gave back my computer, electronics, etc that they siezed. I plead down to 3 convictions with a light sentence for fear of being jailed. My atty (a NORML supporting marijuana activist....high profile criminal defense atty in Ohio) was pretty sure I'd get off, but I chickened out on the trial....too much risk.

Thanks for your input though

True.... I am not up to speed on the Ohio laws... to tell the truth, I am not up to speed on Texas law when it comes to drugs... I do not use them .... never have...

.. and truth be told what you have stated as your crime is horrible to be a felony... I can not see how one plant can get you a 'trafficking' charge... you would starve to death IMO (but hey, I don't know how fast that one plant can grow or the street price... so maybe it could support you)...

And this is at the heart of the problem here... one felon is not the same as the next... as an example... one of the trials I was a juror was aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.... the lawyer gave some example... one was where a guy goes into a drug store with a bottle and threatens the people to give him drugs that he can not afford that would keep his child alive... takes the drugs home, save his child and then turns himself in.... by law it is a felony... one where he could get life in prison..

The next was a guy come in with a gun, pistol whips one person to within an inch of dying... leave and denies everything when caught... from what he said, they were listed as the same crime...
The Fed

There are people who have really really really hurt people and have not even been charged with a crime.

You hurt no one! It's just the laws of the times. In time what you did will probably be legal.....and what you did is legal in some areas and countries. You shouldn't have to suffer for the rest of your life for that.

I'm probably the cleanest living person that most people will ever meet....I don't even drink caffeine or any alcohol.

So coming from me this should mean a lot!

To the Op.

If all else fails start your own business. That way no one can fire you!!

- "because it was separated into several jars and a scale" ?

You are correct...this is why that made that assumption. In reality though, those jars were to separate different varieties, and the scale to see how much water weight was lost during drying, compare yields of different varieties, and to ration myself on my day to day consumption. But, they cant charge you for being a marijuana connoisseur, so.....

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