ER - Burnt out at the end?


Full time employment: Posting here.
Aug 16, 2007
I do computer contract work (programming) and am down to 25 days left on my current contract. When this contract is done, I plan to ER and perhaps eventually find some sort of part time job in a totally unrelated type of work. I am very burnt out on this type of work at this point and have found it extremely difficult to get motivated. Today, I actually told my team leader that I wouldn't do something she asked me to because I was clueless and didn't have the energy to figure it out...and told her that if they ended my contract early, I'd actually be relieved....very out of character for me. I'm down to the end and am tired of the stress and don't want anymore of it, especially in my last 25 days. My question is...have many of you experience anything like this, where you were not willing to put up with "the crap" as you neared the end?
I think what you are experiencing is typical of most as they move closer to ER.

I'm in a similar position, if I can get thru this week without telling them to stick their job where the sun don't shine I will be surprised. I think part of my attitude of not caring is knowing I will still have a roof over my head and food in my belly regardless of whether I play the BS game of politics as the office.

Good luck with the next 25 days.
From DallasGuy: My question is...have many of you experience anything like this, where you were not willing to put up with "the crap" as you neared the end?

Yep. I carried my retirement notice for over six months in my pocket. Just needed signature. When the bucket was full, added signature in front of my then boss. Handed him the wrinkled paper, the deed was done.
Hi DallasGuy,

I am feeling the same way you do. Been a Program Manager or analyst in high tech/telecom for 30 years now at megacorps mainly. Could FIRE anytime but am trying to tough it out for a few more months until I turn 55. Seems like a good time to call it quits. Just can't get motivated either as much as I try. I think it is quite common based on what I have been told by others in our situation.
I was so relieved when I finally decided to leave my j*b. I knew I would be out of there in two weeks! :D

Then, my boss convinced me to stay an additional four weeks. :rant:

I'm sure he knew my frame of mind. Working the additional time wasn't so bad; just did a lot of daydreaming and long lunches.
Yep. I had been working on a problem earlier in the year and I needed to rewrite some code and it was going to be ugly because of the details. I couldn't get movitated and my half-assed attempts weren't working. Finally, I told my boss that someone else needed to take it over. I'd have been fine if he would've put me on notice for failing to do something I ought to be able to do.

The other guy is making a lot of progress on it, and my motivation picked back up enough that I decided to stay on part time rather than leave as I had planned. I'm actually looking forward to a mini-project I've been putting together the last few days.
you guys are killing me with these posts as I'm sitting here crunching codes, dealing with changing requirements, etc.

I still have another 15 years of this(hopefully less than that) as I'm only in my mid 30's. Wishing I could be in a walk-out position like you guys....
you guys are killing me with these posts as I'm sitting here crunching codes, dealing with changing requirements, etc.

I still have another 15 years of this(hopefully less than that) as I'm only in my mid 30's. Wishing I could be in a walk-out position like you guys....

Mid 30s.... Dude enjoy everyday!! If you hate your job, go back to school while you keep your day job and when you are 40 you can have a new more enjoyable career. Don't wish your life away!

Live man LIVE!
I passed the six months to go mark today. Yep, I'm feeling burnt out. Also a programmer. We converted most of our stuff from COBOL to GUI a couple of years ago, but I spend most of my time on the remaining COBOL batch stuff. They've been giving me a few forms lately to try to catch up to the other folks. Have to resist the urge to say 'why bother'.

Right now I'm pretty much on cruise control counting down the days and doing only what they ask. If they laid me off tomorrow, wouldn't be a big deal.

Good luck on your remaining time. Hope it passes quickly;).
Mid 30s.... Dude enjoy everyday!! If you hate your job, go back to school while you keep your day job and when you are 40 you can have a new more enjoyable career. Don't wish your life away!

Live man LIVE!

Another disgruntled programmer here, mid-30's. It is the golden handcuffs thing, though. Target retirement date for me is hopefully around 12 years in the future staying with what I'm doing.

Instead, a new degree. Part time, it might take 3-4 years for a Master's in a different field, and probably an outlay of $15-20k for classes. At the end of several years hard work, you get a new job in a spanky new profession. One that might pay 75% of what you were making before. And, while hopefully you've found a better career path, there are no guarantees.

Pushing ER back from 12-15 years to 20-25 years just doesn't make sense to me. Unless you really KNOW what career will make you happy, those are bad odds. I really think if you've had enough, take a huge pay cut and do something different, but not something that requires more schooling.

Believe me, this is my life, I've been thinking about completely changing my life over the last few years. I think most programmers in this situation are coldly analytical enough that they come to the same conclusion. Hopefully, though, most others in this situation enjoy the rest of their lives like I do, and it is just the work part that stinks.
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