Feeling sad this evening


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Sep 4, 2010
midwestern city
Feeling down this evening... I found out recently that my girlfriend had been cheating on me. I confronted her and it did not go down well.

There is no one I can talk to about this. Not to my peers and of course not to any patient - I wear a ring so that everyone at work believes I am married.

I don't have very close friends I can talk to. Since I joined this online community I have realized that many good, like-minded people who share common interests come to this website. Although we do not know each other and will never meet, I felt like sharing my sorrow today. Thank you for listening.

Take care everyone
Sorry to hear that, obgyn. I wish I could take the pain and sorrow away.
I'm sorry to hear this. Take some time to reflect and focus on those things that bring you happiness and purpose in life. I've always believed things happen for a reason. There may well be another path that will open up leading to amazing experiences and relationships.

Sorry to hear this, obgyn65. Don't really know what to say to comfort you, except that by now you have lived through plenty of life's ups and downs. Even though this may be quite difficult right now, things will get better.

When I was married and we had a [-]fight[/-] disagreement, I used to eat hotdogs whenever possible because even the smell of them made him nauseous (so he didn't allow them in the house). Just sayin'.... :)
Sorry to hear this news which is giving you such heartache. Hopefully the passage of time will dull the pain and bring you new opportunities for joy. The feelings generated from this type of situation are the pits.
Like the others, I can offer support but not much more. The expression in this neck of the world is "life's a bitch and then you marry one". You didn't so that's one positive thing. On the other hand, it hurts but time heals [-]all[/-] most wounds.

Best wishes for the future (and things will get better).
I am so sorry to hear this. I understand your posting this on this website. I do care about people on this website, even though I have never met anyone on here. You seem like such a nice person and you do such good work, so it is hard to understand why she would behave this way toward you. I don't have any words of wisdom for you, but know that there are people out here that care about you. Hugs and hoping that you feel better soon.
Sorry to hear this obgyn.... sometimes relationships suck. Hopefully time will help. Enjoy a relaxing walk or something that helps you relax.

Hang in there.

Sorry to hear that you are sad and hurting because of this situation. It majorly sucks when your partner cheats in a relationship that you thought was exclusive. From all I've read, you sound like a very caring person who uses your skills and talents to make this world a better place.

I wish I could say something to make you feel better. Time does heal (or at least the pain seems to lessen over time).

I hope you can grieve this relationship now. And, in time, find a better one with someone who appreciates and deserves you.

I am so sorry. Hope you are feeling better soon and moving on to better times.
I'm sorry to hear about your troubles....but glad that she showed her true colors before the relationship went further. I know your pain will take time to go away.... and I hope there is a wonderful new lady in your near future.
obgyn65.....I'm just as sorry as I can be. Take care of yourself.
Feeling down this evening... I found out recently that my girlfriend had been cheating on me. I confronted her and it did not go down well.
I am very sorry, coming especially right after your traumatic experiences in Guatamala.

One very good thing is that we all know and you know that you are a good person who is very socially useful and doing the good work. Bummer that she was not up to your standing, but many, many women will be thrilled to take her place.

Take good gentle care of yourself.

I'm very sorry.

This too will pass.

In the meantime, I wish you the best.
Feeling down this evening... I found out recently that my girlfriend had been cheating on me. I confronted her and it did not go down well.

There is no one I can talk to about this. Not to my peers and of course not to any patient - I wear a ring so that everyone at work believes I am married.

I don't have very close friends I can talk to. Since I joined this online community I have realized that many good, like-minded people who share common interests come to this website. Although we do not know each other and will never meet, I felt like sharing my sorrow today. Thank you for listening.

Take care everyone

obgyn, you are usually a man of few words. I think this is the longest post you have ever made. I'm thinking you're "hurtin' bad". Seems to me you are a very committed guy; you volunteer in third world countries and you were committed enough to this relationship that you advertised it with a ring. And yet I sense that you are a lonely person. I'm not sure what to say to you except that you have a lot of friends and lots of moral support here. Who knows, you may meet some of us one day!
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I'm terribly sorry that you have to experience something like this. It's horrible and hard to get over. I'm so sorry.
Life is not fair and least of all to those that give their all to the benefit of others. I wish I had words to console your troubled heart but alas, there are none other than I am thinking of you and wishing you the best. We never know what life will through at us and when we get hurt it seems we are all alone. Know that you are not alone and as long as you reach out to others you will not be alone.

A community of support exists beyond your computer and believe that many many people are there thinking of you and supporting you in spirit. Feel free to share what you feel and understand that there are we are here to listen and support in any way we can. You are not alone and we feel your pain.
I am sorry to hear about your troubles. You are a good person, one in ten thousand. If your friend can't realize that, it really is her loss. HaHa is right. There are many, many women that would love to take her place.
You seem to be a very nice and compassionate person, so I am sorry to hear that somebody would be so hurtful to you. I guess you will have to let time do its thing.
So sorry to hear about your situation and wishing the best for you. Take care of yourself, though I know that can be hard sometimes when you are hurting.
Sorry that happened.

It will be difficult... but try to not make yourself crazy over it by replaying what happened and why. Try to quickly come to some conclusions about the experience and put it behind you.

If there is a bright side to it (and I know there is not)... the words "girl friend" is it... while it may not feel like it emotionally, at least you will not have to endure the legal process (and the insult of paying financially).

Be well and resolve yourself to set a course toward a new beginning.
Sorry to hear about this obgyn. I'm now assuming it is over between you two. It sounds broken beyond repair. You mentioned on another thread that you kept your assets separated. Maybe that was a good thing after all. As Haha said, you are an incredibly gifted person with a heart as big as Montana, so there will be plenty of better options, should you so choose.

Hope that even though life has now handed you a big lemon, that you can find the fortitude to just make some lemonade. We're all rooting for you.


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