FIRE starts today


Recycles dryer sheets
Aug 6, 2018
Well, I'm sitting here at my desk for the last time. I've worked at essentially the same job for 30 years and have been thinking about ER for the past 5 years or so. I formally announced to my company in early April and the last two months have been amazing.

What I was most surprised about is the number of "younger" team members who came to talk to me about how I pulled it off. I would give them my high level philosophy on savings and spending over my past 30 years of working. From maxing out 401k to 529s to HSAs to paying cash for cars and keeping them 10+ years, etc., etc., etc.

Most of them said they could never do that and they are living on a shoestring already. I did not tell them but I'm guessing they are just overspending on what they consider today's "necessities" of life. But a few came back multiple times to ask more questions and tell me what they have done. Several upped their 401k contribution percentage, another who had been saving for 2 kids college funds (ages 3 and 11 months) moved all the money that was sitting in a savings account to a 529. I feel like I did some good on my way out the door.

Monday morning is going to feel so good!
Welcome to the best part of your life.
Congratulations and good job inspiring a few younger folks to get with the program. Tomorrow will feel great and Monday morning will be awesome! Enjoy!
Congratulations! Enjoy that last walk out the office door and into your new, improved life :).
Congratulations! Nice to have a plan come together, and to be able to show others that it is possible. Today is the 6-month anniversary of my last day and I could not be happier with this new life. Enjoy!
Congratulations! Time to get on with the rest of your life.
Congrats! And thanks for spreading the word!
Congratulations. My last office day was Thursday, but last timesheet day was also Friday. We worked an alternate schedule (4 nines, and eight, then following week, 4 nines and Friday off. The 31st was my Friday off). Been full time in the same industry since 1980, right out of college. Luckily for me, the paycheck will never stop (assuming no black swan event) between pensions, SS, and low WR. Time to start enjoying the portfolio!
Congrats, SALT - what a fine way to start the rest of your life... Enjoy! :)
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