Free Spam - Seriously?

Janet H

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Feb 6, 2007
Pacific NW
Yesterday I went to a wholesale grocery store (sells to small restaurants and minimarts) and on the way out was awarded their daily shopper award. They give away an item each day in this manner.

I won spam. Yup - spam; 24 BIG cans. :facepalm:

Any ideas for using this stuff up? I am a vegetarian, but most of my friends and family aren't. The local food bank could probably use this, but it has occurred to me that perhaps I could cut a few dollars from my weekly shopping bill by serving it.

Has anyone ever eaten this stuff? Any suggestions?
I grew up with the stuff as a child. Cut really thin slices and fry it somewhat crispy like bacon for breakfast or put it on bread with a slice of cheese for a hot spam and melted cheese sandwich. If you like hawaiian or california style, they use it for spam musubi.
I grew up with the stuff as a child. Cut really thin slices and fry it somewhat crispy like bacon for breakfast or put it on bread with a slice of cheese for a hot spam and melted cheese sandwich. If you like hawaiian or california style, they use it for spam musubi.

Cheese on spam? Seems a bit excessive... although now that you mention it - how would it be in eggs Benedict?

Prepare the paddles.
I did some googling, and am relieved to find out that Mickey Mouse (1928 debut) is older than SPAM (1937 debut). :LOL:

The salt and fat content of processed meats like SPAM keep those products off my shopping list.

Does a local church have a food pantry ? If so, donating it would be my suggestion. :flowers:
Any ideas for using this stuff up? I am a vegetarian, but most of my friends and family aren't.
Has anyone ever eaten this stuff? Any suggestions?
I'll be darned. I thought Hawaii (and a few other island nations) were the only places on earth where Spam is sold by the case. I'm not sure I want to know what small restaurants buy it in those quantities.

First off, why would you need to use this stuff up? It's like those vacuum-packed boxes of gourmet salmon. I can personally vouch that Spam keeps for at least 15 years. You could wait for a natural disaster, or I guess it could be eaten during a power outage.

My only other suggestion would be camping/backpacking, and it's kinda heavy for that. But it's a lot easier than packin' frozen meat.

Hormel has a Spam recipe site that mostly substitutes it for ham or pork ingredients. (Gotta print out the family favorites before the power goes out, though.) I don't think the Spam Oven Roasted Turkey Mega-Muffins ever really caught on, but there's at least a caseload of suggestions.

You could possibly also be the first person in your county to try your hand at making Spam musubi. It makes a great fundraiser for school events, too. However nori might be a tad difficult to find unless you have a pond nearby...
You could possibly also be the first person in your county to try your hand at making Spam musubi. It makes a great fundraiser for school events, too. However nori might be a tad difficult to find unless you have a pond nearby...

Spam musubi is quite popular in Ca. I have a couple of friends that live in the LA area and they all make it at home. Nori is a common item that can be found at asian markets and is also sold at quite a few major grocery store chains (Chicago area). We buy nori in 50 or 100 sheet packs. It's readily available at Amazon too.
Spam musubi is quite popular in Ca. I have a couple of friends that live in the LA area and they all make it at home. Nori is a common item that can be found at asian markets and is also sold at quite a few major grocery store chains (Chicago area). We buy nori in 50 or 100 sheet packs. It's readily available at Amazon too.
As Justin used to say, I was being sarcastic... especially the part about the pond.

I wonder where Amazon's nori sellers are getting their product... *

* That's sarcasm too.
I can buy nori locally but have to admit that I'm not very motivated to cook (or sushi-fy) Spam. Maybe some sort of art installation? Halloween goodies, perhaps?
Someone is going to post this before long, so it might as well be me:

But the dirty Hungarian phrase book is no longer available :(

Janet, you could save the SPAM for the exclusive feeding of any moochers that may come your way. That may have been the original purpose for the creation of SPAM.
I can buy nori locally but have to admit that I'm not very motivated to cook (or sushi-fy) Spam. Maybe some sort of art installation? Halloween goodies, perhaps?
Oooo ooo oooooo I know I know a good use for is common practice for grocery stores and individuals who w*rk there to donate food items to the local Legions for free pickup when the vets come in for socializing.

I've seen bread, rolls, donuts, fruit, and once in a while, some canned goods, in various quantities sitting on the tables in the posts. The food disappears quickly and is very much appreciated by those just getting by on small military pensions and SS.

I can just imagine the discussions that would get started by some of the elder vets when they see SPAM sitting on a table for free. :LOL:

Interesting article about the history of SPAM as food for troops during WWII
I think you should mail it anonymously to all your friends, in plain brown wrappers.
We're so used to email spam that the physical kind ought to be straightforward.

But before you do, arrange some string across the opening to your mailbox, so that letters will fit but something that large will not. Sort of a "spam filter." Then you won't have to worry about them coming back.
Lots of wonderful suggestions have been given and the entertainment value is superb. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

You might see if the grocer would swap it out for a case of something you might actually be able to use. The other option would be to donate it to a local food bank.

You have a great story to tell regardless of the final disposition of the product.
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