Getting logged out all the time?

Retch The Grate

Full time employment: Posting here.
Jul 7, 2010
San Francisco
So I've been staying logged in for months at a stretch which has been great, but yesterday I started getting logged out really frequently, I keep threads open at work and read when I have time, and noticed that when I came back after being away for a bit, by the time I tried to go to the next page, I'd be logged out and getting the annoying ads in the middle of the threads.

Did something change on the website that is causing us to get logged out? Is this just me and if so is there something that causes this behaviour that I could fix?
I wasn't getting logged out yesterday, but couldn't use the QUOTE feature, or put spaces in my posts, sometimes I couldn't even enter text and a number of other annoying things. I finally gave up and didn't increase my post count very much. You're welcome.

Maybe the board was burping or something. Everything seems fine today for me. You still having the problem today?
just had to log in again before I posted, but that could have been an artifact from yesterday, will see. :)
We use cookies to keep you logged in. if you are getting logged out it's likely something has changed with cookie handling at your end.

Often this is related to a browser update, virus/security software update or if you are surfing on someone elses connection they may have changed something...

Next time you login tick the "remember me" option on the login screen - it helps.
Next time you login tick the "remember me" option on the login screen - it helps.

This step is important, if the remember me box isn’t checked you’ll be logged out after a short period of inactivity.
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Thanks, I'll look for that when I log in again the next time it kicks me out (just happened when I was responding to a post and I didn't think to look for the checkbox state).
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