Gift card question


Moderator Emeritus
Jan 11, 2007
New Orleans
Gift cards... did you get one? If so, what do you plan to buy with it?

I got a $50 Amazon gift card from my daughter, but she also bought me the video game "Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time" which was what I would have bought with the gift card.

Consequently I am stumped, and completely out of ideas! I thought it might be fun and interesting to hear what others are buying with their gift cards.
Just ordered yesterday:

Stylus for my tablet
Antiglare screen protector for my tablet
Latest book by Martin Cruz Smith

All of that came to $46, I'll save the other $4 for something else later.

-- Rita
Yep. Big Sis always sends gift cards - never to anyplace I shop (especially since I don't shop on-line.) Can you say "re-gifting"?

Next year I am going to do something I have promised myself I would do for a long time. I'm going to buy her a goat. Yes, a real goat - in her name - to a charity of MY choice in Africa or the Middle East. YMMV
Got a $50 gift card from Dicks Sporting good. Not sure what I will buy but seeing I play golf, probably something in that dept.
Got a $100 prepaid Visa debit card as a retirement gift. That is what you get when people have no idea what you'd like. And it is perfect for me since I will probably spend it at the big-box store :)

I'll hang on to mine until something catches my eye.
Yep. Big Sis always sends gift cards - never to anyplace I shop (especially since I don't shop on-line.) Can you say "re-gifting"?

Next year I am going to do something I have promised myself I would do for a long time. I'm going to buy her a goat. Yes, a real goat - in her name - to a charity of MY choice in Africa or the Middle East. YMMV

Now that's a gift I would really enjoy if it were given to me. I have no interest in receiving material items from people in spite of their desires to keep giving them to me. And those snack baskets full of processed food items that give you beautifully wrapped 1 ounce portions of food along with several trees worth of packaging drive me nuts.
MIL sent us gift cards to Olive Garden, $50 each. They are also good for Bahama Breeze, Red Lobster and Longhorn Steakhouse. It will be nice to go out to eat for "free" except for the tip.
I got $75 in Amazon gift cards plus a $20 gift card from Amazon when DH's Christmas present didn't arrive on 12/24.

This is what he had ordered for me: Olloclip 4-in-1 Lens Solution for iPhone 5/5s - RED/Black: Cell Phones & Accessories

I've spent $45 of that on Amazon kindle books.

I'm in no danger of not being able to spend it. We buy a lot of stuff (not just books) from Amazon.

This is what I bought DH from Amazon: - Oregon Scientific BAR208HGA Advanced Weather Station with Atomic Time

But some of the things we've bought from Amazon just in the last few months (not counting Kindle books): Barbie Collector 2013 Holiday Doll: Toys & Games
(Christmas present for my mother)

CDN DTQ450X ProAccurate Quick-Read Thermometer : : Kitchen & Dining Fellowes Powershred 100-Percent Jam Proof 79Ci 14 Sheet Cross-Cut Paper Shredder (3227901): Electronics Logitech G700s Rechargeable Gaming Mouse: Computers & Accessories Quicken Deluxe 2014 [Download]: Software TurboTax Deluxe Fed + Efile 2013 with Refund Bonus Offer [Download]: Software

This doesn't even count the Elf ears that my son bought for a costume....
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Gift cards... did you get one? If so, what do you plan to buy with it?

I got a $50 Amazon gift card from my daughter, but she also bought me the video game "Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time" which was what I would have bought with the gift card.

Consequently I am stumped, and completely out of ideas! I thought it might be fun and interesting to hear what others are buying with their gift cards.

Your gift card will never expire, so just apply the card to your account, and then wait until you think of something you want!
I got one for our local independent coffee house, so it'll all get spent there. We also both got a checks from family, we'll spend that on our NYE dinner out. Yes, boring...
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MIL gave me gift cards from Subway and Jimmy Johns a few weeks ago after I detailed her car. Can never go wrong with food cards.
Got $1250 in Rewards Cards from our PenFed Visa this past week. Will use for groceries & gas.

No "splurging" on things we would not otherwise have bought ---- money is money regardless of the source.
These are all great ideas! Keep 'em coming.:D

Several of the above posts are so creative, and present ideas that I had never thought of and that really appeal to me. :dance:

But no, I'm not gonna SELL it, Braumeister! :LOL: Nope, not this gift card.
I accumulate gift cards from various people throughout the year but it often takes many months for me to use them. Right now, I have one for TGIFridays, Barnes & Noble, and $2 left on a Regal Movies chain card.
I got a $50 gift card to our local chocolatier, William Dean, from my BIL and SIL at Thanksgiving because they were not going to be in Florida over Christmas.

I used it right after Thanksgiving and again last week. I think something is wrong with it because it did not appear to have reduced by the previous purchase. I have to go in and see them about what is going on.

My perpetual chocolate gift card!:dance:

I sent a $100 Visa gift card to a friend with MS on SSI who lives very close to the edge financially. She was very happy which made me feel really good!
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I got a stocking filled with chocolate and a very large gift card to JJill . I will definetely use it .Plan on visiting the store on Monday but may hold off until the spring items come in.
I get tons of gift cards for various restaurant chains we visit through Discover Card Cash Back. But I got a Visa gift card from a friend for my birthday a couple of weeks ago. I spent the whole thing ($50) plus some at Woodcraft picking up some cool odds and ends for woodworking. It goes fast.
I have a gift card issue of a different nature. I saw a PayPal offer for iTunes cards @20% off. I figured I'd buy to give to DD. Ordered the $100 card, paid, and got a note from PP saying they had technical problems and couldn't deliver. I called, complained, then cancelled (or so I thought). Saw another 20% off offer from OfficeMax, ordered 3@$50 (one for me).

Took OM over a week and a half to fulfill the 3 day delivery, turns out PayPal never cancelled. After two more calls to PayPal they said sorry for the misunderstanding, emailed the card, and refused to credit. OfficeMax said they couldn't stop the shipment or refund (it's on the truck). So I'm sitting here with $250 in iTunes credits I bought as gifts but never gave.

Oh, and DD's gift? Uh, she drove down to visit, we saw her tires were so bald you could almost see the air, so we decided to get her new tires for Christmas. In the 2 years we've had iPad and iPhones I've spent around $15 at the App Store, and most of that was for my granddaughter. :facepalm:
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I bought myself this battery charger for Christmas. Supposedly it's the best one out there - it makes rechargeable batteries last longer and can even "refresh" ones that aren't working so well any more.
Happy not to get any gift cards, but gave niece and nephew Costco cards (they both have set up housekeeping). For several others I went to a butcher and bought multiple smaller gift chits - that will allow the recipient to buy whatever kind and cuts of meat they want in whatever size purchase amount they wish. Butcher really wasn't set up with gift cards, but does offer local grown hormone & antibiotic free meat.
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