Good news! Reports of reinfection may just be cases of drawn-out illness.

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The Cosmic Avenger

Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
May 9, 2016
Wow, this is a bit of good news, at least. One of my biggest concerns was that there might be no long-term or even intermediate-term immunity, but now it looks like the cases thought to be reinfections might be one longer case with fluctuating symptoms.

Can You Get Covid-19 Again? It’s Very Unlikely, Experts Say

Reports of reinfection instead may be cases of drawn-out illness. A decline in antibodies is normal after a few weeks, and people are protected from the coronavirus in other ways.
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Yeah, other experts I’ve listened to/read have been extremely skeptical about the reports of reinfection, even as they stress that we don’t know how long immunity will last.
Yeah, other experts I’ve listened to/read have been extremely skeptical about the reports of reinfection, even as they stress that we don’t know how long immunity will last.

That’s definitely the tone I’ve read from the experts.
There is more evidence coming out lately that immunity to COVID-19 may be fairly durable. The recent papers in Nature and Science both support that conclusion. Antibodies fade relatively quickly (maybe within 60 days), but the T cells in your immune system are much more durable, and seem to be present in those that have contracted the virus. In fact, even some people who have not had COVID-19 seem to have these T-cells..........probably as a result of exposure to similar coronaviruses in the past. This last point is especially intriguing, because if it's true, then maybe "herd immunity" can be reached with this virus much sooner than they originally thought.

I wish there was a "T-cell test" being offered, as the current COVID-19 antibody tests are pretty worthless, unless you are able to get the test quite soon after you had the virus.
While this is overall good (as in, being sick maybe infers some immunity) imagine being that patient "You're not sick again, you're still sick - and infectious!"
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more positive news is always welcome !
While this is overall good (as in, being sick maybe infers some immunity) imagine being that patient "You're not sick again, you're still sick - and infectious!"

I don’t believe people are still infectious, the viral load is too low,
As for antibodies not being protective for long periods. I'm no microbiologist - but this might be perfectly normal for a virus.

Does anybody remember getting polio "Boosters" back in the 60's? I vaguely remember eating sugar cubes several times. I checked with a somewhat older friend who confirmed that he got a series of 3 cubes.
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