H&R Block At Home Deluxe for .01


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Jul 13, 2010
I saw this offer on one of the deal sites and thought if someone can use this, it's a great deal. All you need to do is buy CA Antivirus for 1 penny, then H&R Block At Home Deluxe is included for FREE. The only catch is you're automatically renewal after 6 months for the Antivirus software. To cancel, you just need to wait 1 day then go back into your account to cancel the auto renewal. This deal may only be running through today.
For 1 penny, I got this and did my cancellation already, may not be for everyone, but it does include Federal and State on the download. I didn't even bother downloading the Antivirus software.

Here's the link:

CA | AntiVirus & AntiSpyware Software
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